Chapter Four

To Justin’s relief, Madison showed up at school the next day. She was wearing lots of makeup and a coverup to hide the bruises Justin knew hid there. Justin smiled at her and she waved, then continued down the hall. Justin’s heart sank as his girlfriend Brandy stalked up to, a stack of pictures in her hand.

“What are these?” Brandy demanded. Justin recognized them as pictures of his dinner with Madison.

“Pictures.” Justin stated flatly, sure of who took them.

“You have ten seconds to explain. It better be good and you better tell me it was out of pity.” Brandy said, glaring at him.

“She let me use her computer when mine crashed and none of my friends were home. And no, Brandy, it wasn’t out of pity.” Justin retorted. Brandy brought her hand back and slapped Justin across his pale white cheek.

“I can’t believe you Justin Timberlake! You want a reject like her? Well go ahead but you can kiss your rep goodbye!” Brandy huffed and stalked down the hall. For some reason, Justin felt relieved. But was losing his friends worth getting the girl he wanted?


Madison eased her bruised body into her desk and watched as Justin’s girlfriend Brandy stalked into the room.

“Justin broke up with me for the reject. The reject sitting over there.” Brandy said, heatedly. Madison looked up in surprise. Had she heard right? Justin dumped Brandy for me?, Madison asked herself.

“You’ll pay for this loser.” Mike said, giving her a cold hard stare. Madison shrank down in her seat. Sure, she was ecstatic that Justin had dumped Brandy but what would the price be for them to be together? Madison couldn’t wait for class to be over and when the bell rang, she was the first one out the door. She went to her locker and got her history book and went to the library. Justin wouldn’t be there until five because of basketball practice. Madison checked out some books and read until Justin tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and there he was in a pair of baggy black black pants, a white tank top, and a stone washed denim shirt over it.

“Hey Justin.” Madison said, marking her place and shutting her book.

“Hey. Did anybody say anything to you?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Both Brandy and Mike said things to me. Did you really break up with her for me?” Madison asked as her blue eyes met his.

“No, it just wasn’t working.” Justin said and instantly regretted it, as pain registered in her eyes. Madison knew it was too good to be true. The ultra popular Justin asking out a reject like her? It just wasn’t possible.

“I knew it. That dinner was out of pity wasn’t it? I’m only here so you can get your history grade up and stay on the basketball team.” Madison said, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

“No Madison. That’s not true. At first-” Justin started but Madison cut him off.

“Your opinion didn’t change did it Justin? It couldn’t have. To you I’m still that reject who’ll never belong.” Madison yelled.


“Find yourself another tutor.” Madison said, turning and walking out to her car. When she climbed into the driver’s seat, she broke down and started sobbing. Madison started her car and through teary eyes, started driving home, leaving the boy who held her heart behind.


Justin walked out to where he parked his Benz and numbly climbed in. Madison was the one who he wanted to be with and he basically told her that she didn’t mean anything to him. You’re a fool Timberlake, he thought to himself. Justin knew his friends were going to make things hard for both him and Madison. Harder if they ever got together. If Madison ever spoke to her again. He had to think of a way to make her talk to him. A way to win her heart.


Madison looked at her disheveled reflection in her bathroom mirror and she wiped away the tears that never seemed to stop. She should have known better than to get her hopes up. Justin was popular and he only liked her as a friend. Madison sat down on her bed and remembered that night under the stars. Madison laughed bitterly at the memory. What a fool she had been. It had been three hours and Madison already missed his smile, his curly brown gold curls, his laugh. She missed everything about him. We’re from different worlds, Madison thought to herself as she turned out the light and attempted to go to sleep. Two very different worlds.


Justin spotted Madison by her locker after school on Wednesday and decided to try and talk to her.

“Hey Madison.” Justin said. Madison walked off, leaving Justin in the middle of the crowded hallway. Mike, Justin’s now ex best friend, came up to him.

“Did your girlfriend leave you loser? Too bad.” Mike sneered. He shoved Justin before walking away. Justin bumped into a freshman who was turning the corner.

“Sorry.” Justin mumbled, his face turning red as he continued walking down the hallway. He had lost friends and his reputation all for a girl who wouldn’t even talk to him. He would convince her, somehow that they belonged together.


