Chapter Two

Justin made his way down the hall with his group thinking about how to pay Madison back without his girlfriend or friends finding out and ripping her apart. Madison was different, he had to admit that, but she was different in a good way. Brandy was talking about her latest trip to the mall and it was monotonous and made him want to bash his head into a brick wall. Were clothes that important to her? She practically lived in the mall. Justin spotted Madison walking down the hall with her friends, Riley and Ally. Madison was dressed in a long light blue spring dress which made her blue eyes stand out. He smiled at the thought that popped into his head. He had the perfect plan.


Justin made the final preparations on his setup of a perfect night at the beach. He had his music set up, the food ready and warming, lanterns set up, and his bathing suit on. He checked his watch which read 5:25. He had five minutes. He really hoped that this paid her back for letting him use her computer at such a late time.

Madison took a look in the mirror hanging on her bedroom door and surveyed the blue bikini. She felt really self conscience. She tied a blue wrap around her waist, grabbed her keys, and headed to the beach. During the drive, Madison’s hands were shaking at the possibility that it could have been Justin who did all this. As Madison neared the beach, her heart began to race at the sight of all the lanterns and the scent of food.....


Justin looked up as he heard a car pull into the parking lot. Madison stepped out, wearing the blue bikini he had bought her. She walked toward him carrying her sandals, a look of pure shock on her face.

“So what do you think?” Justin asked, mischievously. Madison smiled, something Justin rarely saw her do.

“Yeah I know this really sweet guy who needed to use my computer in a crisis when his pesky sibling crashed his computer.” Madison said, laughing.

“Do you like it?” Justin asked, seriously. He had hoped she would.

“Yes, Justin, I love it. It’s really sweet and you really didn’t have to pay me back. Or buy me a bathing suit.” Madison said, looking down at the sand.

“I wanted to do it Madison. For the tutoring, which I still need, and the computer. For everything.” Justin said.

“I’m surprised you noticed me.” Madison said, quietly.

“Just because I’m with my “group” doesn’t mean that I don’t notice you Madison. And yes, I hear what your friends say about me. I did this because I wanted to not because you’re not popular or because I feel sorry for you. With you, there’s no stereotypes. I can be myself.” Justin whispered.

“Really?” Madison asked, her heart soaring. His words touched her but they were from different worlds. She would only end up getting hurt if he ever decided that he wanted to date her.

“Let’s just have fun okay?” Justin said. He looked at Madison evilly, ran toward her, scooped her up, and threw her into the ocean. Madison came up sputtering as Justin laughed.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Madison yelled. They had water fights before deciding to go eat their food. Justin had a feast prepared. Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, potato salad, and eclairs for dessert. As they were eating, they were watching the sun set, streaking the sky purple, orange and pink. It was a truly beautiful sight. Justin looked over at Madison. She looked absolutely beautiful in the fading sunlight. Too bad it would never work, Justin thought to himself. Madison challenged him, taught him things. The only thing Brandy ever taught him was how many different kinds of sweaters there were. Brandy thought only of herself while Madison thought solely about others. Justin could see that she was very insecure even though she was beautiful. The sunset had faded, leaving the black velvety night to envelop them in darkness. Madison looked at Justin, who was thinking while chewing on his strawberry filled eclair.

“What kind do you have?” Madison asked.

“Strawberry. Looks like you have chocolate. Want a taste?” Justin asked, holding out his eclair. Madison took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. Justin watched her, waiting for her response.

“It’s good.” She said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. They talked for most of the night until it was almost three a.m. Madison found Justin surprisingly easy to talk to and social standings had no place in their night.

“I better get home. It’s getting late.” Madison said, standing up. She shivered in the cold breeze that shot through the night. Justin took a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. Madison smiled and pulled the towel closer. Justin looked at her and stood awhile in thought. Then Madison gathered her stuff and started to leave. Justin grabbed her wrist and gently brought his lips down onto hers. It was the sweetest most gentle kiss Madison had ever had. She reluctantly pulled away.

“Thanks Justin. For tonight, for everything.” Madison said over her shoulder as she was walking away. Justin smiled as he packed the remnants of their dinner and everything else he brought. Down the beach, a figure was standing had witnessed the whole thing and was planning the perfect time to make a move.


Madison could barely keep calm on her way home. Justin had kissed her. As Madison pulled into her driveway, her excitement faded. Her father was visiting and that meant drinking and one wrong word, hitting. Madison’s hands trembled as she unlocked the door. Madison’s father was sitting on the couch. Beer cans littered the living room floor. Her father noticed his daughter walk in and a slow sinister smile spread across his face. Madison knew she was in trouble. Madison stood perfectly still as her father slammed his fists into her again and again. Her threw her around and after about twenty minutes of abuse, he told her to go upstairs. Madison trudged up to her bathroom to clean up. She grabbed a washcloth and soaked it in warm water. She carefully wiped the blood away from her lip and winced at the pain in her cheekbone. Madison’s father never hit her where there was a chance of a visable mark. Madison carefully laid her bruised body on her bed and turned out the light. At least she still had her dreams.

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