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The Temple Theatre Restoration

Even though the Temple Theatre is not as "Palatial" as its sisters in the "Big City" of La Crosse, or the HUGE cities of Milwaukee, Chicago or Minneapolis, it is a marvel in its own right.

Consider that Viroqua is a town of around 5,500 people and is in a rural area, and it is amazing that it even existed!

The pictures on this page detail some of the "refined" elements that make up the Temple Theatre in its "pre-restoration" condition.

This chandelier, for example, was completely painted black at some time during the Theatre's life. It has now been restored as will the rest of the theatre!!

Like the Wurlitzer organ, the Temple Theatre will be restored in the 1922 style, but will be modernized "behind the scenes" to make it once again a thriving theatre worthy of the greatest in stage plays and moving pictures

Make sure you check back as we will post pictures of the restoration progress in the theatre along the way.

For more information on the Temple Theatre and its restoration, please visit the NEW website for the theatre. Click Here to be transported to 1922!!


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