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The Temple Theatre Wurlitzer Project


The Temple Theatre Wurlitzer project was conceived by our founder and current Chapter President, Michael Hengelsberg. Michael is the music director of the La Crosse Coulee Chordsmen Barbershop Chorus, and worked with the Associates to Restore the Temple Theatre (ARTT) on securing the venue for a concert to benefit the theatre restoration project.

While Michael was visiting the theatre, he noticed an organ console sitting in the lobby of the theatre. When he inquired about its origin, it was discovered that this was the ORIGINAL organ from the ORIGINAL theatre. Even though the ARTT was very interested in getting this organ back in playing condition, they were not able to dedicate any moneys to this project with all of the other expenses involved in restoring the theatre.

This set the wheels turning in Michael's head… "what if we came up with a plan to purchase the organ from ARTT and restore it for future use?"

The rest as they say is history!!!! Take a look at some of the pictures we have taken of this organ in its current state……make sure to come back an look again as this project continues!


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