Chapter Two

Since Julie was already in Orlando, going on tour with N SYNC did not mean that she would have to move. Julie looked at her reflection in the mirror and made sure she looked good. On her drive to the Transcon, Julie was extremely calm. After all, this was her home.

“Hi Marie.” Julie said on her way in to see Johnny. Marie smiled and went back to answering the phone. Julie walked down to the office she knew so well and opened the door. Johnny was waiting for her.

“Early as usual I see. Are you ready to meet the guys?” Julie nodded, although she was nervous. Johnny led her down the hall to the very last room and Julie could hear guys wrestling and laughing. When they walked in, everything stopped except for the wrestling match going on between Justin and Chris.

“Guys, I want you to meet Julie. She’ll be touring with you guys for the next six months so get used to her.” Joey came over and pretended to faint.

“I have never seen such a beautiful woman. Nice to meet you my lady.” Joey said winking. Julie smiled.

“I’ll try not to attack you Joey. I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby.” Julie feigned heartbreak but the rest o the guys picked up on her sarcasm.

Justin put an arm around her shoulder. “I like her. Can we keep her?”Joey smiled.

“Yeah can we keep her?”

“You can keep her for the next six months and where is JC?” Johnny inquired, frowning.

“Right here.” Julie turned around and was met with a striking pair of cerulean eyes.

“JC, meet Julie. Julie, JC.” Johnny said, introducing the two. Pictures didn’t do JC justice. If he was hot in pictures, he was ten times hotter in person. JC smiled and held out his hand.

“Nice to meet you Julie. We've heard a lot about you." JC said, shaking her hand.

"All good I hope." Julie said, jokingly. JC laughed.

"All good. I promise." Chris said. Justin rolled his eyes.

"Don't ever believe anything Chris says. Although he's telling the truth. This time." Chris pretended to pout.

"You're such a big baby Chris." Julie joked.

"Julie, I believe you have a date with a microphone in the studio. Now." Johnny said, pointing toward the recording studio.

"Aww, making her go already?" Joey whined. Johnny rolled his eyes.

"You can come to the studio and hear her sing if you want."Johnny turned and walked toward the recording studio. Julie and the members of N SYNC followed. Julie positioned herself in front of the microphone and began to sing. After she was finished, Julie came out of the room and looked at each member’s face to gauge their reaction. Justin, Joey, Lance, and Chris were all talking at once. Through all the comments and praise, she heard one soft voice.

“You were amazing.” JC commented. Julie was shocked. No one had ever commented on her singing like that before.

“Thank you JC.” Julie said softly, almost to herself.

“Julie, you’re not finished. Get back in there.”

“They have it bad for each other already.” Chris whispered as they watched their band mate, who was watching Julie intently. But JC had been hurt before and nobody knew what to expect from the beautiful new girl in their lives.

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