Chapter Two

Derek spent the day that the girls were going to arrive preparing for their arrival. He bought food (his fridge had not been stocked in months), prepared rooms (his housekeeper had not done a very good job), and made sure that his recording studio was in working order.

By nature, Derek was not an orderly person. He may have looked like he was put together, like he had spent a lot of time getting that way, but he didn’t. His house was always messy, everything was always disorderly. So it didn’t make sense that Derek was straightening everything up in anticipation of the girls arrival.

He had only a week to get the band in the kind of shape that would get them that ever elusive record deal. In exactly a week, they would be opening up their first show, one in a continuing set of concerts. This was do or die. Their performance when they opened up for SES would determine whether or not they got a recording contract.

Derek took a notebook out onto his front porch, loving the view of the open field spread out before him. The house was in the middle of ten acres of open space, a rarity in Los Angeles. Derek loved how quiet it was, how he could get away from everything that made up the music world.

He had been jotting down some lyrics to discuss with Sean when he caught sight of a beat up van trundling up his driveway. When Leigh hopped out of the driver’s seat, Derek’s breath caught in his throat.

So he had noticed, the first time he had met her, that Leigh was a very beautiful woman. She had fiery green eyes, flowing brown hair that blew gently in the wind. Today, she was dressed in a pair of low riding black pants, a ripped up black t-shirt and a pair of absolutely “come fuck me” boots. Very Cherry red was streaked through her hair.

The sight of her sent a jolt straight to his groin.

Her band members were just as beautiful, and Derek glanced at them as Leigh flashed him a rare glimpse at her bright smile. They were all unloading bags and instruments, the epitome of a girl rock band. All were dressed in varying styles of gray clothes, save for one girl.

“I see you guys found the place okay,” Derek said, crossing his strong arms over his chest. Leigh hoisted her guitar case over her shoulder.

“It was pretty easy.” She turned to the other beautiful women. “Derek, this is Alanna Martin, Brianna Castillo, and Lexi Johnson.”

So Lexi was the one that wasn’t dressed in gothic garb. She was dressed in a pink and gray Tinkerbell shirt paired with a flowing jean skirt. Her blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail and blue eyes sparkled beneath glittering pink eye shadow. What was a girl like her doing in a band like that? Of course Derek, who was open by nature, knew that looks could be deceiving.

Brianna was dressed in a green camouflage skirt, ripped AC/DC t-shirt and a pair of combat boots. She had jet black hair that was pulled into messy, spiky pigtails that were streaked with red. From the looks of things, Brianna was on some substance or another. Derek made a mental note and thought no more of it.

Alanna had on a pair of gray flared pants with a white spaghetti strap tank top that hugged her curves. Derek raised an eyebrow at the sight of metal glinting in her bellybutton. She had blue streaks running through her chunky blond hair and dozens of bangles on her wrist.

“I’m Derek Gledhill,” Derek replied, after he was done checking the women out. It was definitely his lucky day. “You guys can go on inside and make yourselves at home.” Leigh trailed behind with him.

“Thank you,” Leigh said as they walked toward the house. “For believing in us enough to help us and for letting us stay here.” Derek smiled.

“It’s what we do, Leigh.” She looked at him. “Where would my band be if we hadn’t had someone who gave us a chance? Everyone has to have someone who believes in them. I think it’s the performer’s duty to do what they can to help other talent become successful. Everyone should do what they can to help others.”

“Well, thanks anyway.”

When Derek and Leigh got into the house, the other girls had already made themselves at home. They were invading his newly stocked fridge, pulling out all kinds of food. Vegetables were spread out, along with the fixings for sandwiches, sodas, chips, dip and just about everything else his fridge or pantry contained. It was a veritable buffet of junk food.

“Your house is wicked,” Brianna said, biting into the cucumber slice she had just cut. “Lots of room. Kind of plain, though. You could use some serious decorating stuff going on in here. Maybe a...woman’s touch?” Derek shrugged.

“I’m not home enough to decorate and I’m the only one that lives here.” Leigh leaned on the counter, idly munching on a carrot. The move struck Derek as sultry, though somewhat arrogant.

“No girlfriend?”

“Don’t have time for a girlfriend.” He didn’t mention his ex girlfriend, the one who had tried to take him for all he was worth, who was interested more in his money and the things he could do for her reputation instead of his love.

