Chapter Five

Within the next three months, Natalya had her first performance. She was only dancing one piece, and it was alone, but at least she was dancing.

“Next up, we have a seasoned ballet dancer back after a long break. Please welcome Natalya DeLoch!” The crowd cheered loudly and music from the Nutcracker trickled out of the speakers. She looks so beautiful, Nick thought as he watched her dance. But halfway through the piece, something went wrong. Natalya jumped up and did the splits in the air but when she came down, her right knee gave out and she came down hard. Murmurs were heard as Natalya grimaced in pain. Paramedics rushed onto the stage and she was taken to the back. Nick ran back there.

“Miss DeLoch, please calm down.” A paramedic instructed, touching her knee. Nick could tell she was in pain when tears started slipping down her cheeks. Nick ran to her side.

“Nick.” Natalya whispered.

“I’m here.” Nick replied.

“I tried Nick. The doctors said my knee was okay. I’m sorry I couldn’t dance for you.” Nick choked back a sob when he heard the anguish in her voice. Realization came at him full force. She wasn’t just dancing because she needed or wanted to. She was dancing because he wanted her to.

“Her knee should be fine in a couple of weeks.” Another paramedic said. “But she’ll never dance ballet again.” Nick had an idea.

“Can she dance at all? I mean hip hop or pop moves like my band does?”

“I can’t see why not. As long as it doesn’t include jumping and landing.” Natalya smiled.

“I know what you’re thinking Carter.”

“Will you do it Nat?” Natalya shifted on the couch.

“For you Carter, I’ll do anything.”


For the next three weeks, Natalya was stuck in bed. And rather than have her stay alone, Nick moved her into his guest bedroom.

“My mom, my sisters, and my brother are coming to visit today.” Natalya gulped.

“Maybe I should leave. My knee-” Nick put a finger to her full red lips.

“You’re staying. My family wants to meet you.” Natalya nodded and the doorbell rang.

“That’s them.” Natalya got up and grabbed her crutches. She was to use them for one more week and then she could practice with the band.

“She’s in here.” Natalya hobbled out to meet Mrs. Carter and the rest of Nick’s siblings.

“Natalya, this is my mother Jane. And you know Natalya Mom.” Natalya shook Jane’s hand.

“This is Aaron, BJ, Leslie, and Angel. Guys this is Natalya.”

“I was thrilled when I heard that you were dancing again.” Natalya smiled. “I’m sorry to hear about your accident.”

“It actually turned out okay and now I’m going to a backup dancer for BSB.”

“Sounds good.” BJ commented.

“Does that mean we’ll be seeing more of you?” Natalya nodded.

“You’re stuck with me. For a long time I hope.”

“We hate to leave so soon but we have things that we have to do. It was nice meeting you Natalya.”

“They seem like nice people.” Natalya commented when they left.

“They usually are. But they have their moments.” Natalya sat down on the couch. It smelled like Gravity.

“Does everything in your house smell like Gravity?” Nick shook his head.

“You don’t.” He sat down next to her. “You smell like strawberry.” Natalya could feel his breath against her ear and it sent shivers down her spine.

“It’s only a matter of time.” Natalya whispered. Nick placed a soft kiss on her, then her cheek, along her jawbone, and Natalya felt his breath against her lips a few seconds before his lips touched her own. Nick kissed her softly and gently urged her kips open with his. Sparks shot through Natalya as she responded to his kisses.

“I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time.” Nick whispered when he pulled away. Natalya smiled.

“Should have done it sooner.” Natalya said. Nick laughed and suddenly, Natalya got serious.

“I want to take things slow. I think we should be friends for a little longer before we think about dating.” Nick nodded.

“Some one hurt you huh Nat?” Natalya looked down at the ground and everywhere but Nick’s pleading gray blue eyes.

“You don’t understand.” Nick laughed bitterly.

“I’ve heard that before.”

“He hurt me so much, I cut myself off from all guys, afraid that if I got to know them, they would hurt me.”

“I’m-” Natalya cut him off.

“I have to go. I’ll see you later Nick.” The day passed in slow motion, as did the night. The clock next to Nick’s bed read 7:00 a.m. and a song kept playing in his head.

7 a.m. thinking about you

wondering if the thoughts I’m feeling

You’re feeling too

Oh she’s feeling them all right, Nick thought. She’s just afraid.

Like a newborn child

Soft to the touch

Baby is it possible to

love someone so much

I wish I may

I wish I might

Be that certain someone

You wish for every night



Natalya heard the same song playing on her BSB cd.

If you knew what I knew

You wouldn’t say what you say

(Say what you want to say)

If you knew what I knew

We’d be together this day

I’d be breaking my heart

Without things that aren’t true

My lady

If you knew what I knew


A week passed. Then a month and there was no sign of Natalya. Nick went through his normal routine, but he was hollow.

Time passes by

The only tears I cry

Filled with this illusion

With the fears I have inside

Like a lost soul

I feel like I’m alone

(All alone)

If only I could feel your pain

Within your heart and soul

Yes my lady

If you knew what I knew baby

You would never have said what you said

If you knew what I knew baby

We would have been together instead


Natalya went through her routine but something was missing. Or someone. It had been two months since she had last seen Nick. And she felt horrible. Natalya was dancing with some friends and they had even won some competitions, but nothing eased her pain.

“Hey Nat, you got a package. I didn’t know it was your birthday.” Natalya grabbed the package and tore it open.


I got your address from a close friend. Have a happy birthday and I hope you like this.



Nestled inside was a gold charm bracelet. The charms that adorned it were tiny ballet slippers. Natalya started crying. Crying for the world she gave up, the world she would never have, and the love she gave up before it had even started.

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