Chapter Three

Natalya fingered the soft velvet of one of her costumes as fond memories flooded her mind. She hadn’t wanted to remember but the memories hit her in tidal waves and just wouldn’t let up. (Flashback)

“Am I dancing mommy?” Four year old Natalya asked, spinning around in a circle.

“Yes sweetheart. You are.” Natalya smiled widely.

“Am I good mommy?” Katia smiled.

“No sweetie, you’re wonderful! Come her so mommy can take a picture.” Katia set the timer and got into place next to Natalya. The camera clicked and the flash went off capturing the moment in time. (End)

Natalya wiped away a few tears that had managed to slip down her cheek as she looked at the picture on the wall. It was a good thing the moment was frozen, because it was a wonderful memory. And now, memories were all that Natalya had of her mother.

“I miss you mom.” Natalya whispered, then turned and walked out the door.


“Turn, then kick. Come on guys. You should have this down!” Fatima yelled. Her patience was wearing thin and the guys, who had been practicing for over six hours, were exhausted.

“Fatima, we are TIRED! LET US GO HOME!” Nick growled as he wiped his neck with a towel.

“Fine but be here early tomorrow!” She packed up her things and left. Nick turned around and saw a figure standing in the doorway.

“Natalya?” Nick called out as Natalya timidly stepped into the room.

“Who are you?” AJ inquired.

“I’m, um Natalya DeLoch.” AJ’s mouth dropped open. He took in her long brown hair and emerald eyes, then realized it was her.

“I came here to thank Nick for bringing me my driver;s license the other day and repay him some how.”

“Well, this is Brian, Kevin, AJ, and Howie. I think I will be adequately repaid if you have dinner with me." Each guy waved and Nick looked at her.

“Um okay. Dress formal?” Nick nodded, a perfect place in mind already.

“Pick me up at seven.” Natalya replied. As soon as she had gotten outside, Natalya let the tears stream down her face. Watching them practice, had made her realize just how much she still yearned to dance. She hailed a cab and went home. In her closet, she had many formal dresses, having gone to so many formal events. She picked out a green one, with a tight embroidered bodice and a long green chiffon skirt, with diamond studded straps. She put her long brown hair into a french twist adorned with small red roses. Natalya swept light green eye shadow across her lids and carefully applied mascara. She clasped a diamond necklace around her neck and put it the matching earrings. She slipped on her green high heels and grabbed her purse. At promptly seven, Nick showed up on her doorstep, holding a red rose.

“Nat, you look amazing.” Nick breathed, handing her the rose. Natalya blushed.

“Merci monsieur.” Nick held out his arm and walked her down to the limo.

“So where are you taking me?” Natalya asked playfully.

“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.” Nick said, smiling. Natalya’s mouth dropped open when they pulled up in front of Chez Castille, a well respected French restaurant, in a huge abandoned castle. Architects had designed the castle to be exactly like it was in the 1800’s but in a restaurant setting. Each room in the castle was almost a mini restaurant in itself.

“My gosh Nick!” Natalya exclaimed. Together they walked into the magnificent restaurant.

“Carter for two.” Nick said to the host. He nodded and showed them to a room, where they were alone.

“You went all out didn’t you?” Nick nodded and pulled out her chair for her. They sat down, ordered drinks and appetizers, and talked.

“So tell me more about yourself Nat.”

“Well, I love French food and France in general. I travel there every summer.”

“Do you have any family around?” Natalya looked at the table.

“My mom died when I was seventeen and my dad died when I was four. I have one brother, Chris, who’s twenty one and lives in France. He’s a French cook.”

“So you don’t get to see him often?” Nick asked, taking a sip of wine.

“Only in the summer. I miss him but he’s doing what he’s meant to do. I believe we’re all meant to do something. In your case, it’s singing.”

“And in yours, dancing.” Nick said quietly.

“Not anymore. That ended three years ago when my mom died.” Nick grabbed her hand.

“You can’t give yp just because your mom’s not here. You have to keep going.” Natalya pulled her hand away.

“You don’t understand. Ballet was the world my mother and I shared together. WWithout her, I’m alone. Every time I dance, I see my mom sitting there cheering me on and it’s a constant reminder that she’s gone. As much as I love it, it wasn’t worth going through the pain that I duid when I danced. You can never understand.”

“You’re right. I can only try to understand. I can only try to convince you to use the talent you still possess and bring back the dance that made my family enthralled by the ballet. The perfession you are MEANT to do. I am here to sing and you are here to dance. You have too much talent, too much passion for dancing to quit. It’s magical when you’re performing Natalya. You have no clue. I see how much you still want to dance. Dance, Natalya. Follow your heart.” Natalya’s mouth dropped open at how impassioned his speech was.

“I don’t know if I can.” Natalya whispered. Nick grabbed her hand again and Natalya was touched by the gesture.

“If things get tough, you can always come talk to me.”

“I know. I’ll think about it Nick. I really will.” Nick smiled.

“Good.” They enjoyed an amazing French dinner. After getting into the limo, there was a tense silence. When the driver stopped in front of Natalya’s apartment, Nick helped her out of the limo.

“Thank you for such a wonderful evening Nick. And your speech. It made me see some things.”

“You’re welcome Natalya. It was my pleasure.” Nick decided to take a risk and leaned in to press his lips against Natalya’s but she turned her head and the kiss landed on her cheek.

“Goodbye Nick.” Natalya said as she hurried up to her apartment.

“Goodbye Nat.” Nick whispered into the velvety black night.

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