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Jellicle High: Chapter 10

The last week of October was surprisingly nice weather-wise. The cool air was crisp as the painted leaves drifted from the trees like so many red angels falling from heaven. But, despite the calmness of the weather, the serenity of the month was disrupted many-a-time by chaos and panic.


Mistoffelees leaned against the locker next to his with a major headache. He had spent several hours doing his homework last night, and he had had a big Science test to study for. Now his brain felt overloaded. He just wanted this day to be over so he could go home, but the first bell hadn’t even rung yet. He sighed and looked up, just as a white form glided right past him. “Hi, Vicci!” he called, moving over to her side.
She glanced up at him in disgust. “It’s Victoria to you,” she growled.
Misto nodded agreeably. “Okay. Victoria.”
Misto waited for her to say something, but she ignored him, loading her books into her locker. “Um, Vicci- Victoria…” She didn’t even bat an eye. “Are… are you still… still going out with Rumpus?”
She ignored him. He took that as a yes. “Um… I… You don’t… don’t wanna… go with me… like… to the movies or… or something?”
“How about no?” Victoria hissed, grabbing her history book from her bag and narrowly missing his head. It didn’t look like an accident.
“Is he bothering you, Vicci?” came a deep voice nearby. Misto pivoted on his heel and came face-to-chest with Rumpus Cat. He swallowed and looked up the strong shoulders to Rumpus’s face. His red eyes were burning with a malicious glint that Misto didn’t like.
“Yeah, he is!” Victoria said smugly.
“Oh, is that so?” Rumpus suddenly snatched Misto up by his collar, lifting him a few inches off the ground. Misto squeaked. “I think little geeks like you need to be taught a lesson in manners.” He carried Misto down the hall. Misto whimpered and struggled.
“Where are we going? Rumpus, let go!”
They halted in front of Misto’s locker that he had left open when he had followed Victoria. Rumpus glanced down at him, then suddenly pushed the door open wider and pushed him inside. The door slammed, and the tiny area was plunged into darkness. Misto yelped, then heard a lock click in place. Rumpus had locked him in his locker! “Rumpus, lemme out! Please! Open the door!”
“See ya later, Misto.” Rumpus gave the locker door a farewell bang.
“Rumpus, are you sure that’s a good idea?” It was Victoria.
“Yeah, it’s fine. He’ll probably just evaporate his way out anyway.”
Victoria’s laugh stung his ears like salt water. Tears filled his eyes. All of a sudden, the bell rang to signal five minutes before class. “See ya, geek,” Rumpus called, putting his arms around Victoria and leading her off to class. General laughter reached his ears from the surrounding students, then faded off into the distance, and Misto realized with a sudden panic that he was alone in the hallway, locked in his locker.
“Hey!” he meowed, banging on the door. “Somebody? Don’t leave me in here!” When no one came after almost two minutes, Misto sighed resignedly. Someone would be bound to come by after first hour was over. Maybe they would let him out… He sighed and tried to peer through the slots of the grill on the door that allowed the tiniest bit of light inside, but they were tilted so he couldn’t see out. He wondered if he had enough magic to do what Rumpus said and teleport himself out, but he was sure he didn’t. He had never tried anything as difficult as that.
“Misto?” It was Pouncival, outside the locker door. Misto almost melted with relief. “Are you still in there?”
What a stupid question! “I’m sorry, Misto is not here right now. If you’d like to leave a message, please do so after the beep,” he said sarcastically.
“Cut it out! Are you okay?”
Aside from the coat hook doing some free surgery at the base of his neck, it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. “Yeah, I’m okay. Wanna slip me a comic book or something though? I’m kinda bored…”
“Do you want out or not?” Pouncival growled.
Misto sobered himself. “Yeah, I want out.”
“What’s your combination?”
“Twenty-one, thirty-two, four.” He heard the lock spin, and, a moment later, a click. The locker door opened, and light blinded Misto’s blue eyes. “Ouch!” he yelped, covered his eyes.
Pouncival glanced around worriedly. “Don’t tell anyone I let you out. I don’t want Rumpus to do something to me.”
Misto nodded. “I promise.” He smiled at his best friend, only friend. “Thanks.”
