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Welcome to the Fictional Reality Awards! Minda and I(Janine) of Adventures...Nsync Fiction and Fan Fiction: Where Dreams Come True, have gotten together to honor Nsync Fan Fiction writers everywhere. Below are the links where you can look over categories and begin voting. But please read ALL the rules first and the categories/nominees! Thanks:-)


December 24, 2000: Ok everyone the Winners have been chosen. They are:

Best Author: Paula
Best Rookie Author: Starlight Diva
Best Story: Twinkiegurl “Playing it by Heart”
Best Justin Story: Scarlett “Behind Closed Doors”
Best JC Story: Starlight Diva “Dreams Do Come True”
Best Lance Story: Paula “Meant to be”
Best Joey Story: Shelley “Jaime”
Best Chris Story: Melissa “Torn into Love”
Best Use of a Song: Starlight Diva “The Hardest Thing” by 98 degrees in “Dreams Do Come True”
Best Character: Emma in “Playing it by Heart” by Twinkiegurl
Best Kiss: Chapter 19 “Count on Me” by Cerissa
Best Villain: Jeremy in “Perfect in my Eyes” by Sarah (Jax)
Best Ending: Starlight Diva “Dreams Do Come True”
Best Thriller: JAGS “Bloodstained Letters”
Best Romance Story: Amy “Email my Heart”
Best Tearjerker: Paula “Meant to be”
Best Short Story: Megs “Tears in Heaven”
Best Humor Story: The Dawgs “How to make a Boyband”
Best Drama Story: Mandy “Now and Then”
Best Incomplete: Amanda “Oh Baby”

Thanks to all of you who participated in these awards!!!
Email us at for any questions or comments you have.
Also, if you need to get to either Janine or Minda separately, these are our own email addy's:








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