Chapter Three

JC stared out into the pounding surf and watched the waves lapping at the sandy shore. He felt the cool sand beneath his feet and smelled the salty air. Usually this calmed him down but JC was thinking about things he didn’t want to think about. Seeing Julie brought back painful memories. (Flashback)

He angrily threw down the magazine he was reading and paced back and forth. She had told him that she was going on a publicity date. For good looks. But JC had been suspicious. He counted to three, opened the door, and saw his girlfriend kissing another guy.

“Hey Kylie. Enjoying yourself?” JC demanded, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Kylie turned around and walked into the apartment they shared. JC slammed the door and turned to face her.

“Do you even have an explanation?”

“We’re always on different sides of the world JC and Paul is a bodyguard on my tour. We’d be together all the time. I can’t deal with a boyfriend who’s never around.” JC was shocked. She was a performer. She should understand. But he never expected her to be faithful. She didn’t seem like the type.

“Get out Kylie. I never want to see you again.” Kylie left and JC slammed the door so hard, he heard the wood crack. Tear filled his cobalt eyes and he did nothing to stop them from trickling down his cheeks. It was hen that he decided to shut down. He wouldn’t fall in love again. (End flashback)

JC knew he couldn’t fall in love with Julie. It was too painful. So from now on, he would shut himself off emotionally when she was around. He had to do everything he could to not fall in love with her.

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