Chapter Thirteen

(Mandy's point of view)

Never in my wildest dreams did Tallon show up on my doorstep. But there he was and now he was sitting on the couch.

“So....” I said. trailing off. He looked at me with his coffee brown eyes, eyes that I had always wished would look at me. (Flashback)

“Amanda, get ready. Your date is going to be here soon.” My mom called up the stairs. I put the finishing touches on my makeup and hair. And then I waited for him. And waited. Prom started at 8:00, the time was 9:30. By ten, I decided to go alone. I already knew I had been stood up. No sooner had I gotten into the gym, that I saw Tallon dancing with the head cheerleader. He turned and looked at me. That one look said it all. It was all a joke.

“I know you’re thinking about prom Mandy.” Tallon said. He had called me Mandy. Only my closest friends called me Mandy.

“Yeah and how you stood me up.” I said, a tear trickling down my cheek. Tallon reached up and gently brushed it away.

“My friends put me up to it. I was a jerk and I didn’t want to be made fun of. I really liked you Mandy. I just didn’t know how to show it.” I looked at him in shock. Even after graduation, I had wanted to hear those words.

“Why are you apologizing now?

“I wanted to at graduation. Say something to make you feel better about your parents. But I chickened out.” Tallon said sheepishly.

“Yeah well, my parents weren’t what I thought they were and if you’re trying to get with me now, it’s no use because I’m married with two kids.”

“And you’re sick.” Tallon said softly. I whipped around to face him.

“You know?” I asked, stricken.

“It’s all over the tabloids. That’s another reason why I came.”

“So you can feel sorry for me?” I asked bitingly. The hurt in Tallon’s eyes was unmistakeable.

“So I could tell you in case you didn’t make it. You deserve to know.”

“You actually care.?” I asked, tears trickling down my cheeks and streaking my mascara.

“Of course I care Mandy. I always have but I didn’t know how to show it. I wanted to ask you out in 9th grade but my friends stopped me. I was a fool to not have seen what was in front of me.” I was openly sobbing now and Tallon enveloped me in a hug. For some reason, his body pressed against mine felt so right. I took deep breaths to calm myself down and Tallon wiped my tears away.

“I never meant to hurt you Mandy. All those notes showed how much I hurt you and I am so sorry. You’ll never know how sorry I am.”

“I forgive you Tallon. I understand now.”

“Can I take you out to dinner, to make up for prom?” Tallon asked.

“Sure.” I took the kids over to my next door neighbor’s house. Her name was Mrs. Brown and she looked at me funny everytime I brought the kids over to her house but she owned a day care so I trusted. The Tallon took me a quiet little cafe that was nearly empty thanks to the late hour. Over a late dinner, I found Tallon really easy to talk to.

“So you knew that I loved to draw?” Tallon asked, surprised. I nodded.

“So it comes as no surprise that I’m an artist huh?” Tallon replied, laughing. I laughed with him and after our small dinner, he drove me home. When he stopped in front of my house, there was an awkward silence.

“Thank you for dinner Tallon.” I said. Tallon smiled.

“You’re welcome Mandy.” I turned to get out of the car but Tallon grabbed my arm. I turned my head to look at him and he slowly brought his lips down onto mine. I should have pulled away, and I did. A couple of seconds after our lips touched, I jerked away.

“Goodbye Tallon.” I said, hurrying up to the house. No sooner had I shut the door, did I hear a knock. I opened the door and Tallon stood on my front porch, holding my purse.

“You left this in the car.” He handed me that bag.

“Do you want to come in?” I asked, not quite sure why I said it. Tallon stepped inside the house and followed me into the living room.

“Do you want something to drink. I have some wine.” Tallon nodded and I grabbed some wine and two glasses. Tallon was facing me and without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him, and he responded. I pulled at his shirt, and we broke the kiss so he could pull it over his head. I ran my hands down his bare chest, We made love on the sofa that night, a special night despite the fact that I was cheating on my husband. I woke up the next morning, smelling bacon and eggs. I ventured into the kitchen and saw Tallon, in his boxers, cooking breakfast.

“Hey beautiful.” Tallon said when I entered the kitchen.

“Not only an artist but a chef too?” Tallon laughed. He handed me a picture of me, in perfect detail sleeping. It was date T.T. August 20, 2005.

“The Tampa Art museum wants a piece of mine and I want to use this. That is, if I have your permission. It’ll be called “Sleeping Beauty” because that’s what you are.”

“Yes Tallon. You can put this piece in there.” He finished making breakfast, then sat down next to me.

“Where do we go from here?” He asked softly. I didn’t know how to answer. I really wanted to be with him but I was in love with Justin. “There’s no way I can be with you.” I told Tallon. I had wanted this for so long and I still couldn’t have it.

“I understand Mandy. No hard feelings.” He left after breakfast. I tried to busy myself around the house, playing with the kids, doing everything under the sun to keep my mind off Tallon. Only it wasn’t working. It probably never would.


(3 weeks later.....)

“Mandy, I think you should come see this.” I went out into the living room. The local news was on when I sat down on the couch.

“Local artist Tallon Trammell died today after injuries sutained in a car crash. He has many works in a Tampa museum, including one labeled “Sleeping Beauty” a detailed profile of singer Mandy Timberlake.”

“Funeral services will be held next Friday at Orlando cemetary.” Tears started streaming down my cheeks. I had loved him. And now he was gone.

“What’s wrong?” Justin asked. He tried to put his arms around me but I pushed him away.

“I LOVED HIM!” I yelled as Justin shrank back.


“I slept with him. That’s when he drew that picture of me. I love him and now he’s gone. He’s gone and I can never tell him that I love him!” I screamed.

“You cheated on me? Is that why you’ve been acting so fucked up lately?”

“You have no idea what it was like. I wanted him so bad when I was in high school and then he found me. He wanted to tell me he was sorry and one thing led to another.” Justin’s face was a mix of hurt and anger.

“I’m glad he’s dead!” Justin yelled. It was my turn to shrink back.

“I can’t believe you! I love you Mandy, that’s why I married you. Then some guy you had a crush on in high school shows up on our doorstep and you cheat on me.” Justin shook his head. “I hope that one night was worth it Mandy. Because you just threw away three years of marriage.”

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