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Moving Day for Wurlitzer OP 539

April 20, 2001 was an exciting day in the lives of the members of the La Crosse Chapter....IT WAS MOVE DAY!! The chapter was getting our organ and we could start to work.

This is a picture of crew moving the console out of the Temple Theatre and onto the waiting truck.

Mike Hengelsberg, Arlen Verwiebe and Tom Trudeau look kind of bewildered when they saw all of these parts on the truck. Now we gotta take all of them off and worse yet...make them work!!!

What you cannot "hear" is Mike Cernak (the photographer) sighing in the background..."This will make music someday, right guys???"

Off we went, one box truck, an Astrovan, and another pickup...full of organ. We arrived at the workshop with a feeling of excitment and "I can do this" attitude......until.......

We actually unloaded the stuff into our shop and took a look again at all those parts.

"What the #$@@ is this and how do I make it work.
   Arlen Verwiebe

Nevertheless, we have great help from folks all over the country, and are looking forward to making progress on this project. More pictures will soon follow...stay tuned!


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