Chapter Two-Justin

"Justinnnnn! Hurry up or we're going to be late! I wanna check this chick out!" Chris whined from outside my door. I couldn't find my other baby blue sneaker to match my shirt. Scanning the room, I saw it sticking out from under Joey's bed. Figures. Our agent Judy wanted us to have lunch with her and this aspiring actress. None of us were all that thrilled. I heard she dresses in all black(which is kinda sexy) and wears gothic makeup(which isn't) Judy is always trying to hook us up. The only person who was semi excited to meet her was Chris, who's so desperate at the moment that he'd probably date a transvestite if he/she looked good. That's Chris for you. I finished tying my shoe and went into the living room where my four band mates were waiting impatiently. I grabbed my baby blue fisherman's cap and pulled it on.

"I'm ready guys." I said. I knew they were ticked because I was running late.

"Let's get this over with. Hopefully it won't be that bad." Lance said trying to be optimistic as we all got into the limo. Twenty minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot of a fancy french restaurant on the corner of twenty fifth street, one of Orlando's finest.

"Brown, for seven. Thanks." Lance said as the waitress showed us to our table. Judy was sitting there but the girl was nowhere in sight.

"Hi guys. Stacey's in the bathroom but she'll be back in a minute. Sit down and look at the menu." Judy said cheerfully. About five minutes later, a girl with beautiful blue green eyes and jet black hair pulled up a chair in front of me and flopped down.

"Boys, this is Stacey Korman. Stacey, this is Lance, JC, Chris, Joey, and Justin. The boys you dislike so much." Judy explained. Judy is trying to hook me up with someone who hates me and my group? Tell me that makes sense.

"So Stacey, I hear you're an actress. What have you been in?" Lance asked trying to be polite.

"Yes, I'm an actress and if you must know, I have been in a bunch of stupid commercials because Judy hasn't gotten me anything better. Not that it's any of your business." Stacey said bitingly. Wow, I thought to myself. This girl is rude. But I could tell it was all an act.

"Stacey, Justin. I have some good news. I got you two parts in a movie. Stacey's always complaining how all she does are commercials and you said you wanted to act so I pulled some strings. You'll be in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You. You two end up falling in love. It's the perfect role." Judy gushed. A part in a movie with a beautiful girl who hates me. Would she even do the movie?

"That's great Judy. Count me in." I said, flashing Stacey my brightest smile. She scowled and flipped me off.

"There's no way I'm going to act with peroxide boy over there. Not if he was the last guy on this earth." Stacey said cooly.

"Stacey, this is it. You do this movie and you'll be big. Scratch that. HUGE! You can't pass this offer up." Judy exclaimed.

"Fine. I'll do the movie. For my career not because of the brain dead asshole over there." Stacey retorted. Ouch, I thought. Now I'm brain dead. I'll show her. I show her that I'm not spoiled and brain dead. The night went down hill from there. Stacey was rude all evening and we couldn't wait to go home. Judy said that we would get our scripts and start rehearsing tomorrow. I couldn't wait.

Chapter Three
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