Chapter One

“Ok everybody. You know what you have to do. I’ll see you Monday.” Mrs. Moss said, as the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. Madison Webster gathered her books and walked down the hallway. Her best friend, Riley McIntire, walked up beside her.

“I just had a run in with Justin I-have-an-ego-bigger-than-Alaska Timberlake.” Riley said, disgustedly. Madison thought about Riley’s comment as she walked down the hall. Madison and Riley weren’t considered rejects but they were considerably unpopular. As they walked into the lunch room, Madison glanced at the “popular” table. She immediately spotted Justin in the middle of the group. He looked up and caught Madison’s eye. Madison quickly looked down at her lunch and began to eat.


Justin saw the two girls sit down at a relatively empty table. The brunette had caught his eye but quickly looked down. In his group, they were considered rejects, people who would never belong. Justin didn’t like Riley but he didn’t really know the other girl. Madison, he thought her name was. She was showing Riley how to do a math problem. Justin looked over at his girlfriend, who was saying like every two seconds and twirling her gum. Justin’s best friend, Mike looked at Justin staring at the two rejects and shot the two girls cold, hard glances.

“Earth to Justin!” Brandy said, waving her hand in front of Justin’s face. Justin turned his attention to his girlfriend.

“What was the question?” Justin asked sheepishly. Brandy glared at him.

“I asked if you were going to the football game.” She said, impatiently. Justin shrugged his shoulders and slung his backpack over his right shoulder. His friends followed suit and they exited the lunch room.


Madison watched as Justin and his group left the lunch room. Riley gave a snort of disgust.

“Could he be any more conceited? He thinks the world revolves around him. He makes me sick.” Riley said, beyond disgusted. Madison didn’t know Justin so she didn’t want to say anything.

“You don’t even know him Ri.” Madison said, putting her books in her bag.

“I don’t want to know him. Don’t get any ideas about crossing over.” Riley warned. Madison reveled at the thought. What would it be like to be one of them? To date one of them?


After school, Madison headed to the library to meet the student she was going to be tutoring in history. The tables against the far wall were solely for tutoring. Madison walked over to the boy with a backwards baseball cap on. He turned around and Madison was met with a pair of striking blue eyes, eyes that belonged to someone very familiar. Justin Timberlake.

“Are you my tutor?” Justin asked. Madison was speechless. Justin stared at Madison expectantly.

“Um, yeah. My name is Madison. You must be Justin.” Madison said, blushing slightly.

“Yeah I know. So, you’re going to help me with my history paper?”

“Yeah we have the same topic so I’ll let you borrow the books later.” Madison replied. She took out her books on Columbus and opened one up.

“Why don’t you take some notes so you can type up your report tonight?” Madison asked. Justin took notes and the hour flew by. Madison gave Justin her phone number and told him to call her if something happened.


“You did what?” Justin yelled at his little sister, Kristy.

“I kinda broke the computer.” Kristy said sheepishly. Justin breathed deeply to calm himself down. He needed to type his report and now he had no way to type it. Justin reached into his pocket and withdrew a scrap of paper and quickly dialed the number.

“Is Madison there?” Justin asked, politely. The woman told him to hold on and yelled for Madison. Justin heard someone fumbling with the phone and then Madison came on.


“Madison? It’s Justin. I have a huge favor to ask you.” Justin said in his best begging voice.

“What Justin?” Madison asked, pretending to be exasperated.

“My little sister crashed the computer and I was wondering if I could come over and use your computer. I know it’s kinda late but none of my friends were home so I called you.”

“Ok Justin but hurry up. I’ll see you in a little while.” Madison said hanging up the phone.


Madison hung up the phone and quickly changed out of her pajamas into something less childish. Twenty minutes later, Justin showed up on her doorstep, looking very disheveled. Madison led Justin up to her room and pointed to her desk where her computer was sitting. Justin sat down and prepared to type. Madison decided to read a book while she waited for Justin to finish. Around midnight, the clicking of the printer finally stopped. Justin pulled out his paper and walked over to where Madison was sitting on her bed.

“I finally finished.” Justin said, proudly holding up his paper. Madison looked at him with a look of pure amusement.

“I have to make this up to you Madison.” Justin said, surprising Madison and reaching out to hug her. Madison’s whole body tingled from his touch and she blushed a light crimson.

“I’ll make it up to you Madison. Count on it.” Justin said, walking out of Madison’s room. Madison sat down on her bed and pondered the thought. She pulled out her yearbook and looked at the picture of the boy who had her heart but didn’t know it and probably never would. She put the yearbook on her night stand, turned out the light out and attempted to go to sleep but Justin’s gorgeous face invaded her thoughts.

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