Chapter One

“Come on Julie. One more time. You almost have it down.” Johnny prompted. Julie Porter took a deep breath and began to sing once again.

You found hope

You found faith

Found how fast she could take it away

Found true love

Lost your heart

Now you don’t know who you are

You will fly

You will crawl

God knows even angels fall

No such thing as you’ve lost it all

God knows even angels fall

It’s a secret

That no one tells

One day it’s heaven

One day it’s hell

And it’s no fairy tale, take it from me

that’s the way it’s supposed to be

You will fly

You will crawl

God knows even angels fall

No such thing as you’ve lost it all

God knows even angels fall

You laugh, you cry

No one knows why

But oh the thrill of it all

You’re on the ride, you might as well

Open your eyes

“That was great Julie. See I knew you could do it if you just concentrated. You can go home now.” Johnny said. Like I really want to go home, Julie thought to herself. Brian was probably there, waiting for her. Julie took the blue hair scrunchie off her wrist and pulled her shoulder length honey brown hair into a messy bun. Julie grabbed her keys and headed home to her apartment. When she got home, she cautiously opened the door. Troubled turquoise eyes looked around and the young woman let out a alleviated sigh at the sight of her empty apartment. She threw her purse down on the bed and checked her messages.

“Jules? It’s Conner. I guess you’re not home. Call me when you get in. I have some spectacular news. Love ya.” Conner McDermott, her very best friend. Julie knew she could count on Conner for anything.

“Julie, it’s Brian. I want you to call me back THE second you get this message or I will fire you.” Beep. No more messages. Julie clicked the delete button and grabbed a diet soda from the fridge. She wouldn’t call Brian back. She never did. He never stopped calling. Julie looked at the pile of mail that had been pushed through the mail slot. Junk, junk, and more junk. Then she saw a magazine. Julie Porter, rising star. That was her. Small town girl going nowhere, if Brian had anything to say about it. (Flashback)

“I KNOW you didn't just tell me that you wanted to be a singer.” Brain said, furiously. Julie was getting frustrated.

“Yes Brian. I did. I will be a singer and no one, not even a manipulative egotistical jerk like you, is going to stop me.” Julie said. She wasn’t surprised when she felt, as well as heard, the smack of his hand across her cheek.

“I will not have my woman traveling all around the world unless I’m there with her. Do you understand me?” Tears filled her beautiful turquoise eyes and soon streamed down her cheeks.

“I am not your woman and I will be a singer. Leave me alone!” Julie screamed and ran out the door. The night air felt cool on her heated cheeks and she took deep, calming breaths. She got into her car, started the engine and never looked back. (End flashback)

Julie shook her head at the memory. He had left her alone. For awhile. Then he kept showing up and there wasn’t anything Julie could do. Even though she wasn’t his girlfriend, he still treated, and abused, her like she was. Even in Orlando’s sweltering heat, she wore long sleeved shirts, to hide the bruises that Brian left when he came to find her. Bruises that never seemed to go away. Julie picked up the phone and dialed Conner’s number.

“Hello?” Julie recognized the voice of Conner’s girlfriend Natalie.

“Nat? Can I talk to Conner?” Julie inquired.

“Sure, hold on a sec. CONNER! TELEPHONE!” Julie held the phone away from her ear.

“Hey Julie.” Conner said. He always knew when she was calling.

“You told me to call you when I got home because you had some spectacular news. So out with it!” Julie stated. Conner laughed.

“Well, actually, Johnny should have told you but I guess he didn’t because you would be way more excited.”

“Conner, tell me now.”

“Johnny and I got you a spot opening up for N SYNC.” Julie's mouth dropped open in shock. N SYNC? They were one of the biggest bands in the world!

“Thank you so much Mac! I love you!” Conner laughed again.

“I know you love me but you’re welcome. You deserve it Julie. You are an exceptional singer and besides, they wanted you too.”

“Are you kidding me? They actually heard me sing?”

“Not actually but the idea of a hot twenty three year old singer being with them 24/7 sounded very appealing.” Julie sighed.

“You told them I was hot?”

“Of course I did. You are, Julie even if you don’t see it.” Julie smiled. Conner lifted her spirits some.

“Thank you Conner! Who should I call about whether I want to take the job or not?”

“Talk to Johnny. You really don’t have a choice. Johnny will make you do it anyway. Good luck Julie. I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too Conner. Talk to you soon.” Julie hung up with Conner. Touring with N SYNC? It was like a dream come true.

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