Chapter Three

Zac walked over to Meg’s house, his heart thudding almost painfully. It was then that he noticed Claire Waters rollerblading down the street in a pair of white daisy dukes and a small white tank top that was similar to a bra.

“Zac!” Claire yelled, waving. Zac waved back, trying to not focus on her tan stomach.

“What are you doing at Meg’s house?” Claire asked, disdain apparent in her voice.

“I’m going to talk to her about Tay. What’s your problem?” Claire let out a bitter laugh.

“My problem is the fact that none of you showed up for Blake’s funeral and she was defending Taylor.”

“And you’re mad at her for that?” Claire nodded. “Some friend you are.” Zac turned and walked up Meg’s driveway. As he rang the doorbell, Claire’s voice rang out behind him.

“Are you gay Zac?” Zac turned around as Meg opened the door.

“Are you a whore Claire?” Claire’s mouth dropped open.

“EXCUSE me?” Zac smiled.

“You’re excused.” He turned toward Meg. “Sorry. Can I come in?”

“What are you doing here?” Meg stepped aside and Zac walked into the house.

“I came here to talk to you about Tay.” Meg rolled her eyes.

“There’s not much to say Zac. He betrayed me in the worst way.”

“I know why Tay didn’t write.” Meg looked at him.

“Enlighten me.”

“He didn’t write,” Zac paused. “Because he was in love with you.” Meg looked at him, green eyes full of surprise.

“Was?” Zac looked sadly down at the ground.

“And still is.” It broke Zac’s heart to see Meg collapse into tears.

“I hate him!” Meg sobbed as Zac pulled her into his arms.

“No you don’t. No matter how hurt or bitter you are, you won’t hate Taylor.” Meg nodded tearfully.

“But Tay being home is a constant reminder of Blake and therefore it just opens up wounds that I thought had healed.”

“So while trying to heal other wounds, you make new ones?”

“You know what I mean. The only reason I started dating Blake was because Taylor wasn’t around. And if Tay would have written more or called more often, I wouldn’t be so mad at him.”

“I can’t tell you how he feels. It’s not my place.”

“Unless he talks to me himself, I refuse to listen. I can’t even promise I’ll listen then.” Zac shook his head.

“It’s your loss Meg.” He started to walk out the door. “And you’re making a big mistake.”


You’re making a big mistake, Zac’s words echoed in Meg’s head. Am I? Meg asked herself. Taylor would never come and talk to her. Taylor was a very private person and would not come talk until he was at the breaking point.

“If I were in his position, I would be at the breaking point." Meg muttered, grabbing a soda out of the fridge.

“Who’s at the breaking point?” Meg whirled around, her heart beating wildly.

“Parker! Don’t ever do that again!” Parker shrugged his shoulders.

“I just asked a question.”

“Taylor. I know he won’t talk unless he’s at the breaking point.” Parker nodded.

“How very true. Speaking of dear Taylor, how is he?”

“I wouldn’t know.” Parker looked confused.


“Because he was at my wedding, not at Blake’s funeral, and I told him that I hate him.”


“I told him that I hate him.”

“But-” Parker’s response was cut short by the doorbell ringing. Parker went to answer the door and returned with Taylor trailing behind. “I’m going to leave you two alone.” Parker said, leaving the room. Meg glanced over at Taylor, finally looking. Taylor’s downward cast blue eyes were red rimmed, there was a shadow of stubble on his face, and his posture was defeated. Like he had fought many battles and won none.

“Tay?” Meg said softly. For the first since he had come over, he looked at her. His normally crystalline blue eyes were dark and bloodshot. He got up and left. For the next two hours, Meg cried. Cried for Blake, for the loss of her innocence, and for the man that she destroyed.


Meg was woken up by the incessant ringing of the doorbell. She shrugged on a robe and padded down the hallway in her worn slippers. She threw open the door, exasperated.

“What?” She growled. Her still sleepy eyes registered Isaac Hanson’s worried face.

“Tay’s in the hospital.” Meg’s eyes popped open.


“It was all a setup Meg. Claire acted like some guys were trying to rob her and when Taylor tried to help, ten guys jumped him.” Meg wobbled as her knees went weak.

“Let me get dressed.” Meg ran up to her room and changed in record time. She clambered down the stairs and out to Isaac’s car.

“What’s up between you and Tay?” Meg did not reply. Isaac drove the rest of the way in silence. After reaching the hospital, Meg followed Isaac through the brightly lit hallways, smelling the sickly antiseptic. They stopped in front of room 100. Isaac grabbed her hand before she went in.

“Be prepared. It’s pretty bad.” But nothing could have ever prepared her to see Taylor. He looked so helpless, laying on the bed, tubes protruding everywhere. Meg’s breath caught in her throat.

“Taylor.” Meg whispered. His left eye was bruised and swollen shut. He had scrapes, scratches, and bruises on his face and arms. There was a nasty bruise on the side of his head that was every color of the used and abused rainbow ranging from sickly yellow green to purple blue. His right arm was in a cast. Meg couldn’t contain her sobs anymore. Hearing her sobs, Taylor turned his head.

“Meg?” Meg nodded, unable to speak as she continued sobbing. Tears started to slip down Taylor’s cheeks.

“Don’t cry Meg.” TAylor whispered as he tried to sit up. Meg put a hand up to stop him.

“Meg, it’s okay.” Taylor said softly. Meg shook her head.

“She hates you and yet you try to “help” her?” Taylor nodded.

“Always so noble.”

“I’d do it for anybody Meg.” Meg shook her head.

“Only it was set up. She knew that you would try to help her and she took advantage of that. You’re a fool Taylor.” Meg walked out of the hospital and into the pouring rain.

I wonder how I’ll get along

I wonder where I might belong

Losing your way is easy to do

Wandering around without a clue

If there’s a way I don’t know where

If there’s a why I’m standing here

Losing my mind is easy to do

Where are you?

Meg dropped to her knees on the pavement, her head in her hands. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Zac Hanson standing next to her.

And the rain falls down

It’s the only way it gets better

when the rain is falling down

Telling me that I’m gonna make it through

“Are you okay?” Meg shook her head.

“She hates him and yet he still tried to help her!” Meg yelled over the thunder. Zac nodded.

“He’d do it for anybody.”

I never thought of what it cost

All of the time I might have lost

So much to gain playing it cool

I’m better cast playing the fool

“He never did anything to her.” Zac looked at her. “He never did anything wrong.”

I know I will

But when will I stand up to myself

Make up my mind

I might not have what I had before

But I still got the rain

“Do you fully believe that?” Meg looked down at the ground.

Let it rain

Let it rain down on me

Let it rain

“I do.” Meg said, meeting Zac’s eyes. “I finally do.”

It’s the only way

Chapter Four
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