Chapter Six

He wasn’t even sure he had gotten the package. Nick hadn’t heard anything from her. It was now Christmas time. For the first time in a while, Nick got to spend a couple of weeks at home, including Christmas and New Year’s. But Christmas would not be a happy one, Nick could tell.

“Nick, what’s wrong? You haven’t been yourself for the past two months.” Aaron looked at his brother, concerned.

“Nothing’s wrong Aaron.” Aaron shook his head.

“Yes there is. You don’t joke around anymore and you have a wonderful girlfriend whom you pay no attention to. It has something to do with Natalya.” Nick’s head snapped up at the mention of Natalya’s name.

“Someone hurt her and that made her afraid to be with me.”

“I’m sorry Nick.”

“It’s not your fault. But maybe I should break up with Amanda. It’s not fair to her.” Aaron was about to say something when Amanda walked into the room.

“Gotta go.” Aaron said, hurrying out of the room.

“I have to talk to you.” Amanda said. Nick looked at her blankly.

“I think we should break up.” Nick nodded.

“I agree.” Amanda looked at him in shock.


“I was going to break up with you. But you beat me to it.” Amanda looked furious.

“It’s because of that Natalya girl isn’t it?” Nick did not reply. Amanda stormed out of the house. He was single again and he had never felt more alone.


“Who is this Nick guy and why does he affect you so much?” Natalya sighed.

“He is the most amazing guy I have ever met. He’s the one who convinced me to dance again.” Her friend Melanie nodded.

“So if he’s so amazing, why aren’t you with him?”

“I thought I knew.” Natalya paused. “But now I’m not so sure.”


“Merry Christmas Nick!” Leslie said when Nick walked into his family’s house on Christmas Eve.

“Same to you Les.” The smell of roasting turkey permeated the air and Nick’s family members were bustling around the house making last minute arrangements. Presents were piled around the tree.

“Nick, get in here!” Jane called from the dining room. Nick sat down next to his father and they enjoyed a wonderful meal after saying grace. After dinner, they went to open presents. Nick smiled for the video camera and happily thanked each person for the gifts he received.

“And the last one is for-” Jane paused. “Nick.” Nick accepted the gift and looked at the label. It was from Natalya.

“I’ll open it in my room.” Nick said, going upstairs. He sat down on his bed and pulled off the letter.

Dear Nick,

I hope you like this, I figure since you spray it all over the house, you might need some more. Thank you for the bracelet, it’s beautiful. I miss you Nick, I really do. I just don’t know how to love again. You have been so wonderful to me and I don’t deserve you. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Nick opened the box and saw a bottle of Gravity. And right next to it was a bottle of Strawberry Passion body spray. P.S This is what I wear. Nick thought back to the day when he had kissed Natalya. He opened the bottle and a wave of strawberry assaulted his senses.

“Natalya.” He whispered. But there came no reply.


(New Year’s Eve)

“Come on Chaos. This is the last time we’ll be able to go out.” Nick finally gave in and joined the rest of the band at an exclusive New Year’s party. Only famous stars were allowed at the party. Unfortunately, in order to go, Nick had to wear a suit.

“This is great!” AJ yelled over the loud music. Nick nodded, sipping some champagne. He was sort of dancing, kind of scanning the loud, gyrating crowd. She wouldn’t come here, Nick scolded himself. But she was there, dressed in an elegant green dress that reached her ankles. She too was sipping champagne and looking at the crowd. She spotted him at the same time he spotted her. Nick started pushing through the crowd and Natalya hurried the other way. Nick followed her through the crowd and saw her go out the door into the pouring rain. Nick went out side and looked around, finally seeing her sitting on a bench, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed. He walked over and stopped in front of her.

“Natalya.” Nick said softly. Natalya looked at him with red rimmed eyes and got up to run again but Nick grabbed her arm.

“Please don’t run.” Nick pleaded. Natalya’s tears mixed with the rain and her green dress stuck to her body. Natalya started shivering uncontrollably and NIck took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

“Smells like Gravity.” Natalya whispered. Tears started sliding down Nick’s cheeks.

“Why did you leave? I--” Natalya put a finger up to his lips.

“Care so much about me. I know Nick.”

“Then you’ll come back? Come back to me?” Natalya smiled as she said the familiar line.

“For you Carter, I’ll do anything.”


(1 year later)

“We’re so glad that you’re going to be part of our family.” Bob Carter said. Natalya smiled widely.

“It took me a long time to get here.” Jane nodded.

“But I’m glad Nick came into my life, because he helped me realize how I needed to face my fears.”

“And now, I get another sister.” Aaron said. Natalya smiled.

“And I get a family.”

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