Chapter One

Meg Weiss sat up in bed, drenched in sweat as she recalled that horrible night. It had been almost a year since the shooting, and Taylor was planning on returning home. Meg had found out from Taylor’s mom Diana, who wrote Meg regularly, unlike her son. Meg had often wondered why Taylor hadn’t written more often. She wasn’t even sure if he knew about Blake’s death, unless Diana told him. Meg sighed as she went out to her mailbox. There was another letter from Diana and Meg eagerly opened it.


Hey girl! How are you holding up? I know it must still hurt to think about Blake but keep your head up. On this front, we closed on the house and we should be coming home in about a week. Tay misses you Meg, really he does. I know he hasn’t written very much or called more often but things have been really hectic for him and the band. Of course they’re split up now. I look forward to seeing you again. It’s been awhile and I will see you soon!

Love Ya Much,


Sure he misses me, Meg thought bitterly. If he had missed me, why didn’t he written more often? Or called every now and then? And now he was coming home. In a week, her best friend would be home but Meg felt like she was waiting for a stranger. Meg should have been happy but all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep, because when she slept, she could forget about all the pain and loneliness threatening to engulf her life.


“Are you all packed Tay?” Diana Hanson asked her son. Twenty-one year old Taylor Hanson sighed. Why didn’t I get my own place when I had the chance? Taylor thought to himself.

“For the millionth time, yes I am packed!” Taylor snapped.

“Easy Tay. It was just a question.” Twenty-three year old Isaac Hanson said, shooting his brother a reprimanding glance.

“Are you stressed or somethin’ ‘cause you never snap at anyone.” Eighteen year old Zac Hanson interjected. Taylor sighed.

“I’m stressed because I’m going to see Meg again for the first time in nine years.” Taylor said. He had meant to write and call often but things had gotten rather busy and he hadn’t had time. Taylor had truly failed the first test of their friendship.


(1 week later...)

Taylor took a deep breath of Oklahoma air as he looked at his old house. Parker Weiss, Meg’s older brother, had been living in the house and caring for it until the Hansons came home. Taylor looked at the house next door, where Meg still lived. Mary and Nathan Weiss had decided they wanted to see what it was like to live in Hawaii and had given the house to Meg, and Parker if he chose. Meg and Blake had lived there while he was alive. Blake, Taylor thought, a lump rising in his throat. Taylor vividly remembered Blake even though it had been nine years since they had talked, and it caused tears to come to his eyes. And then he thought about Meg’s wedding. (Flashback)

“Why isn’t Tay here?” Meg asked, pushing her veil aside. Mary Weiss shrugged.

“We sent him an invitation.” Meg sighed as Taylor watched through a window, his heart constricting painfully. He had been told not reveal himself to anybody, even Meg. Taylor watched a single tear slip down Meg’s cheek. It was her wedding day, she should have been happy. Look at how much pain I caused her, Taylor thought to himself.

“I love you Meg.” Taylor whispered. He stood at the back of the crowd, and watched Meg walk down the aisle toward Blake. Taylor barely heard the minister or Blake. But he did hear Meg say ‘I do’ and he felt like a knife had been driven into his heart. They kissed and walked down the aisle with rice flying and people yelling. Blake and Meg looked ecstatic and Taylor felt miserable. (End flashback)

Taylor glanced over at the house next to his, vaguely aware of the tears slipping down his cheeks. He hadn’t told her he was at her wedding and he hadn’t been able to go to Blake’s funeral. He had failed her in the worst way.

Chapter Two
Until The End Index
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