Chapter Seven

2 Months Later: Late Nov.

“We have to tell somebody that her father did this to her!” Justin exclaimed. Josh looked at him wearily.

“Nobody would believe us. If we could get her mom to testify then maybe.....” Josh trailed off. Justin knew there was no way Madison’s mom would testify against her own husband.

“It’s hopeless. She’s supposed to graduate next month. What if she doesn’t wake up?” Madison’s birthday was coming up on December 12 and Justin’s present to her was that he ws going to graduate with her in December and coaches from a couple of colleges in California were going to be at his next game. He was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he graduated with her.

“She will Justin. Give her time.” It was then that he noticed a movement behind Justin. Madison slowly shifted and her eyes began to flutter. Josh nearly fell out of his chair. Slowly, Madison opened her beautiful blue eyes and looked around.

“Where am I?”she asked groggily. She tried to sit up and grimaced in pain.

“You’re in the hospital because you’re father beat you up pretty bad. Josh found you and brought you here.” Justin said, looking at Josh. Madison nodded her head.

“I remember now. He said it was because I was planning on leaving and he was afraid I would tell somebody about our secret.” Madison said bitterly. She looked at her right arm and the cast surrounding it.

“Nobody signed my cast yet?” she asked jokingly.

“I’ll sign it.” Josh said, looking for some markers. He found a set of permanent ones and sat down next to her to sign it.

“How long have I been here?” Madison asked.

“Two months. He really beat you up.” Josh said, drawing a flower on her cast.

“Justin held your hand the whole two months and hardly ever left your bedside. He even had me bring him his schoolwork so he could stay here with you.” Josh said quietly. Madison looked at Justin with tears in her eyes. Josh figured he should leave so he got up and left the room.

“I have a present for you Madison. It’s one of your birthday presents.” He sat down next to her.

“All that extra tutoring was for a reason. I was working extra hard to get my four remaining credits.” Madison looked at him.

“I’m graduating in December.” Justin watched as Madison started to cry.

“So that’s what all the tutoring was for. Very slick.” Madison said, laughing as he dried her eyes.

“Yeah and I got a 194 on my history test. It’s all because of you.” Madison smiled.

“You helped too. You worked extra hard to graduate with me with me and that’s really cool.” Madison said.

“I hate to say this but I have to go. I have a basketball game and a bunch of college coaches are going to be there so maybe somebody from UNC will be there.” Justin said kissing her goodbye. He let himself out.


Madison flipped through the channels, barely stopping each one. Justin was going to graduate early but he was still intent on going to UNC. Either way, she was going to lose him. She stopped on the new and saw Eastwood had won 64 to 32. Justin had made over 40 of those points, giving Eastwood a landslide victory. Madison smiled. Of course they had won. Madison looked up as her door opened and in walked a freshly showered Justin.

“Hey Mad. Did you hear? We won.” Justin said, sitting down in a chair next to her bed.

“Yeah I heard about your landslide victory. Good job Justin.” Madison said.

“I have something to tell you.” Justin said, grabbing her hand.

“There were California coaches at my game. They said they were interested in recruiting me but there’s no room for anymore applicants. I can't come to California with you.” Madison felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness. She knew she had to go to California but she didn’t want to leave Justin.

“That’s too bad Justin. But anyway, they’re letting me out tomorrow.” Madison said.

“That’s great but are you sure you still want to go to California?” Madison looked down at the bed.

“Yes Justin. I’m still going to California.” Madison said. Justin looked stricken and his beautiful blue eyes filled with tears that soon trickled down his cheeks.

“Goodbye Madison.” Justin whispered and quietly left the room.


Madison finished packing her stuff and walked over to the window. The buildings of Orlando stretched out before her. She looked down at the hospital grounds and saw a familiar figure. She grabbed her duffel bag, checked out, and went outside to the park surrounding the hospital. Josh was sitting on bench under a tree. Madison walked over to him.

“Hey.” Madison said, sitting down.

“Hey. They letting you out?” Josh asked.

“Yeah. I’m finally being set free. How come you’re here?” Josh looked at her.