“That’s too bad,” Leigh replied, raising an eyebrow suggestively. Her band members looked at each other knowingly. Leigh was in major flirting mode, in the mood for some loving.

Derek could play her game. “Yeah, it sure is.” They were giving each other some hot looks. Leigh was beginning to feel a burning starting somewhere below the border and grinned.

“So when’s our first gig?” Lexi asked brightly, dipping a cucumber slice in some ranch dressing. Anything to get them to stop flirting. “We’re anxious to play. I really like your music. Are we going to meet your other band members soon?”

Derek could tell that Lexi was the one with all the energy, the one who liked to ask all the questions. She had a sunny personality, gave a bit of brightness to the otherwise dark band. Brianna was definitely into drugs, which Derek thought would spell trouble and Leigh looked like she didn’t give one flying fuck about the world. What a happy bunch of women.

“We have about a week off, before we head back out onto our own tour. You have to understand. We’ve been touring non stop for months. Once we have a chance to rest, we’ll start touring again. You’ll probably meet Sean and Ryan in a couple of days. You’ll be coming to our practices, which will give you a chance to practice, plus they stop by the house practically every day.”

“Gives us more time to practice, I guess,” Alanna said. “Speaking of which, I think I’m gonna go unpack and practice a little.” The others muttered their agreement and all but Leigh went upstairs.

“Don’t you want to go unpack?” Derek asked, pulling out his cell phone and flipping it open. Leigh, lost in the sight of his baggy black jeans, the tight white t-shirt and the way it all fit way too well, almost forgot to respond.

“I’m hungry, actually.” She shrugged. “I want to eat something before I go unpack and play. Playing always makes me hungry and horny.” Looking at him made her horny too.

Derek, who quickly finished ordering three pepperoni, mushroom and ham pizzas, grabbed some sodas from the fridge and chose to wisely ignore that last comment. “Makes sense.” Derek tried to keep his mind off the way Leigh was leaning against the counter, looking at him all sultry. “So you must be in heaven,” Leigh commented.

“Why’s that?” Derek knew why. The fact of the matter was that Derek did think he had quite a good situation going on at the moment. What guy wouldn’t like to be in this situation? He had everything going for him; beautiful woman who were in a rock band. Derek had the best of both worlds.

“You have four beautiful women staying in your house. Or should I say fucking hot women? That’s what we are. It would be any guy’s wet dream to have this many hot women staying in their house.”

“And modest as well.”

“Was that sarcasm I just heard, Derek?” Leigh asked incredulously. “Is Derek Gledhill actually sarcastic?”

“You don’t think I’m sarcastic?” Derek questioned.

“I don’t know you well enough to know if you’re sarcastic or not.” Leigh said matter of factly.

“Hmm, touché.”

They were openly checking each other out as they waited for the pizza to arrive. Derek busied himself around the kitchen, taking out plates for them, handing her a soda to drink. She watched the strong muscles in his arms as he reached for things and handed them to her.

There was dampness between her legs, one that normally would not have come so easily had she not been in the company of such a hot man. Leigh loved sex; there was no doubt about that. There had been as many guys as there had been mundane gigs. But there was never such a visceral wanting as when she looked at Derek.

Maybe it was the fact that he was in a band, maybe it was because he was so hot. And Derek was hot. In the why-the-hell-isn’t-he-a-model type of hot. It didn’t matter either way. There was a major attraction going on between the two of them and Leigh had the feeling that she would be seeing what it was like between his sheets very, very soon.

One could only hope.

The pizzas had arrived and Leigh was ravenous. She immediately grabbed three pieces and started to eat. Derek was watching her, looking at the chipped black nail polish gracing her fingers, the bangles, the gothic makeup meant no doubt to show her anger and depression.

“Are your songs based on things that have happened in your life?” Derek asked, pulling off his pepperoni and placing it on the side of his plate. “Because that’s some pretty heavy stuff going on.”

“Of course,” Leigh replied, pulling off her mushrooms and placing them on the side of her plate. She grabbed his pepperoni and he grabbed her mushrooms. “Isn’t that the way it goes? A songwriter writes based on experience. Aren’t some of Smile Empty Soul’s songs based on your life?”

