Chapter Three

Nick hesitantly knocked on the door of the Marin house. Ever since kissing Chrystelle, Nick had been questioning whether or not he still saw Chrystelle as just a friend. Jeremy opened the door.

“Hey Nick.” An alarm in Nick’s brain immediatly went off. Something was bothering Jeremy.

“What’s wrong J?” Jeremy shrugged.

“I think there’s some kind of bug going around and maybe I caught it.” Nick nodded, still skeptical. Even if Jeremy was sick, he had always called Nick “Chaos.” “Chryselle is upstairs in her room.” Nick went into the house, upstairs and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Nick opened the door, and went inside. Chrystelle was sitting on her bed, her journal in her lap. She quickly shut it and put it in the drawer of her nightstand.

“Hey, Nicky.” Nick smiled. Chrystelle briefly smiled, but the smile soon vanished. Nick was concerned.

“What’s wrong Chrys?” Chrystelle shrugged.

“I was thinking about how that kiss may have messed up the wonderful friendship that we have.” Nick looked down at the ground.

“Nah.” He briefly glanced up. “It was a one time thing right? No biggie.” Chrystelle’s green eyes flashed as she replied.

“No, Nickolas. It wasn’t.” She threw her arms up in exasperation. “I’m tired of everybody seeing me as their little sister. I have grown up, whether you guys want to admit that or not and I have to admit Nick, that the feelings I’ve had about you lately don’t exactly fall under platonic.” Chrystelle turned away. “You were too blind to see it Nick. You were too busy protecting your adopted little sister to see that she’s grown and matured and with that, her feelings changed too.”

“Chrys--” Chrystelle shook her head.

“I don’t see you as the scrawny little boy with skinned knees anymore Nick. I see you as a mature, wise, and handsome young man. You have grown, you’ve matured and people accept that. But when they look at me, they still see that chubby little girl who used to spend every waking hour playing in the park with you. What is it going to take for people to take me seriously?”

“People do take you serious Chrys. You are the biggest pop sensation out there. You are taken seriously as an artist.”

“What about as a person Nick?” She shook her head. “You know what? Nevermind. I think you should go.” Nick’s mouth was agape.

“Why--” Chrystelle opened her door and motioned with her eyes.

“Now.” Nick trudged out the door and Chrystelle shut it behind him. He was vaguely aware of the sobbing that started as he descended the stairs. Things had definatly changed.


Chrystelle sat moodily in her room the day after she confessed to Nick. She hadn’t eaten anything all day and her stomach was cramping from using laxatives instead of purging. A couple of bruises popped up and Chrystelle couldn’t even remember how she got them. But that wasn’t the point. The point was, no matter what she did, she couldn’t get over her kiss with Nick.

"But no,” Chrystelle said, getting up and walking around, hoping to get rid of the cramps. “He still thinks of me as his little sister.” When was he going to see that she grew up? She wasn’t a woman, but she certainly wasn’t a girl. “Wait a minute.” Chrystelle said, sitting down on her bed. She grabbed a notebook she was writing songs in and started jotting down lyrics. An hour and a half later, she had a brand new song.

I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman

All I need is time

A moment that is mine

While I'm in between 

“I like it.” Chrystelle said outloud. She would sing it at her next home concert, just two weeks away, and see if that got through to Nick.

“If it doesn’t, he’s dumber than I thought.”


“96....97....98...99....100!” Nick exclaimed, finally finishing his crunches. After spending a whole night staring at the wall, thinking about what Chrystelle had said, Nick decided he should put his confusion and frustration to work by going to the gym. He had been there for four hours, lifting weights, jogging, doing everything he could to keep his mind off of Chrystelle. But it wasn’t working. If anything, it made it worse.

“I give up.” Nick said, getting up and heading for the locker room. As he talked to himself, people were begining to stare. After taking a shower, Nick headed home. Chrystelle had her first home comcert in two weeks, and Nick was determined to be there, no matter what his schedule dictated. Jeremy Marin was checking the mail when Nick pulled into his driveway.

“Hey Chaos.” Nick nodded his hello and sighed. “What’s wrong?”

“Can I trust you Jere?” Jeremy rolled his eyes.

“Of course you can. What’s up?”

“I think I’m falling in love with your sister.” Jeremy almost dropped the mail.

“Excuse me? I didn’t hear you right. I thought you said--” Nick shook his head.

“I did say that Jeremy. I don’t know what to do. I’ve looked at her like my little sister for eight years. How I can just go into a relationship with her?”

“Get to know her a little better Nick. Trust me.” Nick raised an eyebrow in question.

“Why? Is there something I should know?” Jeremy shook his head.

“Nothing that’s my place to tell you.” Nick shrugged and let the subject slide. “I’ll see you later Nick.” Okay, Nick thought. Something is definatly wrong here.


(Two weeks later)

Chrystelle put her right arm over left, stretching the muscles before she went on stage. To be honest, she was nervous. This was the first time the band would be playing the new song and if something got screwed up, Chrystelle could kiss her plan goodbye.

“Chrystelle, you’re on.” She slowly walked onstage and sat down on a stool.

“Hello Orlando!” She screamed into the microphone. “I have a very special song that I’m going to sing to you tonight. This a brand new song that I just wrote. Sadly, time permitting, this is the only song I’m going to be able to sing to you. So, here goes nothing.”

I used to think

I had the answers to everything

But now I know

Life doesn't always

Go my way, yeah... 

Feels like I'm caught in the middle

That's when I realize... 

In a sound booth near the stage, Nick heard her begin the new song she wrote. Somehow, he knew that she was trying to send him a message.

I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman

All I need is time

A moment that is mine

While I'm in between 

Chrystelle took a deep breath as she started the second verse, acutely aware that Nick was in one of the sound booths, listening and knowing that she was trying to tell him something.

I'm not a girl

There is no need to protect me

Its time that I

Learn to face up to this on my own


I've seen so much more than u know now

So don't tell me to shut my eyes 


I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman

All I need is time

A moment that is mine

While I'm in between 


I'm not a girl

But if u look at me closely

You will see in my eyes


This girl will always find

Her way 


I'm not a girl (I'm not a girl don't tell me what to believe)

Not Yet a woman (I'm just tryin to find the woman in me, yeah)

All I need is time (All I need)

A moment that is mine (That is mine)

While I'm in between 

Chrystelle paused before she finshed the song, for dramatic effect, and to try to calm the beating of her heart.

I'm not a girl

Not yet a woman

Chrystelle waved goodbye to the crowd and headed backstage.......almost running into Nick.

“Hey Chrys.”

“Hey....Nick.” Chrystelle said. It came out in a sqeuaky voice. He removed his hands from behind his back, and produced two dozen red roses.

“That was......amazing.” Nick said. Was it her imagination or was Nick getting closer? “And now, I realize that you’re more than just my little sister.” He moved a little closer. “MUCH more.” He emphasized. It was at that moment that Nick’s lips met hers and for a second time, Chrystelle saw fireworks.

Chapter Four
Chrystelle Index