Chapter One

“Anna! Over here!”

“Can I get a picture of you?” Anna turned and smiled at the cameras before being ushered insde. Anna had never met Ryan but she had seen some of his movies and he was an amazing actor. In Little Boy Blue, 54, and I Know What You Did last Summer, he was amazing.

“There you are! Come meet Ryan.” Michelle said, grabbing Anna’a arm. Michelle pulled Anna through the crowd and stopped in front of Ryan.

“Ryan, this is Anna Scott. Anna, this is Ryan Phillippe.” Ryan grabbed Anna’s hand and kissed gently kissed it.

“Bonsoir mademoiselle. Enchantee!” Ryan said smiling.

”Bonsoir monsieur. Comment allez-vous?” Ryan laughed.

“I’m fine thank you. But let’s talk in English now.”

“D’accord. I mean okay.” Anna said, trying to control her laughter.

“Either way, I am delighted to meet you.”

“Same here. I can’t wait to act with you. I hear you’re a great actor.”

“Well I don’t think I’m great and I hear you’re a good actress.” Anna looked at him.

“I’m okay. I’m only twenty-one so there’s definatly time and room for improvement.”

“So modest.” Ryan said, handing her a glass of wine.

“Merci beaucoup. It was nice meeting you Ryan. I’ll see you during filming.” Anna said, walking off. Ryan whistled.

“Now there’s a woman I want to get to know.”


(May 13, 2000-First Rehearsal)

“This is it.” Anna said. The driver helped her out of the limo. Anna had carefully chosen her outfit, making sure to look good. She was wearing a light blue wraparound skirt and a strapless triangle shirt. Her long blond hair was in a French braid and had a few tendrils hanging down in front. Anna walked into Studio 15 and was met with chaos. But through it all, she saw Ryan. He was wearin a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt but DAMN the man looked hot.

“Hey beautiful.” Ryan said, giving Anna a kiss on the cheek.

“Um hey.” Ana said, a faint blush creeping into her fair cheeks.

“You’re so beautiful when you blush.”

“Ok guys. Let’s start rehearsing. Ryan, Anna start rehearsing your scenes together. The rest of you, independant rehearse. Let’s go!”

“Where should we start?” Ryan looked at his script.

“At the beginning I guess.” About four hours later, they had rehearsed almost all the scenes they had together.

“Ok guys. You can home now. I’ll see you early tomorrow whether you have scenes to rehearse or not.” Anna gathered up her things and headed for the door, but Ryan grabbed her arm.

“Can I--um take you out to dinner?” Anna smiled.

“Yes you can. If it’s someplace where we won’t be recognized.” Ryan laughed.

“Have no fear.” Ryan took her to a quaint Thai resteraunt where they had private rooms for stars. Ryan was the perfect gentleman, holding open the door and pulling out her chair.

“I’ve never had thai food.” Anna said, hesitantly trying the fod Ryan had ordered for her.

“Is it good?” Ryan inquired, eating his food. Anna could only nod, her mouth full of a noodle concoction at the moment.

“So Anna Scott, tell me more about yourself.”

“Well Ryan Phillippe, what would you like to know?” Ryan smiled.

“Everything. Your family, fave food, color, animal, sex position." Anna paused, her wine glass halfway to her lips.

”Excuse me?” Ryan laughed.

“Just kidding about the last part.”

“Well, my parents were divorced when I was four. I lived with my mom until I was eighteen. I have one sister named Emilie who’s nineteeen and a writer. My fave color is blue, fave food is chocolate, my fave animal is a dolphin, and my favorite sex position is--” Ryan looked at her over his glass.

“Well, I don’t have one because I am a twenty-one year old virgin.” Anna said, blushing furiously.

“Well I--”

“I believe that I should wait until I have found the right man. In these past few years, some guys have come close but none have made it.”

“Aside from my virginity, I started acting when I was twelve. I’m from Delaware and I currently live in Los Angeles.

“I’m looking for a smart compassionate man who will treat me with respect. And that’s me.”

“Well, there’s certainly a lot to you. I didn’t know you were from Deleware.”

“Newhaven to be exact.” Ryan nodded and looked at his watch.

“Wow, it’s 10:30. We should get going.” Anna nodded and Ryan paid the bill.

“So where do you live?” Ryan asked.

“39th and Park.” Ryan whistled.

“Well then Francois, 39th and Park.” The ride to Anna’s mansion was a silent one.

“Here we are.” Ryan said, as they pulled into her long winding driveway.

“I had fun Ryan. Thanks for dinner.” Anna said, opening the limo door.

“Anna?” She turned around.

“Yeah?” He swallowed hard.

“Can I kiss you?” He said softly. Anna smiled.

“If you want to, then go ahead.” Ryan leaned in and softly pressed his lips to hers. Her bag dropped to the ground and she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Ryan gently urged her lips open with his own and his tongue searched for hers. The moment was spoiled by the honking of the limo’s horn. The two reluctantly pulled apart.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Anna whispered. Ryan kissed her once more.

“Count on seeing me after that.” Ryan whispered as Anna walked up the driveway.

“Count on it.”

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