Chapter Nine

(Mandy's point of view)

(3 Weeks later)

“So how was your honeymoon?” Bonnie asked excitedly. We had just spent three glorious weeks in Cancun.

“It was great. Fun in the sun, Justin, beaches, Justin, parties, etc. It was great.” I said dreamily.

“So did you have your first experience Little Miss Virginity?”

“Little Miss Virginity no more. It hurt like hell but Justin made up for it like ten times after that.” I said laughing. Justin had been glad that he was my first.

“Well JC won’t be first but I’m twenty five so what can you expect?” Bonnie said laughing. Bonnie was absolutely the coolest and she and JC were engaged. I couldn’t wait for the wedding.

“Well chica I gotta go but I’ll check ya later.” Bonnie said on her way out.


(The next day)

I was two weeks late so I decided to take a pregnancy test. It came out positive.

“Bonnie! I am pregnant!” I screamed into the phone when I called her.

“Mandy that is so great!” Bonnie exclaimed. Later that afternoon, I went to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy. Then I pondered how I was going to tell Justin.

“Justin honey I have something to tell you.” I said as I sat down on the couch.

“Hmmm? Justin asked, distracted by the song he was writing.

“I’m pregnant.”

“Mandy! That’s great! But aren’t you a lttle young to be having a baby?” Justin asked. Sure I was only twenty one but my parents had Stacey and I when they were nineteen.

“I’ll be fine Justin.” I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“I hope so.”


(3 weeks later)

“That’s COLD!” I hissed as the doctor put sonogram solution on my stomach.

“I know Mandy but bear with me.” I looked up at the screen but I couldn’t make anything out.

“Well Mandy, I hear two heartbeats. You’re going to have twins!”

“There’s a boy.” Dr. Nichols said, pointing to the baby on the right. A boy who might one day have his father’s handsome looks.

“And....on the left we have a girl.” Dr. Nichols said. Justin and I looked at each other thinking about the two miracles that were to be coming into their lives. The next day, Bonnie took me out shopping for baby clothes.

“Ooh this is cute. And this. And this too.” Bonnie said throwing baby clothes of all kinds into my cart.

“Gosh Bonnie! Are you trying to bankrupt me? I asked, jokingly.

“Sorry Mrs. Timberlake. I’ll try to tone it down a little.”

“Hey Bon, I’m going into the studio tomorrow. They want a whole album in two weeks because I’m pregnant.” I said excitedly.

“That’s great Mandy! You’ll be a star and a mommy!” Bonnie said excitedly. I started laughing but stopped when I saw the cutest twin sets of clothing. There were pajamas, sailing outfits, play outfits, and tons of others.

“Bonnie aren’t they the cutest?” I gushed. I picked up every one and put them in my cart. Then we went and paid for everything. I was waiting for Justin to finish some recording in the studio so we could go shop for paint and stuff for the nursery. The next day, I drove over to Jive Studios.

“Can I help you miss?” The receptionist asked me.

“Mandy Korman. I’m here to record.” The receptionist directed me to recording studio 14 where Lou was waiting there for me.

“I’m so glad you could come Mandy.” Lou said shaking my hand. I walked around in wonder, looking at all the gadgets I had only dreamed of using.

“Okay Mandy. Your first song is going to be a ballad called ‘I Turn To You.’ Is that okay?”

“Of course. Ballads are my favorite.” I went into the sound booth and took my position in front of the mike. I started to sing.

When I’m lost, in the rain

In your eyes I know, I’ll find the light

to light my way.

I sang for all I was worth and I saw Lou’s jaw drop, then his mouth curved into a big smile.

“How did I do?” I asked cautiously. They looked at me like I had asked the stupidest question in the world.

“You did great!” Lou said, enveloping me in a hug. He told me to come back sometime this week to record some more.

“So how did it go?” Justin asked, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He was dressed in khaki pants and a blue sports jersey.

“Lou said I did really good.” I said proudly.

“That’s great! So what are we going to do about the nursery?”

“I know you want it baby blue but I thinking that yelloe might be a nice color too.” Justin thought for a moment.

“You’re right. Yellow it is. And I have a surprise for you.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the room that was soon to be the nursery. There stood two beautiful oak cribs and matching changing stations.

“Justin, they’re beautiful!” I breathed. Justin came over and put his hand on my stomach.

“We should probably think about names since you’re due in March.” I was already in my second month.

“Well for a girl I want Krista Renee and I don’t know a name for a boy.”

“I was thinking Chad Nicholas. Krista Renee is a good name too. So we’re set.” We decided to start painting the nursery sometime the next week. I couldn’t help but be excited as our new life started coming together.

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