Pouncival smiled back. “No problem. We’re late to class, so we better go.” He took off down the hall. Misto watched him go and collected his books that he had moments ago been standing on. He headed off down the hall to class, hating Rumpus Cat.


Thankfully, Rumpleteazer was not pregnant, as the twins discovered a few days later. Teazer curled into Jerrie’s arms, purring softly despite the painful cramps that bothered her torso. Jerrie had not let her out of his arm’s reach in two days, and she was grateful that he let her follow him all over the house more than usual. Their dad had ignored them for the last two days, only passing them on his way out the door or to get a drink from the kitchen. He stalked past them without speaking or even glancing at them, as if their presence was too unimportant to be bothered with. Jerrie enjoyed the few days that he was not hit, using the time to rest his aching, exhausted body that pained him every time he moved.
Curled on his bed, his sister by his side, Jerrie sighed into his pillow. He was tired, but his body refused to sleep. Teazer straddled his back and began to rub his shoulders gently, purring softly in his ear, her delicate fingers working at the knots in his back. Jerrie moaned and shifted so she could reach him better, sighing softly. “You doing okay, Teazer?”
“Of course,” Teazer said, pushing the heel of her hand against a stubborn cramp in his back. “Are you?”
Jerrie nodded slowly, but his mind was elsewhere. He was thinking about a plan. Something he had been thinking about for two days. Something he had not told her about yet. He wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, and he didn’t want to worry her with his troubled thoughts and plans. He sighed and closed his eyes, letting her rub his sore shoulders.


Etcetera sighed as she nibbled at her tuna casserole with her parents at the dinner table. Her mother looked up at her with concern. “Are you all right, Etcetera, dear?”
Etcetera nodded slowly and downed her milk in one gulp. Her mother leaned over and touched her forehead. “Well, you’re not hot…”
“I’m all right,” Etcetera insisted. Her mother looked skeptical, but she nodded and went back to her dinner.
All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Etcetera leaped up, eager to escape the table. “I’ll get it.” She dashed into the next room and slowly opened the front door.
“Hey, kitten.” She stared up in shock at Tugger, standing at her front door.
“What are you doing here?” she asked softly, gazing up at him.
“Well, I hadn’t seen you for a few days, so I thought you might wanna come over.” His amber eyes twinkled at her.
Etcetera licked her lips slowly to wet them. “I… I don’t know… My parents… they’re home…”
“They don’t know about me?”
Etcetera shook her head. “No… I don’t want to tell them…”
Tugger smiled and nodded. “I understand. So, you want to come?”
Etcetera took a deep breath. “I… I think I could… Wait here, okay?”
“Okay,” Tugger said agreeably.
Etcetera smiled, trying to push back the pit in her stomach that was threatening to send up the little food she had just eaten. She headed back into the kitchen and smiled weakly at her parents. “It’s… Electra… She wants me to go out… for ice cream. Can I, Mom?”
Her parents exchanged glances. “Well, I suppose it’s all right… You didn’t eat much…”
“I’ll eat more when I come home,” Etcetera promised.
“All right, all right. Be home by ten. Do you have homework?”
“Uh… not much,” she lied.
“All right.” Her mother nodded. Etcetera smiled and vanished from sight.
“Okay, we can go,” Etcetera said, snatching her jacket from the hall closet and moving over to where Tugger still stood in the doorway.
“Good.” Tugger took her arm and gave her a soft but firm tug down the steps. Etcetera followed him, pushing back the pain in her stomach that was threatening her again. She snuggled into the front seat of his car, securing her seat belt and taking a deep breath to calm her nerves that suddenly seemed to be shivering under her skin. She curled into a ball on the seat as Tugger got in and drove the couple blocks to his house. She was silent all the way. If Tugger noticed her stony silence, he chose not to mention it.
Once they got there, Tugger parked in the back driveway, then opened the door and waited for her to get out. It took Etcetera a few moments to get up the courage to get out of the car. She pulled her jacket tighter around her and slowly followed Tugger.
Tugger opened the back door and let her slide inside before closing it and locking it again. Etcetera paused just inside the door, almost wanting to fling herself against the door and scream that she wanted out, but she held it back and trailed Tugger into the living room.
