Chapter Nine-Stacey

When I walked through the front door, I felt like a different person. Someone who knew how to have fun. When I looked in the mirror, my lip was split and caked with blood. I remembered seeing blood on Justin’s hand. My blood.

“Stacey, is that you? For god’s sake it’s five am! You two have a shoot in an hour! And what happened to your lip?” Judy ranted. God, I can do the shoot. I refused to let her spoil my good mood.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry Judy and quit being such a nag.” I exclaimed. I went to my room to clean up.

“Stacey let’s go.” Judy said. We drove in silence all the way to the shoot. When I walked in, I saw Justin’s eyes light up. I took in his baggy black pants and tight white tank top, his unruly brownish gold curls, his bright blue eyes, and his killer smile. He was gorgeous.

“Hey beautiful.” Justin said, kissing me on the cheek. Shivers ran down my spine. Justin noticed and gave me a heart melting smile.

“Ok guys, this is the last day of shooting. You’ve done really well and I can’t wait to see the finished product. Let’s shoot.” John said. The last day of shooting? It couldn’t be already!

“Stacey you’re on.” John said. The shoot went by so fast. I was exhausted but I didn’t want to leave.

“Stacey, I’ve got some great news.” Judy said, excitedly.

“What would that be?” I asked, in no mood for surprises.

“I got you a part on the soap opera, General Hospital. You’ll play Liz, Lucky’s ex. Isn’t that great?” Judy exclaimed. A soap opera? I’d wanted to be on one forever!

“Cool Jud. Thanks!” I said, giving her a hug.

“Thanks sweetie. We have to start packing when we get home. I’m going to miss Florida.” Judy said.

“Why would we pack?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“Because we’re moving to New York. that’s where it’s filmed.” Judy said.

“Judy do you mind if I take a walk?” I asked.

“No, go ahead. I’ll see you at home.” Judy called out over her shoulder as she was walking out the door. In a daze I stood there for a couple of minutes. Then I walked out the door and started walking down the street. i had no idea where I was going. New york. No more Justin, not even when he came home from being on tour. How am I going to survive without seeing him everyday? It would be torture. I looked around to see where I had ended up. A park. I sat down at a bench and before I knew it, the tears were streaming down my cheeks at the thought of leaving the only man I truly cared about. I don’t know how long I stayed there. But when the first light of dawn appeared on the horizon, the tears didn’t stop falling.

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