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From a dark dark hole, into the light
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When it first comes to ones ear, the first thought is: "Sounds good but what the is it?" Well it's a word, the word is "Coprophage". The rest is for it's own meaning to you. It has no serious meaning to us, so we the band, give you the listener/viewer the ability to determine your own meaning!.

About the Band

This band originated after years of friendship. After years of communicating our love for music. Years of jumping and singing songs, Going to concerts together. Coprophage was born. Once known as Potpie, Shedd and Shift244 joined with drummer Brandon Lee to create a new band named, Coprophage. 

An explosive group of raw talent, this band is about to blow the top. Well, so that's pushing it. More like an up-and-coming band. But hell, we got the shit, we got the knowledge, we got the style, we just need the practice.

    What does the name Coprophage mean? That's the question the majority ask. But the majority does not always win, and in this case, you lose. That's for you to figure out yourself. And no, the meaning has nothing to do with our band. Actually another concert helped to create this name. As Dusty "Shedd" and Corey "Shift244" were on their way to see Godsmack and Deftones in concert, Corey's bro Brett thought up this name. He learned it in college in some wildlife course, about rabbits or some shit, and it sounded too good to be true. So we went with it. THAT, is how we got this name!


For more information on each band member, click the link to their own page:

Dusty Face 1.jpg (100983 bytes)Dusty 'Shedd' Schoepke

Corey Drawing.jpg (23060 bytes)Corey 'Shift244' Hartwig

Brandon Face 1.jpg (233198 bytes)Brandon 'Shibbie' Lee

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