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Christianity, Faith, and Lifehouse

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or IM me and I will do my best to give you an answer. God Bless!

My faith in God is the most important thing in my life. It also has a huge influence on the lives and music of Jason, Sergio, Rick, and Sean. I, like them, want to do everything I can to spread the message of God's love and His plan for our salvation. For this reason, I have created this section of the site. I know that this topic offends many, but this section isn't for them--it's for those who are searching for someone/something to fill the void in their lives.

God's Plan For Salvation

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Romans 10:9 "...if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Romas 3:23 "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, preached the Word of God while he walked the earth. He told the people, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Because Jesus lived a sinless life, he was able to give his life in order to take away our sins. He was crucified and, three days later, brought back from the dead.

Now, through the grace of God, we may all be forgiven of our sins and experience eternity in Heaven. If you know that you're a sinner and you wholeheartedly want forgiveness, you must confess your sins to God. If you truly repent of your sins and you believe that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected so that you may be forgiven of your sins, you may ask for God's forgiveness. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and take away your sins. You will be saved! No matter what your sins, God forgives!

The Lifehouse Lyrics That Mean the Most To Me In My Walk With God


I want to feel you, I need to hear you You are the light That's leading me To the place where I find peace again You are the strength that keeps me walking You are the hope that keeps me trusting You are the light to my soul You are my purpose You're everything And how can I stand here with you And not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this You calm the storms and you give me rest You hold me in your hands You won't let me fall You still my heart and you take my breath away Would you take me in take me deeper now And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this


Seems my own arrogance has knocked me off my feet again When you know I’m crawling to you as fast as I can First teach me to walk and then I’ll learn to dance for you Like an honest clumsy clown tripping along the way ‘Cause I am reaching for you but my arms aren’t long enough and I am running to you if I could go a little faster and I am crying to you but I can’t hear my own voice and I am waiting for you and trying not to fall asleep now 'Cause I’m clumsily dancing away this fear I’m stumbling closer to you and I’m tumbling over my pride I will be a fool for you

"Revolution Cry"

When passion takes on a purpose And searching ones embrace the light When skeptics find themselves down on their knees You'll know it's here When you hear a sound as loud as thunder And you hear a cry that shakes the ground beneath you When you hear a shout that shatters the darkness You'll know it's here When the lost find a name we're believing in And the fallen get back onto their feet And the broken start to dream again And the sound of hope fills these streets You'll know it's here Revolution Can you feel it Revolution cry Revolution Can you hear it Revolution cry And I believe it And I believe it How long do we have to wait And how long will we stay silent When will this weeping generation dance again Oh God when will The truth be restored When the lost find a name we're believing in And the fallen get back onto their feet And the broken start to dream again And the sound of hope fills these streets You'll know it's here

