
“What are you doing?” Eleven year old Megan Weiss asked her best friend.

“I’m trying to write a song.” Taylor Hanson said, matter of factly. Meg looked over his shoulder expectantly.

“Are you still going to remember me when you are famous and have a band?” Meg asked. Taylor looked at her in disbelief.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Meg shrugged.

“So we’ll still be friends even when you’re making millions of dollars?” Taylor nodded.

“Until the end.”


“Taylor my man, she is fine!” Blake Waters said as he looked over Taylor’s fence while jumping on the trampoline. Taylor nodded.

“She’s my best friend.” Blake’s jaw dropped open.

“Why have I not been introduced to this fine friend of yours?” Taylor shrugged.

“She’s still in that phase where she thinks that all boys, except me of course, have cooties.” Blake nodded in understanding.

“I’m tellin’ ya Taylor. I’m gonna marry that girl someday.”


“You guys got a record deal? That is so great Tay!” Twelve year old Meg threw her arms around thirteen year old Taylor’s neck.

“Yeah. We even have a single and we’re going on tour in a week.” Meg pulled away.

“A week? I get to come right?” Taylor laughed.

“Come on Meg. You have to stay here and go to school. Mom’s going to home school me on the road.” Meg crossed her arms over her chest defiantly.

“Why couldn’t she tutor me too? My mom wouldn’t mind.” Taylor shook his head.

“You have a life here Meg. You can’t come on the road with me.” Meg’s lip quivered as she tried not to cry.

“Hey, don’t cry. I’ll write every day. I promise okay?” Meg nodded as Taylor wiped her tears away.

“Remember Meg. Friends until the end.”


Friends until the end. That’s what he had promised her. So why hadn’t he kept that promise? Over the next five years, Meg got a total of six letters from Taylor. Maybe he was busy, maybe he didn’t have time. But it still hurt. She still missed him. Meg had grown up, and she had watched him get famous and then fade from the music scene, only to make a comeback two years later. And of course, Meg had developed feelings for Taylor that slowly disappeared after time, chased away by the bitterness of losing touch with Taylor. Eventually, Meg had fallen in love with Blake Waters, Taylor’s best friend. With his brown hair, shocking blue eyes, and funny personality, Blake was everything that Meg could have ever wanted....and more. And for two years, until after graduation, Blake and Meg dated, and were deeply in love. Two weeks after she turned nineteen, Blake proposed.

“Meg,” He said, getting down on one knee. “Will you marry me?” Meg had been shocked.

“Of course I’ll marry you.” And they were married ten months after he proposed to her. During the ceremony, Meg had the feeling she was being watched. And little did she know, Taylor was there, watching her wed somebody else, keeping his feelings to himself. Of course, Meg didn’t notice and she couldn’t have been happier. But life has a way of dealing cruel blows and Meg was about to get her share.


It all started when Blake was late coming home from his late evening jog. Meg wasn’t really worried. Blake was always coming home late. But three hours after he was supposed to be home, Meg started to worry. And then the doorbell rang.

“Are you Mrs. Megan Waters?” A police officer said, after she opened the door. Meg could only nod, fearing the new she was about to receive.

“I hate to bring you such bad news, ma’am. Your husband was caught in a shooting between two gangs while he was jogging.” Meg bit her lower lip in an attempt not to cry.

“Is he-” The officer looked down at the ground.

“He was pronounced dead at the scene. I’m sorry Mrs. Waters.” The officer turned to go and Meg slowly shut the door. As the door softly clicked shut, Meg slid down to the floor, finally letting the tears slip freely. In one swift moment, her life had crumbled into pieces, and there was no one left.

Chapter One
Until The End Index
Other Index