From a secluded corner, Madison had witnessed the exchange between Mike and Justin. The reality of what she just heard hit her like a cold slap in the face. Justin had given up his reputation and his friends and she had told him off. As she opened her locker, she felt somebody come up behind her. When she turned around, her eyes met a pair of familiar blue eyes.

“Hey.” He said, extending his arm and presenting her with a red rose. Madison took it and put it up on the top shelf of her locker.

“Hey.” Madison said, not sure of what to say.

“Can I talk to you after school?” Justin asked, his blue eyes, like a window, showing all the pain he was feeling.

“Yeah. Where do you want to meet?” Madison asked, staring down at the ground.

“The beach where we had dinner if that’s ok.”

“Yeah. I’ll see you at five okay? I have stuff i have to do first.” Madison said shutting her locker. Without another word, Madison walked down the hallway.


Justin lit the last candle and stood back to survey his work. A blanket was spread out with an assortment of food and rose petals were scattered around the blanket. About twenty candles were strategically placed, giving the secluded area a very romantic feeling. Now all he had to do was wait.


Madison put the finishing touches on her makeup and looked in the mirror. Her hair was swept away from her face and she had a blue skirt and tank top on. As she drove to the beach, she was lost in her thoughts.

Can you hear it my voice?

Was it something I let slip?

Does the whole world know?

Isn’t it obvious?

Madison carefully listened to the song as she pulled into the parking lot.

I’m the one who’s in control

Now I’m acting like a fool

Do my feelings show?

Is my face a glow?

Isn’t it obvious?

Madison slowly walked across the beach toward the glittering candles. The same song floated to Madison’s ears from a radio nearby. Madison’s heart sped up as Justin approached her.

Do you see my hands, they tremble.

Wonder why I can’t look you in the eye

Don’t know how long I can keep this inside

Isn’t it obvious?

Justin stopped in front of Madison and gestured toward the evening he had planned. Madison smiled though she kept looking down at the sand.

Suddenly these emotions are in control of my heart

Can you see it in my eyes?

every glance, every smile

must give me away

Cause I feel so much that I can’t hide.

(Obvious, Christina Aguilera)

Together, Madison and Justin walked over to the blanket and sat down. Madison was in awe over how much work Justin had put into this night.

“Do you like it?”Justin asked, grabbing her hand.

“Yeah it’s great. So what did you want to talk about?” Madison asked, pretty sure of the answer.

“Us. But first, will you dance with me?” Madison nodded and Justin helped her up. Justin pulled her close and put his hands on her hips. Madison wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on Justin’s broad chest. They swayed softly to All 4 One’s “I Swear.” Madison reveled in the moment and never wanted to leave. All too soon, the slow song ended and they pulled apart.

“What about us Justin? There is no us. It’ll never work and you know it.” Madison was having a hard time not crying.

“It can Madison. If you want it to, it can. I want it to but do you?” Justin whispered. Madison lifted her head up, her eyes glittering with tears that were soon streaming down her face. She had wanted this for so long and now that it was happening, she couldn’t accept it.

“I don’t know Justin. It would be hard to be together and you need your friends.” Madison said, as she desperately tried to stop crying.

“Madison, if they can’t accept that I’m in love with you then they’re not my true friends.” Justin said, softly.

“You’re in love with me?” Madison said, shocked at his confession. A confession of words she had waited so long to hear.

“Madison, you complete me. When I’m around you, I feel complete. I longed for the days when I would see you and I hated being tied down because I couldn’t have you. Yes Madison, I’m in love with you.” Justin said, a single tear slipping down his cheek. Madison reached up and gently brushed it away. Justin took a couple of tentative steps toward Madison and put his arms around her. Madison hugged him back and loved being held in his strong arms. Justin let her go and Madison kissed him on the cheek.

“I’m sorry Justin.” Madison said softly, turning and walking up the beach toward her car. Justin ran after her and grabbed her arm.

“Sorry for what Madison?” Justin asked in a pained voice.

“That I can’t be with you.” Madison said, her heart breaking as she said the bitter lies. It was better for the both of them, she decided, if they weren’t together. Madison turned and walked the remaining distance to her car. She was vaguely aware of Justin’s tearstained face as she climbed into her car. Had she done the right thing? Or had she had made the biggest mistake of her life?

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