Chapter Five

(Mandy's point of view)

In an attempt to lift my spirits, I went to a local bar to karaoke. Yes, karaoke. It was so stupid, it had to lift my spirits. I sang Mandy Moore’s “Candy.” I thought I sucked but I saw people standing up and hooting and hollering. As I was walking offstage, a man stopped me. i immediately recognized Lou Pearlman.

“Miss, I’m Lou Pearlman and I think you have an amazing voice. I’m interested in maybe giving you a record contract.” Lou said as we waked out of the club. The cool night air lightly blew my honey brown hair. A record contract? I was finally going to sing!

“Maybe?” I asked, afraid of not getting it.

“You’ll have to sing for some other people but you practically have it in the bag.” Lou said, walking me to my car.

“Really? You have no idea what this means to me Mr. Pearlman.” I said, getting into my car.

“Please call me Lou and stop by this address tomorrow for your audition.” Lou said, walking over to his limo. I almost have record contract. I, Mandy Lewis, could have a recording contract. I couldn’t wait to tell N SYNC.

“Guys? I’m here!” I yelled from the living room. the guys had given me a key so I could come over as much as I like. One by one they came into the living room.

“You guys will never believe this. I got a recording contract!” I exclaimed.

“That’s great!” Lance said.

“What label?” JC asked.

“Jive. We’re going to be label mates!” I said, happily.

“Are you sure you don’t want to do something else. Like acting?” Justin asked quietly. Anger coursed through my veins.

“GOD JUSTIN. I AM NOT MY SISTER! GET IT STRAIGHT!” I yelled and immediately regretted it. An intense pain shadowed Justin’s face and tears quickly and steadily flowed down his cheeks.

“Oh Justin. I am so sorry.” I said, tears streaming down my own face. Justin turned and fled from the room. I started to sob.

“It’s ok Mandy. Maybe it’s the wakeup call that he needs.” Chris said, in an attempt to calm me down. That was only part of the reason I was crying so much. I had a secret, a secret nobody was going to know. I ran to my room and JC followed me.

“Hey Mandy.” JC’s soft voice floated to my ears.

“I’m sorry to bother you but I know something else is wrong and you can talk to me.” Why did he have to be so perceptive? I knew I could trust JC.

“I’m kinda falling for Justin but I know if I go out with him he won’t get over my sister.” There I said it.

“I know. I can see it in the way you look at him. You look at him like you resent your sister for getting him first.” JC said. He had hit right on. My sister had to have him first and then she died.

“I do kinda resent her but it’s not her fault. I’m really starting to fall for him but I know he thinks of me as my sister reliving.” I said, sadly.

“He knows you’re two different people but it’s really hard for him. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“That’d be great JC. You’re the best.” I said, giving him a hug. Before JC talked to Justin, I had to apologize. I knew exactly where Justin would be. I pulled on a jacket to somewhat shield me from the rain and headed toward the cemetery. Sure enough, Justin was sitting on the wet grass next to Stacey’s grave. His shoulders shook as he sobbed.

“I’m so sorry Stacey. I love her now and I feel so bad. So I pushed her away. I’m sorry Stacey.” Justin said over and over.

“Justin?” I said softly. Justin whirled around with a look of shock on his face.

“Did you come to yell at me some more?” Justin asked brokenly.

“I came to apologize.”

“And you heard what I said? Congrats Mandy. I’m in love with you but I know it’ll never work.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’ll never get over Stacey. I can’t.”

“Yes you can. I know you loved her but she’s gone Justin.”

“I can’t do it alone. Help me Mandy. Help me.” Justin sobbed. I pulled him into my arms. The rain had stopped and the moon was starting to come out from behind the clouds. Justin’s crying had finally subsided.

“Can we try Justin? I want to try to be with you.”

“I want to be with you too. We can try Mandy.” Justin said. he brought his lips down onto mine. Neither of us noticed the two shooting stars that shot through the night.

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