“Not my life specifically. They’re mostly based on stuff that’s gone on in Sean’s life or things we know that fans go through. Contrary to popular belief, I’ve had a pretty good life. I’m not all angsty and depressed.”

“That makes one of us,” Leigh muttered into her soda can.

“What’s gone on in your life that’s got you so pissed off at the world?” Derek asked, placing the mushrooms he took from Leigh onto his pizza. The action had been unconscious, but he finally realized what he had done. “I mean, everyone has crap that goes on in their lives. It doesn’t mean that they go all gothic, write songs about being pissed off and be all moody.”

“I had parents that basically didn’t give a crap about what went on in my life,” Leigh replied. “They were too busy trying to analyze the dumb shit I was doing to look deep enough to figure out why I was so fucked up. I was more of a case than I was their daughter. When your parents really don’t give a shit about what’s gone on in your life, you tend to have a fuck all attitude about the world.”

“How so?”

“My brother, Ashton, is like the super perfect kid. I mean, he went to college, on to medical school, is married to a fellow doctor, has three perfect kids and lives in the perfect house. Ashton is everything that my parents wanted him to be, more even. He set the precedent.”


“When we went to school together, Ashton was perfect. He got all A’s, made honor roll every year, was valedictorian of our high school. I was the one who got into trouble, did drugs, almost didn’t graduate. The parental units wanted to figure out how they could raise one perfect kid and screw up so badly with the next one. And believe me, they tried every psychological technique that they knew to figure out why I was so utterly fucked up and Ashton was perfect.”

“They think they screwed you up?” Derek asked, polishing off his pizza and putting his plate in the sink. Leigh was looking everywhere but at him, and Derek could almost feel the anger radiating off of her.

“Big time.” Leigh shook her head. “I didn’t really give a rat’s ass about high school. I just wanted to do music. The only thing that pushed me to graduate was the idea that I would have to stay at school for another year. The parental units hated that. Ashton loved school, loved to be there and I hated every fucking thing about it. For that, I was screwed up.”

“Did you really hate school that much?”

“Hell yeah,” Leigh said. “I hated the environment, the way they imposed rules and controlled everything you tried to do. I hated having to go to class and sit there for hours. All I wanted to do was play. So I skipped class a lot, hung out in the parking lot with my guitar. I hated the way school was structured.”

“You’re one of those people that hate to be told what to do, huh?” Derek said jokingly. “I mean, you freak if someone tries to tell you the way to live your life.”

“Of course. I live by my rules.” She grinned suggestively. “I like to be free, without boundaries, saying fuck all to the world. That’s what makes me so much fun. I’m not uptight; don’t like to play by society’s rules.”

“Everyone needs boundaries,” Derek said. “Boundaries are meant to keep people in line, give them direction. Otherwise, people get self destructive tendencies.”

“Are you calling me self destructive?”

“No,” Derek replied. “And I don’t like rules much either. But I do think you have some serious things to think about.”

“And you’ve known me for what? Three hours?” Leigh said angrily. Horniness and sultriness were gone in a moment. “Don’t act so high and mighty, Mr. Rock Star. Like you don’t have dark secrets or thoughts that plague your mind.”

“I never said I didn’t,” Derek said defensively. Open mouth, insert foot. “And I’m not judging you by any means. I was just making a statement.”

“Then keep your mouth shut about the things you have no idea about,” Leigh said, crossing her arms over her chest. She knew she sounded like a child, was acting like a child, but she didn’t care.

Do you do drugs?” Leigh, in all her anger, was caught off guard by the probing question. “Lots of your songs talk about doing drugs to cope.”

“Is that really any of your business?”

“Yes,” Derek said. “When you’re staying in my house and I’m putting faith in you, trying to help you succeed, I need to know if there is anything that could jeopardize that. It’s not just your future career on the line, Leigh. Whatever you do could impact my career as well.”

“Sometimes I do,” Leigh allowed, crimson flushing her cheeks. “I’m not the only one, either. I also drink. Is that a problem as well? Are you gonna punish me, Derek?” The way she said the last line, so dirty and laden with innuendo, made Derek’s jaw want to drop to the floor, though he should not have been surprised.