“I was kinda waiting for you to get out.” Josh said, looking down at the ground.


“Well I wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk to me. After what I did, I would understand if you didn’t.” Josh said.

“Of course I’m still going to talk to you. You’ve been my best friend forever ad you’ve done some pretty stupid things.” Josh laughed.

“Yeah. So what’s wrong with Justin? He came out here crying.” Madison felt a twinge of guilt.

“I’m moving to California and Justin can’t come with me.”

“Is going to California more important than Justin?” Josh asked, quietly.

“Of course not! But I-” Madison stuttered.

“Well if you really loved him, you would pick a college where you both can go. If you had told him sooner, he could go to California with you.” Josh said, picking up a rock and hurling it across the field.

“I do love him but I’m enrolled at UCLA. I can’t just switch colleges Josh.” Madison said. Josh looked over at her.

“Yes you can Mad. You haven’t started yet. You don’t have to go to UNC. Talk to Justin and you two can agree on a college.”

“I can’t Josh. I’m going to UCLA on a scholarship. I don’t have the money to go elsewhere.” Madison said. Josh was making sound like she wanted to leave Justin but she didn’t.

“I’m sorry Madison. I was only trying to help.” Josh said. Madison laughed bitterly.

“Who can help me? I’m a reject who’s father beats her, who’s mom is oblivious to what her husband’s doing to her daughter, and I have to leave the one guy I truly love. Now help me.” Madison said. Josh remained silent.

“I should get going.”

“Do you need a ride?” Josh asked. Madison nodded. Josh grabbed her duffel bag and Madison silently followed him to his car. When he pulled up in front of her house, Madison opened the door and grabbed her her duffel bag. As she was getting out of the car, Josh stopped her.

“Be careful Madison.” Madison nodded her head and got out of the car. She made her return home.


3 Weeks Later-After Grad

Madison finished packing the last of her stuff and zipped up her suitcase. She was anxious to leave this house. Someone knocked on her door so Madison got up and answered it.

“Hey Josh.” Madison said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey. Happy birthday.” Josh handed her a bag with five boxes in it.

“Four are from Justin.” Josh said, shaking his head. Madison opened the first box and gasped in surprise. Within the silk lining lay a sapphire and diamond necklace. She opened the smaller box and there lay a matching ring. Just as Madison expected, the third box held a pair of matching earrings. She opened Josh’s present next. It was a thin gold bracelet with best friend charms hanging on it.

“Thank you Josh. It’s beautiful.” Madison said as Josh hooked it onto her wrist.

“Happy birthday Madison. I’d love to stay but I have errands to run. See ya.” Madison waved and Josh let himself out. Madison opened Justin’s final present. A picture of the two of them standing on the beach together. The wind had been softly blowing making Madison’s brown hair ripple like a cascade of waves. The couple was facing each other and love and admiration shone clearly in their eyes. There was a letter enclosed in the package.

Dear Madison,

I’m sorry I couldn’t deliver your presents in person. It’s too painful, knowing that you’re leaving tomorrow. That you’re leaving me. I understand that you’re going on a scholarship but it seems like college is more important than me. I love you with all of my heart Madison and I know that I have to let you go. If you love something, let it go and if it comes back it’s yours. I hope you like California and you can date other guys because I don’t want to have a long distance relationship. I love you Madison, never forget that, and please be careful.

Love, Justin

Madison was sobbing as she finished the letter. She looked around her empty room, a room that held so many memories both good and bad. (Flashback)

Madison grabbed her pillow and smacked Justin on the side of his head. He grabbed another pillow and a massive pillow fight erupted. After about 10 minutes, they both fell down the bed laughing.

“I haven’t had so much fun in years!” Madison exclaimed breathlessly. Justin propped himself up and looked at Madison.

“I could never live without you Madison. Don’t ever leave me.” Justin said, his blue eyes intense. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to. Her eyes said it all. It said she couldn’t promise anything. All they had was now. (End flashback)

Madison knew what she had to do. She grabbed her keys and ran out to her car. She had to talk to Justin.

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