Chapter Eight

Madison pulled up in front of Justin’s house and ran up the front steps. She rang the doorbell and waited impatiently. Justin’s mom Lynn answered the door.

“Is Justin home?”

“Sorry Madison. You just missed him. He left about two minutes ago to go to the airport. He left for North Carolina.” Lynn said. Madison thanked her and quickly got into her car. She was well aware she was going over the speed limit as she drove to the airport. Madison scanned the parking lot and found a parking spot. She ran to a pay phone and called Lynn.

“What gate is he at?” Madison asked breathlessly.

“Gate 24a. He’s not leaving for another five minutes.” Lynn said. Madison barely heard. She slammed down the phone and sprinted toward gate 24.


Justin flipped through the magazine he had bought, a heavy feeling in his heart. College was more important to Madison. It was her escape. Justin had to respect that. Over the intercom, he heard the attendant announce that they were starting to board. He picked up his duffel bag and slung the strap over his shoulder. It was then that he noticed the girl standing in front of him. Madison.

“What are you doing here?” Justin asked.

“I couldn’t let you go. I‘m going to call UCLA and tell them that I won’t be going there.” Justin looked shocked.

“But how-” Justin stammered.

“I won’t go to college for awhile. If that’s what has to happen for me to be with you, so be it. I just don’t see why UNC.” Madison said.

“They have a really good basketball team. Plus North Carolina is really beautiful.” Justin said. He took her in his arms and held her as though she were made of glass.

“And Orlando Isn’t?” Madison asked, playfully. Justin smiled.

“Of course Orlando is. It’s home. But NC has mountains and snow.” Justin said, matter of factly. Madison laughed.

“I think I could make a home in NC. Of course I can’t surf...” Justin laughed.

“Let’s see if we can book a flight for tomorrow. The both of us.” Justin proposed.

“Sounds good to me.” Madison said. Justin took her hand in his and together they walked out of the airport.

*********************** Madison ran up the stairs to her room and grabbed her two suitcases and brought them to Justin’s car. He put them in the trunk as Madison was shutting the door. She climbed in the passengers seat next to Justin.

“So how do you feel?” Justin asked pulling out of her driveway. Madison looked over at him.

“Free. I finally feel free.”


Madison sat down on her bed in the guest in Lynn’s house. The room was decorated in Victorian accesories and had off white carpeting. Madison loved it. Too bad she would only be staying until she and Justin left for NC. There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Madison said, pulling her hair up into a messy bun. Justin walked into the room, wearing only a pair of boxers.

“Hey. My mom would kill me if she knew I was up here but I had to tell you goodnight.” Justin said. Madison smiled.

“Goodnight Justin.” Madison said. Justin took a couple of steps closer.

“Actually, I came to kiss you goodnight.” Justin said, bringing his lips softly down onto hers. After a couple of seconds, Madison pulled away.

“You had your kiss and you said goodnight. Now get out.” Madison said. Justin laughed and left. Madison flopped down on her bed and turned out the light.


Madison was woen up by her alarm blaring some boy bands song. She got up and stretched before grabbing her outfit. Madison was wearing a shiny blue tube top and a long black skirt. The skirt had slits on both sides and she put on her black platform sandals. Her suitcase were already in the car so she grabbed her backpack and shoved her pajamas in there. As she walked down the stairs, she could hear Justin chasing his step brother around. She walked into the living room and everything stopped. Justin’s mouth dropped open and Madison smiled. She had never gotten that type of reaction.

“Ready to go?” Lynn asked.

“Yeah definatly.” Madison said. Her and Justin followed Lynn to her car. As they drove to the airport, Madison looked at the city where she had been in for her whole life and felt a sense of loss. Even though she had lived here all her life, she had never enjoyed it. She was always busy trying to hide the bruises and not letting people know about her “secret.”

“Madison, we’re here.” Lynn said. Madison unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the car. Justin grabbed two of the suitcases, Lynn took one, and she took one. They headed to gate 16B after checking in their luggage. Part of her couldn’t wait to get out of there, but another part was going to miss it.

“Good luck guys and be careful.” Lynn said, giving then both hugs. Madison looked around the airport and spotted a familiar face. Riley. Madison hadn’t seen Riley since before she started tutoring Justin.


“Riley.” She took a couple of steps toward her ex best friend. Riley looked at Justin disgustedly.

“Still with the wanna be pimp huh? Ditch your real friends for popularity.” Riley said.

“For your information Riley, Justin is the sweetest guy I have ever known and I’m in love with him. Popularity has nothing to do with it. At least I’m not pregnant with a baby who’s father ran out on me.” Madison spat out angrily. Shock registered on Riley’s face.

“You know?” Riley asked stricken. Madison nodded, a smug look on her face.

“You ditched me Ri, because you wouldn’t get to know Justin. If you got to know him, you’d see what a great guy he is.” She no longer felt hatred toward Riley but pity and contempt.

“Maybe I jumped to conclusions about him.” Riley admitted.

“Maybe? You really jumped to conclusions and you ditched me. That hurt Ri.” Madison said, on the verge of tears. They had been best friends for over nine years and Riley had just thrown it all away.

“I’m sorry Mad. I couldn’t deal with the fact that maybe you could get a popular guy and I couldn’t.” Riley looked down at the worn carpet.

“It’s ok Riley. So where are you going?”

“North Carolina. You?” Madison gasped.

“Same! Hey why don’t you stay with us?”

“Um, I don’t know.” Riley said uncertainly. She looked over at Justin, who was flipping through his magazine acting like he didn’t hear anything.

“Justin, would you mind if Riley stayed with us?” Madison asked. Justin shook his head.

“I don’t mind if she stays with us.” Justin said, smiling at Madison and then at Riley.

“Thanks you guys. I was wondering where I was going to stay.” Madison felt sorry for her friend.

“Are you going to college Ri?” Madison asked quietly. Riley looked at Madison, tears shining in her green eyes.

“I can’t. I have no money and I’m pregnant at eighteen. I’ll get a job to help you guys pay rent or something.” Riley said.

“Neither am I. I didn’t want to leave Justin so I called UCLA and told them I wasn’t coming. I’ll find something to do until I get the money.” Madison said.

“You guys really are serious huh?” Riley asked. Madison nodded.

“Yeah. Weren’t you and your boyfriend?”

“Finacee. Or he was. That’s why we slept together. When he found out about the baby, he left. I guess we weren’t in love.” Riley laughed bitterly.

“Who was he?”

“Mike O’Grady. We both got popular guys but I’m guessing Justin actually loves you.” Justin stood up.

“I’m sorry about Mike, Riley. He goes out with girls and he uses them. I can’t believe he was my best friend. First the thing with madison and now you.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry Riley.”

“I’m sorry too Justin. I never gave you a chance. I’m glad you two are together.” Riley said, giving Justin a small smile.

“Attention, Flight 16B is now now boarding rows 60-59. Now boarding.” a voice said over the intercom.

“That’s us. We’d better get going. We’ll meet you in Raleigh ok?” Madison said and Riley nodded. Madison grabbed her purse and backpack and pulled out her ticket. She gave the attendant her ticket.

“Have a nice flight.” She said, smiling at Madison. Madison and Justin walked to their seats and sat down. They listened as the attendant explained what to do in an emergency. After she was done, the plane was started and took off down the runway. Then it lifted toward the blue sky and headed toward North Carolina.

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