Limp Bizkit Bio
Fred Durst Wes Borland John Otto Sam Rivers DJ Lethal

Fred Durst Bio

Name: Fred Durst
Limp Bizkit: Vocals
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 20 August, 1971

The Man

Fred was born and raised in Gastonia, North Carolina.

"I was definately not a good student in school" he confesses, "I was the teachers favorite dude, I passed cuz I was like kissing my teachers ass, and pretty much I never did my homework I don't even know how I made was like a social event for me it was a place to skateboard and rap and beatbox and break dance pretty much was school was for me.. but I did pass..I did graduate because they couldn't stand me..but that's it..I'm a loser.."

He moved to Jacksonville in his late teens and served time in the US Navy.

Fred later married at age 20 and had a daughter name Adriana Durst. When Fred found his wife was cheating on him he filed for divorce, and after he physically abused his ex-wifes new lover spent a month behind bars.

"I was living in San Francisco and I was married and I found out that my wife cheated on me. I got into a fight with the guy and her and I went to jail over it. I just spent a lot of time thinking in jail--it was the first time I had ever been in jail. It was terrible. I just said I gotta go start over again. So I went back to North Carolina to say good-bye to some friends and I worked at a skate-park for a while because I was a sponsored skate-boarder. Then I took my car and moved down to Florida and started all over again. I was working jobs doing art for people and I started tattooing and it was just getting nowhere."

"I've sinned so many ways it's unbelievable. I've robbed stores. I've had plenty of sex. I've lied terribly. I've cheated. I've been greedy. I've lusted. Everything. I've done it all. I need some support and help from above now. I grew up as a rebellious kid who was always locked up in his room. When I got out, I wasn't bad--I just didn't know what was right or wrong. My dad was an adoptive dad--we didn't get along that killer. I have another brother that's his son. My mom and I were always confronting. It was real easy for me to snap on my mom and for her to snap on me. It was just a weird thing. "

The Music

"I came to Jacksonville five years ago. I was trying to put together some bands mixing all of the styles I like. I've been rapping since 1982, DJ'ing since 1985. I've been a punk rocker since 1983.

The band thing was a side thing and I was way serious but nobody was because there was no music scene here. So I just went to see every band I could and found that there was nobody serious but I'd pick one person. Like Sam stuck out of his band--he was serious and go-hard. Wes stuck out of his band and John in his. I said, "hey, I'm really serious. I wanna do this. I wanna mix a lot of things and these are my ideas." I already had some songs written and we started playing those out and it caught on. Then we all started getting the chemistry and writing together and realized it was real. We gave a friend the demo and he passed it on to Ross , producer and people were vibing on us. I was acting like I was my own manager on the phone. I'd change my voice and I'd change my name and was talking shit to all these record companies. Everybody. Just bull- crap, not knowing a thing about the industry, but they were believing me because I'm a good bull-shitter. Then I really needed management because people were flying out too see us and there was no one here to talk to."

The Inspiration

Fred favorite music includes Kiss, Blondie, Wu Tang, Suicidal Tendencies, Smashing Pumpkins, and Tool.

Interview Excerpts

If you had to isolate the three records or songs or albums that inspired you, could you name them?

"The only hard-core punk album, I would say, is Suicidal Tendencies' debut album. I listened to that for so long when I was young. I felt like Mike Muir because I had parents telling me I was crazy for what I did. That song "Institutionalized" is a listened to that for so long when I was young. I felt like Mike Muir because I had parents telling me I was crazy for what I did. That song "Institutionalized" is a classic song. It's the same thing he said."

If you had to pick a hip-hop record that defines it all for you?

"Back in the days, I would probably say Erik B. and Rakim, "Follow The Leader." The way he rhymed and would go into mind trips and move the crowd and just go crazy yet still is so monotone. He had so much power, I went and saw them in concert and I was like, "Oh my gosh, man." This guy Rakim is insane. He moved me so much, I used to listen to them non-stop."

Is there one metal album that would be indispensable?

"The new Deftones is amazing, as a matter of fact, and the Korn records. Back in them days I was listening to "Siamese Dream" by the Smashing Pumpkins--that was a big influence on me and so was Tool's "Undertow." Tool is one of my favorite bands in the world. Their new record is blowing my mind. They're not really metal, metal..."

You’re always playing to the girls, signing breasts and carrying on.

"I play up the pimp thing on purpose. Like, when I’m on MTV, these chicks are fanning and massaging me. It’s not like I attracted ‘em off the street. We fucking hired ‘em. I want everybody to be thinking I’m having the time of my life, but I’m single and miserable. I’m lonely. I’m experiencing the best things in my life, with no one there to share them. I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m not the stereotypical rock star. People are having a problem that I’m not fitting my image, and they’re obviously not listening to the lyrics."

The Future

Fred was recently apointed Senior Vice President of Interscope Records.
He has directed two Limp Bizkit videos (Faith, Nookie), one Korn video (Falling Away From Me), has written two screen plays, and hopes to start directing movies.