Chapter Three

The next morning, Madison carefully put her makeup on to hide her bruises and wore a coverup over her tank top to hide the big purplish bruise on her shoulder. Madison grabbed her keys and headed off to school.


As Justin was walking down the hall, he spotted Madison standing by her locker. Justin walked up and tapped her on the shoulder. Madison jumped at his touch.

“Are you okay? It’s just me.” Justin said, laughing. Madison smiled.

“Justin, I had three cups of coffee so I’m kinda jumpy.” Madison said, grabbing a book out of her locker. As she went to grab her backpack, Madison’s top shirt fell revealing a big purplish black bruise. Madison gasped and pulled her shirt back up. The bruise was on the same shoulder Justin had just touched.

“How’d you get that?” Justin asked alarmed.

“I don’t know. I woke up with it this morning." Madison said, none too convincingly. Justin looked at her skeptically but let the subject drop. But no matter how hard he tried, Justin couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.


Madison walked into her class and was met by a bunch of snickers. People were whispering and laughing as Madison sat down in her seat.

"How was your pity date?" One boy snickered. Madison looked around at her classmates in shock.

"Justin must feel really sorry for you if he went to all that trouble." A girl said snidely. Tears pooled in Madison's eyes and started streaming down her face. More laughter came as Madison started to sob. More kids crowded into the classroom while others watched for the teacher. About fifty people now surrounded a sobbing Madison.


Justin heard hooting and laughing coming from the classroom next to his and ran over to check it out. Madison was sitting in the middle of a big group of people sobbing and rocking back and forth. Justin's long legs carried him to the center of the group and his peers immediately backed off. Madison was now hyperventilating from crying so much. Justin went over to where she was sitting on the cold hard floor and sat down next to her. He pulled Madison into his lap and rocked her back forth, murmuring soothing words to calm her down. After about ten minutes, Madison had finally stopped crying.

"Is it true?" She asked, drying her eyes. Justin took notice of the pity party sign posted on the bulletin board. Justin looked up and noticed Mike standing in the doorway. His best friend was giving him a cold hard stare.

"No Madison. It's not true. I did what I did because I wanted to truly thank you and I kissed you because I wanted to. That's what's true." Justin said holding her close. Madison looked at him with disbelieving eyes. She got up, grabbed her backpack, and walked out the door.


Madison didn't show up for school the next day. Justin got her address from the office and headed to her house after school. Madison lived in a reasonably nice house in downtown Orlando. Justin went up and rang the doorbell. When no one answered, he rang several more times before looking in the window. He was met with a horrible sight. A man, who Justin assumed was her father, was repeatedly hitting Madison, careful to avoid certain places. The man stalked toward the door and Justin barely got out of the way in time. Justin heard a car start up and watched it turn the corner before he opened the door. Madison, who was in the middle of getting up off the floor, looked up in shock. Blood trickled down from her nose, slowly trickling onto her dress. Justin looked at her, shocked that this smart, funny, beautiful girl's own father beat her. He had a flashback, to the bruise on her shoulder. It had to have been because of her father. Justin saw a washcloth on the table and he walked and picked it up. Justin gently wiped the blood off of her cuts. Madison winced at a particularly hurtful spot and it broke Justin's heart. He worked in silence, thinking of what to say.

"How did you get my address?" Madison asked, grabbing a bag and putting some ice in it. She held the ice bag against her swollen cheek.

"I got your address from the office. I was worried when you didn't come to school." Justin said.

"Yeah well, now you know why."

"How long has this been going on?" Justin asked softly.

"About six years. Since I was about eleven. he comes to visit, he drinks, he hits. My typical father/daughter visit." Madison said, sarcastically. Justin didn't know what to say. How could he console somebody who's own father beats her? She wasn't popular, her father beat her, and she had no self esteem whatsoever.

"You have to tell somebody, Madison. He shouldn't be doing this to you." Justin said, grabbing her hand. Madison looked down at their entwined hands as a blush spread over her cheeks.

"He'd do it more Justin. there's no way I can stop it. Thank you for being so nice but you can't help me."

"There must be some way I can help you." Justin pleaded.

"There's not Justin. I'm okay. The wounds will heal. I've put up with it for six years and I can deal with it until I move out. You should leave before he comes back." Madison said, opening the door. Justin stepped out and Madison softly shut the door. Faintly, Justin heard muffled sobbing. He turned to go back inside but stopped. Without another word, Justin turned and walked to his car.

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