Music Academy

The Paul C. Aldi Summer Music Academy *

Paul Aldi

Each summer, since the 1970's, Friends of Music

has sponsored a summer music program for all music students.

===> * Summer 2017 Program * <===

The Paul C. Aldi Summer Music Program !!

This years program will be held

====> July 10 - 21, 2017<====

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Lisha Kill Middle School

The full program is open to students in grades 4-8.

This year we have opened the lessons only portion to students in grades 4-12.

Registration is open !! Register by late May and save $25.00.

Registration form and program information

Summer Music Scholarship Form (download)

For more information please e-mail Rachele

Courses in the past included:

Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Musical Theatre, Jazz Improvisation, Music Computer Composition, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Keyboard, Beginning Guitar, Swing Dancing and More.

Individual lessons were available to those students wishing to continue to advance during the summer break from school.

Most of the instruction is done by music teachers from the South Colonie School District.

Final Concert to be held Friday, July 21 at 7:00 p.m.

* The Summer Music Academy was named in honor of Paul C. Aldi,

who was a music teacher for 30 years in the South Colonie School District.

He was an adviser, member of the SCFOM Board and a friend to all.

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    Updated March 27, 2016

    Count since February 8, 2008