“I’m not going to punish you. And anything is okay in moderation.” Derek shrugged. “You’re going to do what you’re going to do. But if that impacts my career in any way, I’m going to have to stop that. I won’t let you destroy what I’ve worked so hard to earn because you have to use drugs to cope.” He shook his head. “You’re going to have face things one day, Leigh. You’re going to have to take a hard look at yourself and see why it is that you’re so angry, so fucking pissed at the world. Otherwise, you’re never going to be happy.”

“I don’t need someone lecturing me about my life,” Leigh said, her voice rising slightly. “And don’t you try to preach to me. I know that your songs are about not doing drugs or drinking to escape from your problems. But you have no fucking idea what it was like. You live my life, and then you tell me if you don’t want to drink or smoke yourself into oblivion.”

Derek cleaned the food up silently, not sure how the conversation had taken such a serious turn. One minute there had been sexual innuendo and flirting galore and the next minute they were arguing about the merits of staying clean and sober.

“I’m going to unpack and then I’m going to bed,” Leigh said, her voice void of emotion. The things that Derek had said had scraped away at the wall that Leigh had built around herself to hide her pain and it hurt. It really did.


“Don’t,” Leigh said. “Just forget about it. I already have.” But she knew that it would be a long time before she would forget the words that Derek had just flung at her.

As she walked up the stairs, Derek’s eyes followed her every move. When she was just out of sight, Leigh started to cry.


Leigh furiously wiped the tears from her eyes as she headed to her room. Who the hell was he to be judging her? So what if she did some drugs, drank every now and then? Derek Gledhill could not claim that he was perfect, that there weren’t things in his life that made him want to do drugs to forget it all.

Why did she care?

Opinions had never mattered much to Leigh; if they had, her parents would have certainly driven her insane with the incessant chatter about how fucked up she was, how she was never going to amount to anything if she kept going the way she was going. Some psychologists they were. For all their books on helping parents deal with their children, they couldn’t control nor figure out their own.

She lazily thumbed through her songbook, anger boiling inside of her. No one understood her, understood the kind of pain that she had been through. No one could understand why she was so aggressive, why Leigh couldn’t just let bygones be bygones and make peace with life.

Because life sucked ass.

The type of things that Leigh had endured, the way her mother had berated her, forced her to analyze feelings and actions, made her hard and angry toward the world. It was hard to think that, if her own mother was such a cold bitch, there were actually warm and caring people in the world.

Derek seemed nice enough, like he genuinely wanted to help Leigh and her band. But underneath nice facades is where the deceit often lies. Still waters do run deep as they say. Leigh, pessimistic by nature, wanted to question why someone like Derek would want to help a band like hers. Part of her didn’t want to buy the speech about giving back, helping bands like someone had helped them. Part of her wanted to believe just that.

Leigh contemplated that thought as she popped a handful of Tylenol into her mouth and choked them down. Brianna walked into the room, completely unannounced and without knocking.

“What was the argument about?”

“Why do you assume that there was an argument?” Leigh asked testily, throwing her notebook on the nightstand. Stupid fucking songs.

“Because you stomped up here like a fucking two year old,” Brianna replied. “And the Tylenol is out. It means you just popped a handful of pills. I don’t know what the argument was about, but I know you’re probably wrong. God, Leigh, the guy took us into his home and is trying to help us. Cut him some fucking slack.”

“He is so fucking preachy,” Leigh told her. “Asked me what my songs were about, then asked if I did drugs or not. Then he tried to tell me I needed to take a good look at myself and why I’m so angry. He acted so high and mighty, like he’s never done any drugs or been angry at life for just being…life.”

“I highly doubt that,” Brianna said. “He seemed like an okay guy, Leigh. And we know that your queen bitch attitude tends to get out of hand sometimes.”

“I don’t like him trying to analyze me,” Leigh muttered. Brianna sighed, an annoying nasally sound. “What? Didn’t the mother bitch try to analyze me enough? That’s all they fucking did, was try to make me analyze why I am the way that I am.”

“Get over yourself, Leigh. I don’t want you fucking things up for the rest of us.” Brianna got up. “Look, as far as I can tell, Derek is a good guy. Leave it alone, Leigh.”

Great. Her own fucking friends weren’t even on her side.

Okay, Leigh conceded with no one but herself, the way that she had gone off on Derek was not cool at all. He seemed genuine, if a little preachy. Leigh could kind of understand the concern when her actions would directly affect his career. Leigh didn’t want anything to happen to his band.

