Chapter Sixteen-Stacey

I knew when Lance and I got Stacey that part that she would have to go to New York but it didn't make saying good-bye any easier.

"I'm going to miss you Stace. Write and call whenever you get the chance." I said, hugging her tightly. I wouldn't be able to hold her for three months, I thought sadly.

"I'll write and call OK? Don't worry and I'll miss you. I love you Justin." Stacey said, giving me a quick kiss and walking down the terminal. She's gone for three months. Nights were lonely without her and when a week passed and there were still no phone calls or letters, I decided to call her.

"Hey Stace. I miss you. How's shooting?"

"Fine I guess. I have really long days. I miss you too but I gotta go." She said hurriedly. We said our good-byes and hung up. The next day, I was reading a magazine when I saw the caption: Movie Stars have wild night out. I didn't think anything of it until I saw Stacey's name. She had a wild night out with Ryan Phillippe. I should have known better than to believe something a magazine had to say but I called her right away.

"What's this I hear about your wild night on the town?" I asked vehemently.

"Calm down. We are just friends. God quit spazzing out Justin."

"Calm down? JUST friends? There's pictures of you guys making out!" I yelled, not bothering to keep my temper under control.

"You know, I don't have to take this. You don't trust me? Well, get over your foolish insecurities Justin!" Stacey snapped and slammed down the phone. I held the receiver in shock. What had happened to the bond we shared? What had happened to the good times? Most of all, what had happened to us?

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