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Home Random New Things Shift244's Poetry Corner The George Lazenby Experience Concert Page Biography News Tour Page



So the Thanksgiving break was rough. Got one practice in, then got really drunk. Ouch. Ok, so I've decided to shrink stuff and try to save my computer a bit. Lots of useless stuff has come off. Less photos, etc. Trying to get it back into ONE website with just the important stuff. So if things don't work totally right now, well that's ok. Who looks at this anyways. Look for new shows in the future hopefully. And the new version of mechanoreceptor sounded good on first run-threw. lets see how it turns out, and what title it'll come under.


New survey. Please help me out in that. Also new Shift poetry stuff on that page. Nothing really is going on. I think Shedd will get a poetry page soon. He's been busy writing a lot of riffs. When i get time this weekend I'm going to try and lay down some bass stuff over it. As much as I want to get another vocal song, I think i want some fancy bass stuff on it instead. Also Mechanoreceptor is being re-written, now possibly called "Hide the Pain". Later folks.


Hey guys, thanks to the 10 or so people who showed up to our show. I updated the Tour Page with comments on the show from me. A few random things are new on here, but nothing too exciting. Just making sure I thank the people who came and watched our shows and drank this weekend. We all had fun. If it weren't for you few, we'd really be nothing. Thank.


Hey rabbits, lots of interesting stuff. Now that i've recovered from Slippy's Wild Turkey bash this last weekend. I just added a new Shift244 poetry corner song. Called "The Special Place", it's not finished. Tour Page info should be updated now, with all upcoming concerts correct. If new photos aren't on the Random New Things page yet, they will be soon. Mostly black and white drunk photos from this past weekend. As you might know we have new shows this Halloween show. One big one with George Lazenby Experience. Sorry that part of the website hasn't gotten worked on much, but i'm busy. Hopefully those shows will be cool, unless Shift244 gets shanked at the prison he's visiting tomorrow. New thought of time on the main page possibly. Anyways not a whole lot. Wait, we finally had a full practice this last Saturday. I thought it sounded really good for being like 2 months. Everything seemed cool. Had a great weekend. Thanks folks.


Not a whole lot going on. Some practice has been going on. getting ready for our big shows at the end of this month. Newest thing, some new words on Shift244's poetry corner. Check that shit out. Night


So lets see, new Homecoming photos in Random New Things. Our opener has been listed on the tour page. I need to fix lots of things but little time on my part. Shedd will be going home and hopefully work with Shibie a bit. Shift sadly is staying behind for various reasons. Anyways, I also changed the poll. The old one was getting old. Mechano and Rot tied....somehow. Anyways, check that out. I think that's it for the new stuff.


A brief news posting here. Nothing has been updated YET. I just wanted to mention our show on the 3rd was lame and pathetic. It's nice of other bands fans to not give any respect to other local music. Fine you have a beef with us, come to us. We wanted to play as GLAZE with the most respect we could and to respect the other bands. Never given the chance to even talk to them. It was disappointing. So coprophage fans, don't worry we won't play with certain people now. We're going to act "professional" also.


Ok, a couple new songs on Shift244's poetry corner page. Also update tomorrow when i'm not so damn tired. it was homecoming, and now it's 3:12am. night.


New page, The George Lazeny Experience. I need to fix many links that are bunching together also. Anyways, thanks for those who were at that show. Check out the page. Not a whole lot going on.


Hey, I changed the look to the main front page the other day. Hopefully I'll continue to change some things around as we change. All our moods have been in messed up directions so look for some interesting stuff. Anyways, I added a personal page called Shift244's Poetry Corner. It's just a page of songs or words I've written most recently that haven't become songs. Take it as you wish, but they all have personal meanings for me. Anyways, no real news. Our shows are still on, so check out all of that stuff on the Tour Page. Also since I am adding new pages, I will probably be deleting some. The friends page moved into the Bio page, and that's the only spot you can access it from. Anyways, enough for the night!.


Well, the site finally decided to be a good boy and let me update it again. I was on the last straw and ready to delete all programming off of my computer. Anyways, we have news on the Tour Page, so go to that and find out about up-coming events. Shift and Shedd ARE doing things acoustic and slowed-down. It sounds good and we just need to get a chance to play. Things in the band have been shady, and we're all trying to figure out what is the best. Hopefully it's the way it was. Anyways, hopefully soon I'll finish our little video for I AM (Conservative) and u can request that from me. Or Mp3's of the new Rot Away or Heavy Song. Also the Summer page was switched to Random New Things. It has 3 new photos. Ok, later.


