Chapter Fourteen

(Justin's point of view)

I was seething when I stormed out of the house. After all we had been through, she did this. I knew I was right when I had a bad feeling about him. I decided to go over to JC’s house.

“Hi Jus--”

“Mandy and I are having problems.” Jc looked at me in shock and I poured out the whole story.

“I can't believe she did that to you.” I nodded miserably.

“I have no idea what I want to do but I’m contemplating divorce.” JC looked at me in wonder.

“Come on Justin. Forgive and forget. I mean, what abut the kids? What about the fact that she’s sick? Doesn’t any of that matter to you?”

“Of curse it matters. But this wasn’t just some fling. She actually told me she loved him! She just hasn’t been herself and I doubt she ever will be now that he’s gone.” JC nodded.

“I’m not going to get into this. It’s all up to you.”


When I returned home, Mandy was nowhere to be found. Neither were the kids. But I did see a note on the table which I picked up to read.


With the way you stormed out of the house, I wouldn’t doubt that you’re not coming back. You have no idea how much he meant to me, and you never will. I have always liked him and I wasn’t about to pass up this chance as rude as that sounds. There’s a part of me that will always belong to him and I can’t help that. I’ll never get the chance to tell him that I loved him, because I did. I’m sorry Justin. There’s not much more to say.


She was right. There wasn’t much more to say. She loved him and I would never get my wife back. There’s only one thing to do, I decided. Get a divorce.

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