Chapter Fifteen-Stacey

3 Years Later....

"OK everybody. Let's take it from the top." Our choreographer, Darren Henson said that day at practice. I hate practicing but being a backup dancer is kinda cool. I finished high school and now I'm a backup dancer for N SYNC. Big surprise huh? It doesn't even come close to acting but true to her word, Judy made sure I never acted again. Everywhere I turned, I was turned down for movie parts.

"Stacey, go to wardrobe. You're on in ten." Johnny said. After the show, I was exhausted, as was Justin. We went to the bus and all I had the energy to do was kiss Justin goodnight and go to bed but Justin had some really important news.

"Stacey, I got you a part in Romeo and Juliet. Guess which part? Juliet." Justin exclaimed. I'm going to be acting again? I'm going to act again!

"Thank you! Oh Justin you're the best!" I was going to act again. It took all of my will power to not do cartwheels across the room.

"I know I'm the best. Lance and I talked to this agent and she got you the part. I'll miss you dancing with us but I know that you love to act." Justin said, giving me a bright smile. Juliet, I thought. On the big screen this time. I let my thoughts wander to Judy. In some ways, she ruined my life but she helped me in others. She took me in and got me a part in 10 Things I Hate About You. It didn't make me famous but it helped me fall in love with Justin. But she ruined my life when she threatened to press statutory rape charges against Justin. Kicking me out was the best thing she could have done. Justin and I were madly in love and things were going great. Three whole months in New York while shooting Romeo and Juliet. Those three months turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

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