She managed to fall asleep for a few hours, but it was early in the morning when she woke up. Leigh was starving, but didn’t want to move from her nice warm bed. Her pillow was wet and Leigh realized that, for the umpteenth time, she had been crying in her sleep.

Leigh ventured into the hallway, and headed toward the other cluster of rooms. She heard voices through Alanna’s door and realized that she was talking to her brother, Kai.

“No, I don’t want to fuck the drummer,” Alanna said angrily. “What do you take me for, Kai? A whore? Oh, right, like you’re not out there screwing Nessa every goddamn night. That’s right, Kai, I know. Everyone and their fucking brother know that you’re boinking Nessa.”

Leigh popped her head into the room, but Alanna was oblivious and continued to have her heated discussion with her brother. “What about Leigh? Yeah, there’s some attraction there. Okay, a lot. So? Kai, is it really any of your fucking business what goes on with Leigh? He’s a nice guy. Yeah, probably too nice for Leigh. She’s already gone off on him.”

Leigh cleared her throat and Alanna gave a small wave before turning around and facing the window. Wasn’t that just fucking peachy? Even her band mates thought she wanted to screw Derek (which she did) and that he was too nice for her (which he probably was).

She padded downstairs, still in yesterday’s clothes, to the kitchen to find some food. What she did not expect to see was Derek and his band mates sitting at the kitchen table. They looked at her expectantly and while Leigh was definitely aware of the fact that her eyeliner was probably smeared and she looked like crap, she really didn’t give a flying fuck.

“Leigh, this is Sean and Ryan. They’re my band mates. But I’m sure you knew that already.”

Leigh Parrish,” Leigh managed to say and shook both their hands. “I’m the lead singer of the group This Ruined Masterpiece. I don’t think you would know that.”

“I’ve listened to the demo,” Sean said. “I thought it rocked.”

“Thanks,” Leigh said, running a hand through her hair. “That means a lot coming from you. I like your songs.”

There was a bit of silence before Leigh turned to the fridge. Derek looked toward his band mates, tension buzzing in the air and Sean raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Derek shrugged his shoulders.

“So we should still keep the set list the way that it is,” Ryan said while Leigh rooted around in the fridge. “We got practice on Thursday?”

“Yeah,” Sean said. “You too, Leigh.”

“Huh?” Leigh questioned, her arms full of food. Why the hell was she so fucking twitchy all of a sudden?

“Our band is going to be practicing on Thursday. That means you guys should practice too. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure, everything is fine. Whatever works for you.”

When Sean and Ryan left, Derek just sat looking at Leigh. The pile of food on the counter was steadily growing and she did not stop until it was humongous. Derek smirked slightly.

“What?” Leigh asked. She started putting together a sandwich while Derek just leaned against the counter.

“What’s got you so jumpy?” Leigh sighed.

“I’m--” She paused and sighed again. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to go off on you like that. It’s just—well, I’m sorry.”

“Say it like it’s going to kill you,” Derek teased gently. “It never hurts to apologize. But if it makes you feel any better, I’m sorry too.”

“I don’t apologize. I just--”

“Leigh,” Derek interrupted softly. “Just forget about it. I already have.”

Leigh might have actually considered having a conversation about just how big of an ass she had been, but her band mates came bounding down the stairs. Lexi looked uber preppy in a spaghetti strap tank top, pair of jeans and a pair of flip flops. Brianna looked gloomy in a ripped black dress, fishnets and chunky heels. Alanna, lip ring and all, was dressed in a Metallica t-shirt and frayed, holey jeans.

“Hello all!” Lexi said brightly as she pawed through the food Leigh had dragged out. Derek had that smirk on his face again.

“My brother seems to think I’m here to fuck you,” Alanna said casually. Derek’s green eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Ha! I love it when people get looks like that. Kai’s an ass, so don’t worry about it. Plus, while you are pretty lickable, I wouldn’t sleep with you.”

“Thanks,” Derek muttered. He didn’t know which part unearthed him more, the thought that her brother thought she wanted to screw him or that Alanna had just said that he was lickable. Even Leigh, head still buried in the fridge even though she was no longer seeking food, blushed. She had no idea why, because that sort of thing just happened to be what Alanna did. She and Kai had a pretty good relationship, making fun of each other all the time. And Alanna was one to just blurt out the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. It was just her way of doing things.

