Chapter Ten

Riley and Josh spent a lot of time together after that night. Madison saw Riley sitting by the pool.

“Hey Riley.” Madison said, slipping her sandals off and slipping her feet into the water.


“So how are things between you and Josh?”

“They’re okay. He’s a great guy Madison. I really like him.” Riley said, blushing slightly.

“Does he know?” Madison asked, regretting being so blunt.

“No he doesn’t. How am I supposed to tell him?” Riley asked.

"I’d start with, Josh I need to talk to you. Then go from there. He’s a really understanding guy.”

“Yeah but I’m afraid that it’ll scare him away.” Riley said, looking down at the water.

“Just tell him.” Madison got up and went inside. What if he doesn’t understand? Madison thought. Riley wouldn’t be able to handle that. Madison looked out the front window and saw Justin and Josh playing basketball. Justin was shirtless and Josh was wearing tank top which was sosked with sweat.

“Hey guys. I hate to interrupt your b-ball game but I need to talk to Josh.” Josh came over to her, taking a drink from his water bottle.

“What’s up?”

“I want to talk to you about Riley. You really like her don’t you?” Josh nodded.

“Well, I don’t think she’sgoing to like me telling you this, but she’s been keeping something from you.”

“Go on.” He urged.

“She’s pregnant by her ex fiance, Mike O’Grady. She was afraid to tell you because she thought you wouldn’t understand.”

“I do.” He said quietly. “The same thing happened with me and my girlfriend in New York but she got an abortion.”

“So tell her that you understand. You have no idea how afraid she is.” Madison said.

“Okay. Do you know where she’s at?”

“Out back by the pool. Good luck.” Madison went inside, into the kitchen, grabbed a soda and sat down at the table. She had a perfect view of Josh and Rikey but they couldn’t see her. Riley was crying and Josh hugged her. Josh was facing toward the window and motioned for her to leave. Ok, maybe she wasn’t as discreet as she had hoped to be. Justin came inside and walked into the kitchen.

“Spying on them too?” He asked.

“No. God Justin what’s with the attitude?” Justin gave her dirty look.

“I don’t have an attitude. I just think that you should mind your own buisness.” Madison was shocked. Justin had never been so rude to her. Josh and Riley walked in holding hands.

“So how are things going?” Madison nonchalantly.

“I’m mad at you for telling him but things are good.”

“I told on you.” Josh said, shrugging his shoulders.

“I’ve decided on two names for boys. Joshua Michael or Nicholas Joshua. Either way, I want Josh in his name.” Riley said, looking at Josh. Madison shot justin a smug look and smiled at the couple.

“I’m mad at you for telling on me.” Madison said, sticking out her tongue. But there was no way she could be mad at Josh. Not when he was finally happy.


7 months later: Early August

The baby was a girl, thankfully, Madison observed or it might have looked like it’s father. Riley named her Jasmine Renee. Josh fully accepted the baby and they were really happy. Madison couldn’t imagine being a mother at nineteen but Riley took it quite well. Madison knew Riley would be happy as long s she was with Josh. Of course, being a mom, and a stand in dad, took up a lot of their time. They couldn’t go out or have a good time. Justin had started classes so he couldn’t do anything. Madison was alone and it sucked. She had no money to go to college and without a degree, she couldn’t get a good job. Somebody had to get a job to keep this house. Riley came in after putting jasmine to bed and looked at Madison concerned.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Madison just looked at her.

“You have a baby, Justin has classes, and I am stuck doing nothing. I need to find a good paying job that doesn’t require a degree.” Madison let out a frustrated sigh. Justin, who had been standing in the doorway, came into the room.

“It can’t be that bad.” Justin said, slipping off his backpack.

“It is that bad! I have no money, no job, no degree, and it seems like no boyfriend!” Madison yelled. Justin grabbed his backpack and left. Madison ran her hand through her hair. She and Justin had their first fight. Maybe I’m overreacting, Madison thought, biting her lip. But it always seems like Justin is doing something involving school.

“So find a job, do volunteer work. If you’re that unhappy, DO something about it.” Riley snapped. Riley went to her room and slammed the door. Madison went to her room and got her journal. She grabbed a pen and began to write.

August 3

Dear journal,

Riley and Josh are busy being parents, Justin is in school, and the only job I can get is flipping burgers at McD’s. Justin and I had our first fight and I think Ri hates me. Justin never has any time for me anymore. I mean I can understand that he has school but EVERYTHING he does revolves around school. Maybe I should go home. Leave my dream house, the guy I love, and my best friend. I could go back to Florida, work and save money for college. Then without justin, I could go to UCLA. Yeah right. Justin is my world. Life wouldn’t be the same afterwords.

Madison stopped and closed her journal. It was obvious that she wasn’t wanted around here. She picked up the phone and dialed the number to the airport.

“Yes I was wondering if you have a flight for Florida tomorrow. You do? Great, I’d like a one way ticket please....”

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