Chapter Two

Meg took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Her heart was thudding against her ribcage as she heard footsteps inside. Meg adjusted the chopsticks holding her blonde hair in a bun as the door opened. Green eyes met shocked blue ones as Taylor answered the door.

“Meg?” Meg nodded, knowing she wasn’t the same girl he saw nine years ago. She had grown up.....without him.

“Tay.” Hearing herself use his nickname was weird and it brought pain to Taylor’s eyes.

“Do you want to come in? Taylor asked, stepping aside. Meg cautiously stepped inside. Meg had been in this house many times after Taylor left, her brother Parker had stayed here, but it was different now that Taylor and his family were home. Jessica, Avery, and Mackenzie were playing in the spacious living room and Diana walked in holding Zoë.

“Meg!” The younger children exclaimed. Diana smiled and gave Meg a hug. Meg had always thought of Diana as a second mom and had called her such.

“Come with me upstairs.” Taylor whispered in her ear. Meg followed him to his room, exactly the way it was before he left, only it was dusted and clean. Meg sat down on his bed.

“Meg-” Meg looked up at him, willing herself not to cry.

“Why didn’t you write or call more often Tay?” Taylor swallowed hard.

“Things were-” Meg cut him off.

“Busy? I’m your best friend Taylor. I deserve better than that!” Taylor nodded.

“Why weren’t you at my wedding?” She paused. “Or even worse, why weren’t you at Blake’s funeral?” Taylor looked down at the ground.

“My manager wouldn’t let me.” Taylor said softly. “And I was at your wedding.” Meg looked at him in surprise.

“You were there?” Taylor nodded.

“I was told to blend into the crowd, and to not let you see me.”

“I can’t believe you were there and weren’t allowed to tell me.”

“You have no idea what is what like Meg. To watch you get married and not be right there with you, was hell. I should have been there to hear about the date, all the dates, the proposal, everything. But I couldn’t be and I am so sorry Meg.” By the end of his speech, Meg was sobbing. Deep, racking sobs that came straight from her soul.

“I hate myself-” Taylor paused, unable to continue. “I hate myself so much for being at Blake’s funeral. He was my best friend and I was too chicken to go against my manager and fly out here anyway. He meant so much to me and especially to you....” Taylor trailed off, tears coursing down his own cheeks.

“I hate you Taylor.” Meg stated simply. Taylor looked at her, his blue eyes full of pain.

“No, Meg-” Meg got up and walked out of the room, leaving behind a broken man and a piece of her heart.


Taylor gazed at the ceiling, at the exact same spot where his eyes had been trained for the last two hours. His eyes hurt from crying, his chest from sobbing. A soft knock on the door made Taylor’s eyes leave the ceiling.

“Come in.” He said hoarsely. Taylor sat up as Claire Waters stepped into his room.

“What are you doing here?” Taylor asked Claire. Claire gave him a small smile.

“Welcome home Taylor.” Taylor started to smile back but stopped himself when he heard the icy tone in her voice.

“What’s wrong Claire?” Claire folded her arms across her chest.

“You miss my brother’s funeral and you have the audacity to ask me what’s wrong?”


“Sorry? Of course you’re sorry. Blake was your best friend and you couldn’t get away from your awful music career to attend his funeral?” Taylor stood and faced her.

“I know I was wrong but you have no right to criticize my career. At least I was famous and won’t be flipping burgers and asking “Do you want fries with that?” for the rest of my life.” Claire looked at him in shock. It took a lot to get Taylor mad.

“Get out of my room Claire, until you can come here and talk to me with respect.” Claire put her hands on her hips.

“Which will be never Taylor Hanson. You can go to hell!” Taylor watched as Claire stormed out of his room, then flopped down on his bed. I think coming home was a big mistake, Taylor thought to himself. One big mistake.


Meg had never cried so much in her life. The fact that Taylor had been at her wedding was extremely disturbing. And it angered her that he didn’t show up for Blake’s funeral. Meg walked into the kitchen, red eyed and exhausted, and looked for some food. She was surprised when she saw Blake’s sister Claire sitting at her kitchen table.