Everyone ate many various things, and Derek’s kitchen was in chaos. He could only imagine what his housekeeper was going to be saying about him when she had to clean up that mess.

He showed them his recording studio, and watched as they set up their instruments. Leigh took her place in front of the microphone, guitar in hand as the band got ready to practice. Derek took a seat, ready to hear them live.

Am I who you want me to be?

The stranger in the mirror

That girl I see isn’t me

Who is she?


I look and play a part

Forced to hide what’s in my heart

Secluded, broken, never me

Always who they make me be


Too blind to see the truth inside

Losing strength and losing pride

Forgetting who I choose to be

Forgetting, momentarily, the real me


Who am I?

Look, discover who I am

Then tell me.

When they had finished the song, Who Am I, Derek was pretty much in awe. He had known that their music was good; they wouldn’t be at his house if it hadn’t been. But to see them play it live, their enthusiasm, made Derek feel that one day they were going to go great places.

Someday soon.

They had the type of sound that was different, melodies & guitar riffs that you could feel deep inside your soul. Derek was impressed by the different sound, and knew that it was going to take them far in the music world. With a little help, they could go to amazing places.

Derek tried not to think about how good Leigh had looked when she had been up there singing. Leigh felt every part of the music with every bit of her soul and that made all the difference. There were plenty artists who sang from the surface who never dug any deeper. They wrote and sang superficial songs that never really touched anyone’s soul. Leigh wasn’t like that. Her songs had hard hitting subject matter. Anybody who had any sort of feelings would feel something when they heard her songs.

When they were done, they headed out to Derek’s pool to cool off and have some fun. Leigh had changed into a black bikini that had definitely caught Derek’s eye. Leigh, not to mention the rest of the band definitely appreciated it when Derek took off his shirt.

Damn, was he gorgeous or what. Derek had abs that seemed to go on for days, a sculpted chest and body that could make any girl go weak in the knees. Leigh was not one to fall hard for a guy, but Derek was having all kinds of effects on her. For the first time in…before she could remember…Leigh was smiling, laughing and having fun. For once, the world didn’t have a gray cloud hanging over it, rain drops pouring down meant to ruin her life. Leigh was happy for a moment.

And then Derek dumped her in the pool.

She came up gasping and spitting water. Derek was standing above her, green eyes shining, water droplets glittering on his beautiful chest. He was trying not to laugh, but Leigh could see a grin tugging at the edges of his lips. He reached his hand down and she grabbed it, yanked as hard as she could and pulled him into the pool.

“You little--” Derek said when he came to the surface. He reached for her, and she had to grab onto his strong shoulders to keep from going under. Unknowingly, he pulled her flush against his chest and Leigh lost her breath.

They hadn’t noticed their band members slip away. All Leigh could see was Derek. She could see the jade green of his eyes, deep and unnerving. And when Derek’s lips touched hers, Leigh could have sworn that time stopped.

The pressure was light, curious, teasing. It was new territory for Leigh; she was used to harsh, demanding kisses than left her bruised and marked. Leigh liked to feel the pain, like to look at the marks left by her lovers. No, Leigh wasn’t used to soft.

She opened her lips, allowing Derek’s tongue access and that’s when the kisses grew in pressure, passion and need. Derek wanted Leigh, and she wanted him. God, did she want him. Leigh had never wanted anyone more. Shocked by the shiver of cold that cut through her Derek-induced warmth, Leigh jerked away.

Derek’s eyes were heavy lidded and he looked confused. “Leigh?” She hoisted herself over the edge of the pool and stood up, water dripping down her beautiful, lithe body.


“Get back in the pool,” Derek said playfully. Leigh shook her head, sending water droplets flying. She wrapped her arms around herself to fend off the overwhelming sense of cold. So much cold.

“I’m not getting back in.” Leigh said decisively. Why hadn’t she just fucked him right there? What the hell was stopping her? Usually, Leigh would have been between his sheets, on the kitchen table, in the shower, had sex everywhere with him in a couple of hours. Why was Derek different?


Without a word, Leigh turned on her heel and left.

Her band mates looked at her in concern when the saw the tears mixing with pool water. Leigh was half way to the fridge when she realized that she had an audience. Cursing under her breath, she angrily wiped away her tears.

After all, Leigh didn’t cry.

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