Damn, a month since update. Sorry. I'm back at Eau Claire now. Lame huh. Anyways. We did the show at the shed. It sucked ass guys. Come on, help us out. I mean we tried our best, but when nobody shows, it's just lame. We also didn't do the Malibu as you may know. It was fine, they were lame about it. I guess the building next to it or connected to it burned down the next day anyways. So we won't be there for awhile. Anyways, hopefully Shedd and Shift will be writing new stuff and we'll see what happens in the future. Keep yourself up on this shit. later. Corey


Ok so i came back to shibby's and slopes place, finally updated. I hope everything matches. Most links SHOULD work, except links from this news page MAY not work. I'm too drunk to care or too look. It's taken a long time. Anyways, we have two new shows, 6 new songs. check them out as we work on it. Enjoy!!


Here i am sitting at Slippy's and Slope's pad, uploading the site finally. Look down a whole lot of news posts to read what HAS been new since i last updated. Anyways, we practiced wed. it was ok, nothing as good as the 4th...but our new songs are ok. i got word from dusty the other day that he wrote a new song...i too wrote two new songs today on bass, started vocals on one. they are decent, hope we get them worked out. anyways Nothing else is  new expect the shit below. See us soon rabbits.


Shit time goes fast...sorry the last few posts on here have yet to be updated, but EVERYTHING is still new according to it, so check them out. This is what's really been going on lately, click the links and go there. First off, Slippy finally got his photos developed and he had a show from Jan. 25th and the big one on the big stage. I'd give the direct link but don't have it at the moment so click here: Tour Page and then go to the concert photos page, their are two pages so you'll have to go to each. Next, I just deleted a lot of the old news on this page, not that it mattered, but now only '03 is on it:). New photos have been added to the Summer 03 page. A July practice. So check out all those photos, they are amazing. He did a good job on the concert photos. A few words from me now I guess since I don't believe a whole lot else has changed. On July 4th we got to practice from about 12 until 2 or so. It was a really good practice, one of the best sounding sounds we ever produced. People that were there thought that Rot Away sounded good that day. Screams were on, vocals were on, drums on, Shedd's guitar sounded in tune and, not sure something was different, it just sounded better. We worked some keyboards into Victim that sound great, Guided Greed has a workable part, and Kabuki Man has a nice keyboard part but may need work. Also that is something that may be new to Coprophage, a keyboardist now. We haven't yet to determine Slippy to be in the band...but we'll try it out I think. Anyways, everything seems to have worked it's way out with us and hopefully you'll get to see us more soon. I think that's enough, remember to read all the old posts from June..later rabbits.


I'm back again, if you read past posts they won't really matter, since I haven't updated it yet until probably now. I think things have calmed a bit, everything is still lame, but gotta take what u are given. A few things in news on the band itself. Shift244 finally turned 21 this last Saturday, so now the whole band is legal to drink. The guys from Coprophage hung out up north and managed to spend some quality time in a local stripclub. Also the 29th they practiced a few new songs and many old ones. Although a lot didn't sound proper, we were just working on some new styles. This 4th of july we plan on playing a lot during the day, as well as drinking. If you live around here, come watch, drink, enjoy the show in Mosinee afterwards. Anyways, everything on the 25th is still the same. I also added a friend to the Friends page if you must look. The new page "summer '03" has been posted and shows the random things people related to the band have been up to. If it's practice or partying, it's there. Just a couple photos have been posted there now. Anyways, hope to see u soon. Later!


Lets see what time i get my lazy ass to my brothers and update the site. I worked on it obviously june 25th. Anyways, when things finally seemed to begin to set up for us again, and look like we were heading somewhere again, the shit got lodged in our throat. Hopefully with all attempts we will still remain, and be back 100% by the fall. However don't expect a whole lot out of Coprophage during this summer months. Many things have occurred with time conflicts between mates and other bullshit. With all honesty new material doesn't seem to be a possibility and the chance at becoming a more developed band once again seems fucked over for us all. Also sickness in the band slowed some shit down and all that other bullshit. Two new songs however were written and worked on prior to the dysfunction. Hopefully both of those will be up on the tour songs section shortly. One "Rot Away" should be there already. Also keyboards were slowly being worked into some of the older songs, but now with the way shit went down...i don't see it occurring, if any of our music will ever happen again. Sorry if you care, sorry if you don't care. Anyways, I guess i don't have a lot to say in this post. I thank anyone who actually cared enough to want to make sure we stick it out and play some more shows. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Please keep in contact during our difficult times and all the other bullshit that seems to hit the face and lodge it's way down your throat all at once. Anyways, later.