Tugger turned around to smile at her, then stopped and studied her. “Something wrong, kitten?”
Etcetera forced her eyes up from Tugger’s shoe laces to his face. Her throat felt like it was swelling, choking off her breath. “I…”
Tugger cocked a brow, waiting for her to talk. Etcetera slowly shook her head. “N… Nothing. I’m… I’m just… just not… feeling the best…”
“You gonna make it?”
Etcetera nodded slowly. “Yeah… I… I think so…”
“Good.” Tugger took her paw and gave her a gentle tug. Etcetera felt her stiff legs move, and she slowly followed him up the stairs to his bedroom.
Tugger dimmed the lights with a flick of his paw, closing the door behind them. Etcetera stood in the middle of the room, shivering slightly, suddenly feeling nauseated. She hugged her jacket so close she could feel the seams straining. Tugger turned to her, his eyes concerned. “Etcy, hun, you look sick… Do you want to go home?”
Etcetera hesitated. Home. A chance to go home. To be safe. To go to sleep and not worry about the world. But yet, as she gazed up into his handsome face, she felt herself shake her head. “N… No… I… I’ll be all right…”
Tugger nodded. “Okay.” He moved towards her and sat down on the bed, motioning for her to sit down next to him. She did, slowly, sitting down next to him, still gripping her jacket. Tugger slowly reached over and touched her hands, gently rubbing them until she calmed enough to loosen her grip on her coat. He slowly slid the jacket off, working her arms out of them like a doll. He set the jacket on the floor and gently tilted her face to him. “Etcetera, is something wrong?”
Etcetera stared up at him, unable to answer. She swallowed hard and tried to talk, but she couldn’t make her voice answer him. She slowly shook her head. “N… No. I… I’m sorry…” She forced a smile and shifted backwards so she was further up on the bed. Tugger looked skeptical, but he slowly nodded and moved closer to her, his paws sliding up her stomach. She purred softly and shifted to kiss him on the mouth. He pushed her down, his chest pressing to hers, his mouth sealed over hers, his hips pressed to hers as he purred softly. A moment later, he slowly slid her shirt up and pulled it over her head. Etcetera inhaled softly, pulling her mouth away from him and staring up at him with nervous eyes. “Tugger…”
“I… Will you… Um…” Tugger waited patiently. “Please… Will you… be careful?”
Etcetera swallowed. “Just… gentle?”
“Oh. Sure, of course, Etcy. Whatever you want.”
Etcetera nodded slowly, hoping the pain in her stomach would go away. The next few minutes slipped away with her only half-acknowledging that Tugger had gotten off his shirt, her bra, and her jeans. She shivered as he reached for her underwear and slowly slid it off. As he reached down to touch her, she suddenly felt another wave of guilt and dizziness come over her. “Tugger, wait…” She sat up with a soft whimper. Tugger paused, his eyes studying her face quizzically. Etcetera reached over and grabbed one of his pillows, holding it in front of her naked body, suddenly feeling ridiculous in just her socks in front of Tugger.
“Etcy, what’s wrong? Why are you so nervous?” Tugger asked gently, his eyes concerned as he studied her.
Etcetera whimpered softly, unsure what she was trying to say, knowing she was acting like a baby. “I…” She gazed at him and suddenly felt a bitter, hot feeling come over her. How dare he? How dare he come to her house? How dare he think that he could come over and get her any time he wanted? How dare he touch her? She swallowed hard, feeling something hot and bitter in her throat. “I…”
Tugger cocked his head to one side and gazed at her. “What?”
Etcetera swallowed hard, trying to speak the words that were forming in her mind, but she could not get them to come out. She tried again, but no words came out. Tugger moved closer. “Etcy, what is it? Tell me.”
It took all her strength to slowly shake her head. “N… Nothing…” She swallowed hard. If she couldn’t give him a reason for the way she was feeling, she saw no reason for him not to continue, so she slowly moved the pillow away from her body and laid down against the bedspread. “It… it’s okay…”
“You sure?” Tugger asked, sliding off his underwear. Etcetera nodded and swallowed, unsure what else to do. But even as Tugger pressed his hips to hers, she felt a savage stab in her stomach and knew she couldn’t keep this up any longer.


