Chapter Eight-Justin

When I saw the man hit Stacey, I ran over there. The guys ran over and pulled the man up and summoned security. I knelt down next to Stacey. Her skirt was torn and her lip was bleeding.

“Stacey, can you hear me? Stacey honey wake up.” I coaxed. She opened her eyes, saw the blood on my hand, and started to sob. I held her and felt her shake as she sobbed.

“He-that’s how my ex-he-” She wasn’t making any sense. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. She was supposed to have a good time and open up to the idea of being a couple. I carefully helped her up and led her out to the limo. She crawled in the back seat and the guys and I followed.

“Stacey here’s some ice. Are you okay?” Lance asked, handing her an ice pack.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Stacey said.

“I’m sorry Stacey. I just wanted you to have a good time. I wish it had been better.” I said sadly.

“I had a good time especially the dancing.” Stacey said giving me a bashful smile. She was referring to the slow dance. When we pulled up in front of Judy’s house, I helped her up the front steps.

“Thanks for helping me Justin. And taking me to the club. It was fun until the end.” Stacey said. God she has to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Suddenly, she leaned forward and touched her lips to mine. For the first, she kissed me. All I can say is wow. “Goodnight Justin.” Stacey said, opening the door and going inside. I felt this overwhelming feeling and I knew exactly what it was. I was falling in love with her.

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