Chapter Ten

(Justin's point of view)

Between painting the nursery and recording in the studio, Mandy and I were busy. Mandy completed her self titled debut album, Mandy, in two and half months and four and half months into her pregnancy. She was already starting to get a big stomach. It was alson planned that JC and Bonnie would get married in March with me as the best amn and Mandy as the maid of honor.

“I hope I can fit into my dress!” Mandy exclaimed as we went to pick up her dress. Bonnie had decided on sleeveless, strapless, lavendar dresses. When Mandy put it on, she looked beautiful despite how funny her big stomach looked in the dress.

“So are you nervous JC?” I asked, playfully. He glared at me then smiled.

“Yeah a little. I want things to be perfect and I want to make her as happy as she’s made me.”

“Oh how sweet!” I gushed, then punched him the arm. He glared at me, then punched my arm twice as hard and then went back to messing with his hair.


(4 1/2 months later)

The week before JC’s wedding was hectic. Final preperations were being made, reletives were flying in, and reporters were everywhere because the press had gotten ahold of the news. The babies were due anytime this month and everybody was anticipating the birth of the twins. Mandy just wanted them out. Bonnie was calm and collected while JC was a frazzled mess.

“Bonnie, please calm your fiance down. He’s practically bouncing off the walls and it’s not even time for the wedding.” I exclaimed. JC was nervously pacing around the room and I was surprised he didn’t wear a hole in the carpet. JC was nervous not only because it was his wedding, but because his best friend’s wife was due to give birth sometime this month and it could happen on his wedding day. The big day was set for March 24th.


(Day of the wedding: 2 hours till)

“Bonnnnie! JC is sooooo nervous! Do you know anything that’ll calm him down?” I asked, pretty frazzled myself.

“I don’t know! Reporters are everywhere! There’s like hundreds of them! If another reporter asks me what it feels like to be marrying one of the most sexually desired men on this planet, I will shoot them all!” I couldn’t help but laugh. Bonnie still wasn’t used to all the reporters.

“Show time Bonnie!” I exclaimed as I held my arm out to her. She slipped her arm through and we walked down the hall.


(Later that night: Reception)

“I’d like to make a toast.” I said, raising my glass of champagne

“To Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Scott Chasez. May your life be filled with happiness, prosperity, wealth, and lots of kids.” I said, laughing as Jc gave me a brisk hug. Then Mandy tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear.

“Justin my water broke!”

“Huh?” I asked stupidly.

“The babies are coming Justin. WE HAVE TO GO!” Mandy said, grimacing in pain. JC dropped his glass and Bonnie squealed in excitement as we rushed Mandy out to the limo. When we arrived at Orlando General, Mandy’s contractions were coming six minutes apart. The doctors brought out a wheelchair to take Mandy to the delivery room.

“Two people may come in here. Whomever’s coming, scrub up and put on the proper clothes.” Dr. Nichols said.Bonnie and I decided to go in. After being scrubbed and being covered in scrubs, Bonnie who was still in her wedding dress and I went into the delivery room.

“You’re doing good Mandy. Keep up the good work.” Dr. Nichols said. I had the video camera ready to film the whole thing. I was about to become a father.


(36 hours later...)

At 2:26 am, Krista Renee was brought into this world, followed by her brother, Chad Nicholas at 2:30. I was overjoyed. Chad and Krista had beautiful dark blue eyes and brown hair.

“Would you like to hold them Mr. Timberlake?” The nurse asked me. I graciously took the twins and looked at their peaceful faces.

“Chad Nicholas, 5lbs 6ozs, 16 1/2 inches long. Krista Renee, 5lbs 5ozs, 17 1/2 inches long.” The nurse recited for the birth certificates. I walked over to Mandy.

“Hey momma. Look at your babies.” I said, knowing she was exhausted. She smiled weakly at me. That weak smile. I remembered it from somewhere. Then I remembered. Stacey. She had given me a weak smile just before she died.


(2 weeks later)

I woke up in the middle of the night to find the space next to me empty. I put on a robe and went to the nursery. Mandy was sitting in a rocking chair holding Chad who was half asleep.

“Hey.” I said softly, not wanting to wake up Chad.

“Hey. Chad was fussy so I thought I’d try to rock him to sleep. Plus I couldn’t sleep either.”

“How come?”

“I don’t know. But Chad’s asleep so I can come to bed.” As she followed me back to oour room, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

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