Etcetera wasn’t the only one having sexual problems that night. Bombalurina and Macavity had moved into their own place only a few days ago, but it already was proving disasterous. Bombalurina’s pregnancy did not seem to make any difference on Macavity’s sex drive.
Bombalurina hummed to herself as she got ready for bed, fluffing her pillows. Despite the cool October weather, she was wearing a shiny pink nightdress with straps that only reached the middle of her thighs. It had pink lace along the bust line and hem as well. She purred softly to herself as she slid under her covers before realizing she had left her light on. She got up and crossed the room to turn off the light when Macavity suddenly opened her door without bothering to knock. Bom glared at him. “That was rather rude.”
Macavity glared slightly, choosing to ignore her comment. He slid inside and closed the door, leaning against it and gazing at Bom’s gracious curves appreciatively. Bombalurina sighed. “Macavity, please, not tonight. I’m tired. I want to go to bed.”
“You can go to bed. After we’re done.”
“I told you, I’m tired.”
Macavity shrugged and slid his arms around her waist, pulling her close against his boxers he wore for pajamas. “I’m sorry to hear that, cause I’m not.”
Bom struggled a bit. “Let go,” she said softly.
Macavity glared, his eyes seeming to cloud. “What was that?”
Bom twisted in his grip. “Let me go.”
Macavity scowled and held her tighter. “Am I hearing this correctly? Are you telling me what to do?”
Bom’s red ears pressed flat to her skull as she shook her head slowly. “N… No…”
Macavity smiled. “Good.” He steered her towards her bed and pushed her down on her back. Bom meowed and tried to push him away.
“Macavity, please, not tonight…”
Macavity’s green eyes clouded even more as he gazed down at her. “Don’t resist me,” he said softly, his voice a sultry purr. Bom whimpered and squirmed in his grip. “I’m not going to hurt you, Bomby… Just don’t resist me…”
“Macavity, I… I promise tomorrow… Just please not tonight…”
Macavity’s green eyes seemed to mist over as he glared down at her. “Are you disobeying me?” he growled, his voice low.
Bom whimpered softly. “No…”
“Then you’ll do what I say.”
“But-.” She cut herself off as Macavity glared at her.
“You’re in my house, and you’ll do what I want,” he snarled, his paws tracing roughly up her stomach that had not yet begun to swell with kitten.
Bom hissed and swatted his hand away. “Stop touching me!”
She was rewarded by a harsh slap across the face. She gasped, her paw flying to her throbbing cheek as she stared up at him in terror. He glared down at her with dark eyes. “You’re mine, and I’ll do what I like.” He pushed up her skirt and reached for her thong underwear.
Bom mewed and struggled, but Macavity backhanded her across the face. Bom screamed, her paws flying up to protect her face. Macavity suddenly yanked her underwear off and pushed her legs apart roughly with his paws. Bom began to cry, trying to push him away, but he was stronger than she was, and he easily pinned her down, working his boxers off, and proceeded to rape her. Bom cried, his touch hurting her. She struggled under his grip and received another slap for her efforts. Finally she just lay still, sobbing, shivering underneath him, until he finished some time later and let her up. He smirked slightly at her as he watched her frantically scramble away from him, trying to burrow under her covers. “Don’t ever tell me no,” he hissed at her. Bom whimpered and rubbed her cheeks which still stung from his slaps, pulling her legs tightly together so he could not hurt her again. He had slid on his shorts and was now heading out the door to his own room as if nothing had happened. Bom watched him go and began to sob, falling asleep to her own crying, not even bothering to turn out the light.


Bombalurina didn’t want to get out of bed the next morning, but the fact that she had to go to school forced her to around 8 o’clock. She made her way downstairs, trying hard not to make the stairs creak under her feet. She entered the kitchen and almost turned around to go back upstairs when she saw Macavity sitting at the kitchen table, fully dressed, a bagel clenched between his teeth, reading the newspaper. But he looked up and spotted her before she had a chance to run away. He smiled at her and took the bagel out of his mouth. “Hey, sweetie. You’re up kinda late.”
