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.::Absent Minded::.

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» AIM Jimmy
» AIM Lee
» AIM Josh



Absent Minded was started in the fall of 2002 during our Sophomore year of high school at Deerfield.  The name came from Adam Horne, Zach Lewis and Lee Oliff when we realized that the name Starfish sounded to glitzy to us.  Lee called me up and told me the name ABSENT MINDED. I thought "hey that sounds pretty good" so it stuck.  A combination of Scott Blair, Jimmy Beringer, Lee Oliff, and Josh Abrams got together about once a week and practiced.  We made up songs, played old ones, and played covers.  One in particular was "I ran" by "A Flock of Seagulls".  You all know it as "the song from vice city".  We recorded it with no vocals, and in my opinion it sounds like shit.  A month or so later, we lost our drummer and ever so often, Lee and Jimmy, and sometimes Abrams get together and play.  So here is the "band" as of 2003.

Jimmy Beringer


Birthday - July 17, 1987

Favorite Bands - The White Stripes, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, pre pop punk Blink 182.

Instruments - piano, drums, bass, harmonica, guitar, ukulele and recorder  

Guitars - Godin Radiatior, Ibanez Artstar, Custom, Taylor 314

Musical Inspiration - Jimi Hendrix, Dave Grohl, Jack White 

Lee Oliff


Birthday - April 24, 1987

Favorite Bands - Green Day, Nirvana

Instruments - guitar, bass

Guitars - Squire Custom, Kramer Focus, Epiphone SG

Musical Inspiration - Billie Joe Armstrong

Josh Abrams


Birthday - August 2, 1987

Favorite Bands - Sparta, Hey Mercedes, Blink 182

Instruments - Bass

Basses - OLP

Musical Inspiration - Mark Hoppus, Flea