I haven't changed anything, but am here to comment that I will change a few things real soon. I have a bunch of new songs I will be adding to the "Songs" page...not the tour songs page. These songs have no music to them yet, just inspirational words and a beat in the head. Also I've been pulling some shitty photos off the camcorder to post soon. I guess if you want a laugh go to our message board on our "tour page" and read the posts. Anyways, hope you're around this saturday, may 10th to see our show. Look for us back in central wisconsin this well as a show possibly up in the northwoods and in the Green Bay area. Later


First of all I will comment on the newer things. I have finished my comments on our last two shows. I did a crappy job on it, but whatever. A new date was added to our tour page, yes tour page. If you havent read the remarks on our message board, I was made fun of for calling it tour page. Fine concert page, show page, whatever, it's all the same! So go to tour page if you wanna see the details on it. (May 10th, remember). Our show last Saturday had a lot of mishaps, I will add on the news page that our two bands (Sue Generis and Coprophage) have no hatred towards each other. If you would like to check out their band and hopefully go check out this talented group go here: Sue Generis . Anyways I thought the day had a lot of shit go down, but that's ok....we had a great show for the time we played. I've been working on promoting this show coming up now, so the website doesn't have a ton of new stuff. I think I will soon work on pulling some shots off the camcorder from the last couple of weekends. Anyways peace out rabbits.....speaking of rabbits, I'm contemplating adding the meaning of our bands name to the main page? what do you think? Also maybe a new poll will be up, check it out. Comment on our message board too if you have things to say about the weekend (good or bad). Later


Ok today is day one of our two show day. Got a couple things to say...first, saturday's show....Trend 86 will not be there, because the singer left the band or something. It is now Sue Generis, or something along that line. Also one last note...promotion sucked for both shows. We have a 5th Element show, a SRI show at HigherGround, and ours. Our show was least promoted. So we'll be lucky to get 30 people to waste their $5. Well we'll see. Hope your there or already came.


Ok, so we have two shows this weekend. The first time we've ever done any this close to each other. You can find this on the tour page or go to the UAC homepage  to read more about our biggest show yet on Friday. I hope to see some of you there. Also remember we are trying to get our demos out a little more, only $3 for like an hour of shit. Well I don't think anything new has happened lately. Just the shows. Friday with Passing Thru, Mainstay, Orestus and us. And then on Saturday with Trend 86 and someone good i'm sure. Later 


Well it's been awhile since i changed anything. Ok, a lot has changed now. I added a comment from the fourth concert from me on the tour page and will shortly put comments from the band on our last show. Also every song located on the tour page that we play now has a link in it that brings you to the meanings of our songs. I hate to give away OUR meanings because it's your job to make up your own thoughts of our songs. However I had not been adding anything and didn't see anything exciting occurring (i rarely take photos now). Also we have made a live demo of our songs (One Drop at a Time) that is about an hour long or so. If you would like one for like $3 just contact me . I will add the camcorder still shots from show five in the near future too. So I'll look for you at our show on april 26th. Stay tuned to find out if any shows have changed. Later rabbits.


Just in, new tour dates so check that out. Three dates, can you believe it. hopefully we'll play them all. One is this it's pressured, but great. Hope to see you.


Not a whole lot of news. First I am slowly editing things a little more so that their isn't so much swearing on here so that everyone could enjoy to look at our page. Ok enough of that. This last week was our springbreak. The first weekend Saturday night we practiced and made a lot of mistakes, but we were trying a few new songs. Then Sunday just the three of us rehearsed again and it sounded much tighter. Then just this last Saturday we managed to play almost all our songs again. Overall this was a good week of us getting some practice down. Look for our new songs they are pretty cool. Also I got a new tattoo, so that was fun. Later everyone!


Not a whole lot has happened, but I'll add some news. First Brandon goes by Shibie now not Shibbie or Shibby. He made a mistake once, we're sticking with one B, be creative. A few things have changed in the bio of Shibie and Shift244, nothing insane. Photos are coming soon to our bios, if I find new ones. Also new tour photos on the tour page. Check out the two new songs on the tour page. They will be really fucking cool I think. So look for them at our next show. The songs are called "Washed Away" and "Point of no Return". Spring break is coming up in 5 days, it's gonna be a chance for us to rehearse some new stuff.