Bom clung to the doorway, watching him. “I had a rough night,” she said bitterly.
Macavity looked up at her in surprise. “Really? What happened?”
Bom glared at him. “You. You’re what happened.”
Macavity raised a brow. “What did I do?”
Bom scowled. “You came into my room last night and raped me, you bastard.”
Macavity’s eyes widened in surprise. “No I didn’t.”
“You did too!” Bom hissed.
“Bomby, I think I would remember having sex last night.”
“You DID have sex last night, cause you raped me!” Bom insisted.
“I didn’t either! I remember coming into your room, you being tired, so I left.”
“But you DIDN’T leave!” Bom hissed. “You told me that I shouldn’t disobey you and that I had to do what you said. And then you raped me.”
Macavity seemed to be thinking extremely hard. “Bomby… I… I honestly… I don’t remember. I swear I don’t. You’ve gotta believe me.”
Bom’s eyes filled with tears. “But you believe me, don’t you?”
Macavity sighed. “I… I don’t know… If you’re remembering something that I can’t… Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?”
“Do you want me to go the doctor’s and prove you had sex with me last night?” Bom almost screeched.
“No, no, no. It’s all right… I… I believe you… Bomby, I… I… I guess I’m sorry… I don’t… know what’s wrong…”
“Maccy baby,” Bom said softly, moving closer to him, using her favorite pet name for him. “This isn’t the first time this has happened… I… I think we need to… to seriously consider… some kind of treatment…”
“You think I’m sick?” Macavity asked sharply, looking up at her through narrow, slitted eyes.
“I…” Bom backed away a step. “I don’t know… But wouldn’t it be better to find out?”
Macavity glared. “There’s nothing wrong with me, all right?”
Bom bit her lip and nodded slowly. “Okay, okay…” She rubbed a paw across her stomach absently. “I… I gotta… gotta go get ready.”
Macavity nodded and returned to his paper and bagel as Bom made her way back upstairs, fighting back tears all the way.


Etcetera sat at the lunch table, only picking at her food. She didn’t feel hungry at all. The very thought of food right now repulsed her. She poked at her mound of mashed potatoes with a finger, watching the white lump collapse into another mound as she prodded at it. Next to her, Electra was watching her out of the corner of her eye, nibbling on a chicken leg.
Etcetera looked up across the room at the table where Rum Tum Tugger was sitting, chatting with Macavity, laughing about something or other. Why was he so happy when she was so sad and confused? She sighed and leaned her cheek against her chair, watching him. All of a sudden he looked up and caught her eye. Etcetera gasped and quickly looked away, but not before she was able to see the piercing look he gave her, a look that sent shivers through her tiny body. She pretended to be preoccupied with her food, suddenly feeling as if everyone in the lunchroom was watching her as Tugger got up from his seat and crossed the noisy lunchroom to her table. Of course, she knew, no one was probably watching or even cared, but she still felt as though hundreds of eyes were boring into her back. She gripped her fork tightly in her fist like a hunting knife. She knew what he was going to do. She had known he would do it. Was he going to make a big deal out of it, or would he just keep it quiet, between them? She tried not to look up as he stopped by her. “Etcetera, can I talk to you?”
“S… Sure,” Etcetera said, trying to sound nonchalant, like it wasn’t bothering her. Electra looked up, her eyes holding fire for Tugger and sympathy for Etcetera.
Etcetera followed Tugger numbly out of the lunchroom into the abandoned hallway. She bit her lip and waited.
Tugger leaned against the wall, folded his arms across his chest, and gazed solidly at her. “I bet you know why I asked you out here.”
Etcetera nodded slowly. “Yeah, I do.”
Tugger leaned over and gave her a soft, meaningless kiss on the lips. “Sorry, sweetie.” He rubbed her cheek with one finger. “You’re not bad, kid. It’s just the way it works.”
Etcetera felt numb, but she nodded slowly, tears threatening to fall, but she held them back, not wanting Tugger to see her cry. Tugger pulled away. “I’ll see you around, kid.” Then he turned and walked back into the lunchroom, leaving her alone in the hallway.
