Chapter One-Stacey

It was a beautiful summer day and I was stuck inside shooting some stupid commercial. My agent, Judy, said this could be my "big break" I heard those words every time I did a commercial. "Stacey, this could be your big break!" Give me a break. Like a stupid commercial was going to make me the next big thing. Don't get me wrong, I love acting and I would do anything to get to the top but commercials? Judy's pretty cool, letting me live with her and all. My parents abandoned me when I was two and I wa shuffled from foster home to foster home and it sucked. So I eventually ran away to Orlando Florida. I learned that I couldn't trust anybody not even Judy no matter how sweet she is. Judy is one of those pushy people. A few years ago, I tried out for the role of Juliet in the community production of Romeo and Juliet and afterwards, Judy just kinda appointed herself my personal agent. I've acted in every commercial imaginable and I still suck. Someday, I hope to make a couple of movies and I'm only sixteen so I've got a long time to try. Judy is also the agent for this wussy boy band N SUCK, I mean, N SYNC. Don't even get me started on boy bands, especially N SYNC. Judy's always saying, "I should hook you up with that Justin boy. You two would be perfect together!" Me, dressed in all black and gothic makeup and squeaky clean Justin-what's-his-name? I don't think so. Of course, I'm not allowed to wear all black or my gothic makeup to auditions. Without all that, I would look pretty normal. I have honey brown which I dyed black and blue green eyes which I consider my best feature. Judy's always trying to get em to let my natural hair color come through but my black hair makes my eyes stand out.

"Stacey get into position! NOW!" The director yelled. The things I go through to act. When the director finally yelled cut and told us we could go home, I was exhausted but Judy told me she had some news.

"Stacey honey. We, as in me and you, are having lunch with N SYNC tomorrow." Anger coursed through my veins. I'd rather die than eat lunch with those spoiled brain dead morons.

"Why do I have to go? You're their agent not me. They're brain dead, have no shred of personality whatsoever, and are totally pampered. I bet they haven't had to work for anything in their lives. Besides, Justin dyed his hair so much, it soaked into his brain." I declared vehemently,crossing my arms over my chest.

"Stacey Korman, they are nice young men and Justin's dye did not soak into his brain. You are going and that's final." Judy replied giving me a stern look. I knew I was stuck. Great, I thought. Lunch with five guys who probably have the iq of a plastic fork between them.

Chapter Two
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