Chapter Eleven

When Justin got home from class, Madison was nowhere to be found. Justin felt horrible after their fight and wanted to make it up to her. He went into her room and stopped. All her stuff was gone and there was a piece of paper on her bed. Justin went over and picked it up.


By now you’ve probably noticed that I left. I thought this was going to be easy but it wasn’t working. You probably won’t miss me anyway. You have school and Riley has Josh and Jasmine. I’m out of place so I decided to go home. Good old Florida. I think it would just better this way. Good luck in school and I hope that you achieve your dreams.

Love, Madison

Justin crumppled up the paper and threw it across the room. He looked around her room as if to see if this was a dream. Something on her dresser caught his eye. Her journal. Open and laying there. Before he knew what he was doing, he picked up and started reading it.

May 12

Today was my 11th birthday and my mother gave me you, because I’ve filled up so many others. My father is gone, nowhere to be seen and my mother is denial.

Justin stopped reading after the first entry. This was where the abuse had started. He read another entry.

Dec 17

It’s almost Christmas and thankfully my father hasn’t come to visit. I am SO bored! And as much as I love vacation, I miss Justin. Can you be in love with somebody who doesn’t remotely feel the same? I don’t think it’s possible but I do.

Justin flipped through her journal and saw so many entries with his name in them. Some were tearstained, others had doodles of their names in a heart together. She was in love with me way before I ever noticed her, Justin thought. He put her journal down and looked around the room. A picture frame lay on the floor with shards of glass around it. Justin went over and picked it up. It was apicture of him and Madison at a party they had gone to in the valley. She had been so happy. Then she left because I’m in school and Riley has a baby, Justin thought to himself. He took the picture out of the broken frame. He walked out to the living room and put the picture on the mantel above the fireplace. Josh was sitting on the couch changing Jasmine.

“Hey J. What’s up?”

“Madison left. She went back home to Florida.” Justin said, dropping down onto the opposite couch. Josh looked up shocked.

“She did what? Why? How?” Josh asked, firing questions rapidly.

“She left. Because none of us have time for her. By plane early this morning most likely.” Josh shook his head.

“She could’ve gotten a job or something if she was that unhappy. But no, she just leaves us!” Josh threw his hands up in the air. This amused Jasmine, who gurgled happily then proceded to throw up all over the brand new carpet. Josh grabbed a towel and cleaned it up.

“Us? She’s not yours puke boy. She left me.” Josh looked at him.

“So what are you going to do?”

“Go after her.” Justin said, picking up the phone. “What else can I do?”


Madison grabbed the phone book and flipped to the O’s. Scanning the page, she found what she was looking for. O’Grady Arielle. She ripped out the page and shut the phone book. Madison picked up the phone, put 35 cents in, and dialed Arielle’s number. She waited while the phone rang.

“Hello?” came the breathless reply.


“This is her.”

“It’s Madison. I need to ask a favor.” Madison said, biting her lip.

“Madison! Wow, it’s been a long time. What do you want?” Arielle asked, finally sounding normal.

“I need a place to stay. Just for a while and I’ll even get a job to help pay rent.”

“You can stay here and you don’t have to get a job because I don’t have one either. My parents are paying my rent until I find one. Frankly, it’ll be a while.”

“Why?” Madison asked.

“Because I like to party and have a good time.” Madison smiled.

“Then I’ll be a good roommate.” Madison laughed. “I know how to have a good time.”


When Justin stepped put of the airport into the warm Florida sunshine, he felt like he had come home. This is like searching for a needle in a haystack, Justin thought. I’ll never find her. Justin knew she would never go home and he didn’t know if she had any other friends. Justin turned to look around. He spotted a pay phone and walked toward it. The girl who had been at the phone turned around and picked up her stuff. She stood up and Justin immediately recognized her. Madison. She was walking away. Justin started running toward her but she hailed a cab and climbed in. Justin stopped, hailed a cab, and jumped in.

“Follow that cab.” Justin instructed. They followed the cab for a while until they lost it. Justin let out a deep sigh.

“Take me to the airport.” He said. He had lost her once again.


That night, before Madison had even started unpacking, Arielle insisted that she come to a club.

“This is a great club.” Madison yelled to be heard over the music. Arielle nodded and motioned for Madison to follow her. They went to a quieter room where there was lots of drugs. Arielle took a joint and held it out to Madison. Thoughts raced through Madison’s head. Before she knew what she was doing, Madison grabbed the joint and took a puff.

This is the life, Madison thought. This is the life.

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