Chapter Five

Justin lay on his bed and let the tears fall, leaving salty trails down his cheeks. He thought she felt the same. Had he been wrong? Or maybe, he tried to reason with himself, it was because he was popular and she wasn’t? Justin reached into the drawer in his desk and pulled out a stack of pictures. The pictures of his dinner with Madison. The world was theirs that night and now it was all gone. Tears threatened to overflow and Justin did nothing to stop them. All these years he had never noticed her. Now, he didn’t think he could live without her.


When Madison got home, she was all alone. Her mother wasn’t home and her father hadn’t decided to stop by for one of his “visits.” I’m doing the right thing, she told herself over and over. She went to her room and got her yearbook. Justin’s face smiled at her from a very worn page. A lone tear slipped down Madison’s cheek. If this was the right thing, then why did it feel so wrong? The phone rang and Madison ran downstairs to get it.

“Hello?” she said, out of breath.

“Madison, it’s Justin. I just wanted-” Justin started but Madison hung up. Shaky legs carried her up to her room where she lay down on her bed and cried. The tears would never stop falling, it seemed, but they did around 5:00 in the morning. It was Saturday morning and Madison was thankful for.


The doorbell rang later that afternoon, waking Madison up from her nap. She flung the door open and was surprised to find her friend Josh.

“Mad?” he asked tentatively, using his nickname for her.

“JC?” she said, using his nickname.

“Yeah it’s me. Wow, Mad, you really changed.” Josh said looking her up and down. Madison sized him up too. He had spiky brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a tall lean frame.

“You did too. Do you want to come in?” she asked, stepping aside. Josh came inside and followed Madison into the living room. Seeing Josh brought back memories of better times before her father started drinking. Madison used to go over to Josh’s house when her father started drinking, after he left, and when her mom wasn’t home. Madison considered Josh’s mom more like a mom than her own.

“So, you still live in the same house. Brings back memories. How are things with your father?”

“The same. And now Justin knows.” Madison said. Justin and Josh had been best friends.

“I know I talked to him before I came over. I start school Monday.”Josh said, handing her his schedule. He had almost no classes with her.

“Cool. So you and Justin are still friends?” Madison asked. Josh nodded.

“Yeah, he’s giving me the grand tour of the school.” Josh said, Madison’s heart sank. She loved the fact that Josh was back but if he was going to be friends with Justin, it was going to be hard to be friends with Josh. She’d figure out some way.


Over the next few weeks, Madison and Josh got to know each other all over again and Madison started to look at him different. He was no longer just her friend, he could be her boyfriend.

“Madison, I have something I want to talk to you about.” Josh said one afternoon.

“Ok,about what?” Madison asked, taking a sip of her soda.

“You’ve been my friend forever right?” Madison nodded.

“But lately I’ve been seeing you as more.”

“Like what?” Madison asked, purposely playing dumb.

“Like this.” Josh said. He pulled her to him and kissed her. At first, Madison was surprised but she quickly recovered and kissed him back.

“So Madison. Will you go out with me?” Josh asked, his blue eyes twinkling.

“Yes Josh. I’d be happy to be your girlfriend.” Madison said. Very happy, she thought to herself.


Justin was walking down the hall when he saw Madison. Usually, he’d be excited but Madison wasn’t alone. She was kissing Josh in front of his locker. He walked up to them.

“Hey guys.” Justin said as they reluctantly pulled apart.

“Hey J. Sorry for the little show. I was kissing my girl.” Josh said, putting his arm around Madison’s waist. His girl, Justin thought. The thought made him dizzy and nauseous. Madison looked ill at ease. Of course Josh gets her. He paid attention to her and I didn’t, Justin said to himself.

“That’s great Josh.” Justin lied. He must’ve sounded pretty convincing because Madison looked surprised. Thankfully, the bell rang and the group went their separate ways.


Justin walked out of the locker room after basketball practice and was caught off guard when he saw Madison waiting for him.

“Hey.” She said softly.

“Hey.” he said, his heart aching at the sight of her.

“I’m sorry for not telling you about Josh.” Madison said.

“I would say it’s ok but it’s not. I know you wouldn’t go out with me because I’m not popular anymore and my friends would give us both a hard time.”

“No Justin. I-” Madison started but Justin cut her off.

“News flash Madison. Josh is popular and my ex friends are now his friends. They will never accept you.” Justin yelled. He could see tears welling up in her eyes but he didn’t care.

“You’re just jealous Justin. You’re afraid I’ll have the popularity that you lost.” Madison snapped. She turned and stomped out the door. Justin stood there with his mouth agape. She was right but then again, so was he. Justin walked out to his car and climbed in. She’s right, Justin thought as he drove home. She’s totally right.


Madison was glad that she had walked because she had more time to think. He’s right, she thought. And Josh had changed. He seemed really interested in being popular and doing whatever he could do to get there. As she walked, she was trying to decide if she should go home or not. She decided to go to the beach. the beach that had so many memories. Madison sat down in the cool, soft sand and stared at the surf. When she was calm and serene, she left and went home. She had some serious thinking to do.


After Justin got home, he decided he needed some air so he walked to the beach. When he got there, he noticed he wasn’t alone. Josh was there, passionately kissing Justin’s ex girlfriend Brandy Parker. It took all of Justin’s will power to not beat the crap out of Josh. So much for being calm, Justin thought as he walked home. he’d figure out a way to tell Madison.


When Madison got to school the next morning, Justin was waiting for her at her locker.

“What now Justin?” She asked, icily.

“Last night I saw Josh and Brandy kissing at the beach. He’s cheating on you.” Madison was outraged.

“This is an all time low Justin Timberlake! I can’t believe you would lie to me like that! YOU MAKE ME SICK!” Madison yelled. She slammed her locker door shut and walked swiftly down the hall. She couldn’t believe Justin would say something like that to her. Madison stormed into her classroom and slumped down in her desk. Her desk mate, Claudette, looked at her concerned.

“What’s wrong?” Claudette asked, her French accent heavy. Claudette was a French exchange student.

“This guy is lying to break up me and my boyfriend.” Madison said.

“Who is this lying guy?” Claudette asked.

“Justin Timberlake. Just saying his name makes me sick.” Madison said, shuttering.

“Justin has always been nice to me,” Claudette said, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe he’s not lying to you. Maybe he’s trying to protect you.” Could she be right, Madison asked herself. Is Josh cheating on me?


Madison rounded the corner to go to Josh’s locker and was met by a horrible sight. Josh was making out with Brandy Parker in front of his locker. Madison stalked up to them.

“Ahem.” They both parted and Josh looked at her shocked.

“I can explain.” Josh stammered. Claudette came up beside Madison.

“Really? I’d like to hear it.” Madison noticed Claudette beside her.

“Hi Claudette. Josh here was about to explain why he’s making out with the school’s whore when he’s supposed to be going out on a date with me.” Claudette smiled.

“This ought to be good.”

“Well-I was just-you see I-she’s” Josh stuttered. He stopped when Madison slapped him across his right cheek leaving a bright red hand print. Madison felt nothing but guilt and betrayal. She was betrayed by the person she trusted the most and she felt guilty because she accused Justin of lying to her when he was only looking out for her.

“I can’t believe you would do this to me and we are over Josh. I never want to talk to you again.” Madison said. She turned and walked out the door.

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