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The Crownsmen


After taking a "break" for almost two years, the Crownsmen are back! We have been through some major growth, personnel challenges and changes and an ongoing bus renovation process that has had us pretty much shut down since January 1999. In November of 2000, a gentleman donated a bus to us. It was in running order and, after some cleaning, a few mechanical repairs and a little fine tuning, it turned out to be a pretty good old bus. We had tried a few times to transport all of our equipment in pick-ups and found it not only cumbersome, but tiring and not up to the standards we wanted. To a person, each member took this sign as a directive from the Lord- "I have supplied you a bus, it's now time to be about My Work." We are now endeavoring to do just that and are working on filling out calendar for 2001 and beyond. We need your help! If you would like to have us at your church, please call Dan at 909-822-4886 or Rick at 909-883-7786.

Speaking of buses, our old Silver Eagle is getting a complete overhaul. Dan, in his ongoing desire to make our lives more comfortable on the road, has raised the roof 9" and widened the bus 6". It doesn't sound like much, but it makes the bus much more like a house inside. Instead of being about 6'4" of head room, it's now closer to 7'. We will have new carpet, new oak cabinetry, new bunks (3 each in two separate rooms and 2 in Dan and Debbie's room), a bigger shower and new appliances- including a new TV with a DVD and VCR and a new stereo with a surround sound system. We're really excited! When you are on the road as much as we have been and want to be, you need to be comfortable. We will be!! Thank you, Lord.

We are also excited about our new recording project - "The Crownsmen". In its 32 years, the group has never had a "self titled" album and we feel this record will truly be a great representation of "the Crownsmen style". It will include some of your old favorites such as "I've Never Been This Homesick Before", "Watergrave", "Wherever You Are" and "It's My Desire", as well as others. In addition, we have added some terrific new tunes written by talented songwriter, Gary Kenedy and a tasty collaboration by Nelson Beltran and Debbie Hunter. Be looking for a late summer release.

It's really good to be back at it. We have missed you all and hope to see you soon. Keep praying for the doors to be open for us in ministry and that the Lord will continue to use us for His glory and expansion of His Kingdom.


We have always had an appreciation for those Martinez guys. They have meant so much to us in their support, love and promotion. They have always included us in their sings and have made all of us feel like part of the Martinez clan.

Preston, Preston Jr., Danny and Jerry- we love you guys and appreciate all the love and support you have shown us.

Folks, if you get the chance, get out to hear them sing and minister. They will knock your socks off!


Rick is a veteran singer who started his singing career at 15. While singing in a band in Lancaster, Rick opened for a group at Sacred Heart Church. Dan's daughter, Pam was in the group, Direction, at that time. Knowing the Crownsmen were looking for a lead singer and upon hearing Rick, she went back and reported to Dan that he needed to hear this guy in Lancaster.

Shortly thereafter, while refereeing a basketball game, Rick sees this skinny guy walking across the gymnasium floor at half time. It's Dan Hunter. He asks Rick to come hear them sing that night, asks him to come to El Monte for an audition and rest is history. That was over 26 years ago and Rick is in his third tenure with the Crownsmen.

Rick is married to a beautiful lady - Beverly, has a son - Matthew, and two grandchildren. He enjoys sports --especially baseball -- and writing. He also is the worship leader at Fontana 1st Assembly of God when he's not out with the group and is a board member at the church. Rick and Bev live in San Bernardino.


The Lord truly does desire good things for us. He also desires that we seek him with all our heart. It takes a special and necessary diligence to seek the Lord in the midst of difficult circumstances. He promises we will find Him if we will pursue Him- from the heart and with all we have.

Crownsmen Discography

Listen to some of the Crownsmen music

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Last modified:  May 16, 2001.