“Parker let me in.”

“It’s been awhile Claire.” Claire gave her a small smile.

“That’s what I get for going to boarding school.” Seeing Blake’s adopted sister brought back painful memories. Claire was so different from her brother. With jet black hair, electric blue eyes, and an outspoken sometimes bitchy demeanor, Claire was the complete opposite of Blake. Blake had brown hair, deep blue eyes, and funny demeanor. He was always joking.

“I hate Taylor.” Claire said, casually sipping her soda.

“That’s weird. You used to have the biggest crush on him.” Claire made a gagging noise.

“I can’t believe I ever liked him. I swear he’s gay.” Meg turned to face Claire.

“I’m really mad at him too but he’s not gay.” Meg snapped.

“Why are you defending him? He was too busy with his pathetic music career to come to your husband’s funeral. He’s a bastard.”

“Oh his career is so pathetic. They brought pop music back onto the scene and his career is pathetic? Get over it Claire. You’re just jealous because you think that you’re the next Celine Dion when your voice really sounds like a donkey being kicked in it’s side.” Claire put her hands on her hips.

“Like Taylor has a better voice? Even before puberty, Zac sounded better. Taylor didn’t deserve the fame because he has NO talent!”

“Then why did he sing most of the leads?”

“I know why you’re still defending him.” Claire said smugly.

“Enlighten me.”

“You’re defending him because you still love him. Everyone around here knew that you guys were in love even though you guys didn’t.” Meg looked down at the ground.

“I’m right aren’t I?” Meg shook her head.

“Get lout of my house Claire and do not come back.” Claire shrugged her shoulders.

“Suit yourself. You and Taylor deserve each other. It seems like you don’t even care about Blake.” It surprised Meg more than it did Claire to hear the crack of Meg’s palm against Claire’s cheek.

“Do no EVER accuse me of no caring about Blake! Ge tout of my house and DON’T EVER come back!” Claire left the house and Meg sat down at the kitchen table. Why did I defend him? Meg asked herself. He hadn’t even showed up for Blake’s funeral. If she was so mad at him, Why did she feel so horrible?


“Come on Tay! Come play!” Mackenzie said. Taylor smiled.

“Not now Mac. Maybe later.” Zoë, who was playing in the sand box, looked up at Taylor.

“Taytay!” Zoë exclaimed, throwing sand in the air. Taylor looked next door and saw Meg setting up the sprinkler. Taylor took in her short white shorts and jade green tank top. He knew the tank top would make her eyes and even deeper green, if that was possible. Taylor tried to focus on playing with Zoë but it was a futile action. Taylor felt tears some to his eyes and he could not stop them from slipping down his cheeks.

“What wrong Taytay?” Zoë asked innocently. Despite his tears, Taylor laughed.

“Nothing’s wrong Zoë.”

“Sure there is.” A voice behind him said. Taylor turned around and saw his eighteen year old brother Zac standing behind him.

“Hey.” Taylor said, wiping his cheeks. Zac sat down next to him in the sand.

“It’s Meg isn’t it?” Zac asked. Taylor could only nod, a lump in his throat.

“She was so angry and unbelievably hurt by the fact that I was at her wedding without her knowing. It angered her even more when I didn’t go to Blake’s funeral.” Zac nodded.

“I can’t imagine how hurt she is.” Taylor laughed, but it was a bitter sound.

“She hates me.” Zac shook his head.

“She could never hate you Tay.” He paused. “Before we left, you guys were so close that everybody thought if we wouldn’t have left, you and Meg would have started dating and she would have married you instead of Blake.”

“People really thought that?” Zac nodded.

“Meg had feelings for you when we first left and she felt so betrayed by the fact that you didn’t write her.” Taylor looked down at the ground.

“We were all busy Tay. Why didn’t you write her more?”

“Because I was,” Taylor said softly. “And still am, in love with her.” Zac’s mouth dropped open.

“Are you serious?” Taylor nodded. “I’m sorry Tay.” Taylor smiled sadly.

“So am I Zac. So am I.”

Chapter Three
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