Etcetera stared after him, then slowly slid down the wall to sit on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest and burying her face in them. She began to sob softly. It hurt. Not just the breakup, but his words. ‘Kid.’ Was she just an immature freshman to him, or did he really like her? What else had he said…? “You’re not bad.” Bad at what? At letting him control her? At letting him use her and hurt her? To take her purity and lock it up in his little box with all the other queens’ purity? She felt hot tears splash on her jeans as she sobbed.
“Etcy?” came a soft voice nearby. Etcetera’s head shot up, expecting to see Electra, but it was Victoria, her white face gazing down at her. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not!” Etcetera hissed. “Go away!”
Victoria looked hurt. “I understand, but I just wanted to help.”
“I… I know, but I just… just want to be alone.” Etcetera’s voice was soft and low. Victoria nodded, turned, and left.
Etcetera didn’t know how long she sat in the hall before someone approached her again. It was Cassandra. “Hi, sweetie.”
“H… Hi,” Etcetera said softly, looking up at the cheerleader she had grown to be friends with in the last few weeks.
Cassandra sat down next to her and stared up at the ceiling for several minutes before saying, “You’re not the only girl he’s played like that.”
Etcetera choked on a sob. “I feel like such a fool… I let him use me, Cassie. I let him…” She began to bawl nearly at the top of her lungs.
Cassandra folded the crying queen into her arms and crooned softly to her. “Shh. Shh. It’ll be all right, Etcy. It’ll all be all right.”
Etcetera pulled away and scrubbed at her eyes. “I hate him! What a jerk!”
“Now, Etcy, you’re being unfair. You knew he’d break up with you,” Cassandra scolded gently.
Etcetera took a shaky breath. “After… After he kept going more than… than one night… I… I thought there might be a… a chance…”
“There won’t be til Tugger finds the right queen,” Cassandra soothed. “You know what? Tugger did the exact same thing to me my sophomore year.”
“Really?” Etcetera asked, sniffing a little.
“Really. I thought our relationship might develop, but… it didn’t. He broke up with me after about a week.” Cassandra squeezed Etcetera’s paw. “I was… I was a virgin then too.”
Etcetera hissed softly. “I bet he enjoyed that.”
“He did,” Cassandra said softly. “You know, Etcy, Tugger was only eleven years old when he lost it.”
“Only eleven?” Etcetera gasped.
Cassandra nodded slowly. “Eleven. To his first girlfriend. Before he broke up with her. No one knows why.”
“Who was his first girlfriend?” Etcetera asked, sniffling a bit.
“Bombalurina,” Cassandra said simply. “They met each other at grade school. Eventually they got closer and closer to each other. Literally.”
Etcetera’s face clouded with confusion. “Literally?”
“They started flirting at school and everywhere else. It was kinda gross. But eventually they just did it. About a month after that, they broke up. Every now and then they get back together, and everyone knows what they do, cause they talk about it.”
“Why don’t they just become boyfriend and girlfriend again if they’re together so often?”
“Cause they like to be free,” Cassie said, shrugging. “They want to be free to love whoever they want.”
“That’s gross!” Etcetera squealed, wrapping her arms around her.
“Yeah.” Cassie stared at the floor a moment, then up into the lunchroom. “Tugger is not a good cat, but you can’t let him get you down forever. We all make mistakes. We both made the same one. But we can’t let it dominate us. I don’t.”
Etcetera smiled a bit. “I… I guess Tugger will always have a piece of my heart, because of my mistake… but I guess I can’t let him use me anymore. He doesn’t own me.”
Cassandra smiled. “Good girl. Come on. Let’s go eat lunch.”
Etcetera nodded slowly, then groaned. “Man, I think I need a cigarette.”
Cassandra smiled a bit. “He got you hooked on that too, huh?”
Etcy nodded slowly. Cassandra smiled and patted her purse next to her. “Wanna join me for a smoke after school?”
“You smoke?”
“Yes indeed. Started when I was fifteen.”
Etcetera sighed. “Except I’m not eighteen yet, so I can’t buy cigarettes for myself, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I don’t wanna stop.”
Cassandra smiled. “Fork me over a couple bucks, and I’ll get you some whenever I go get mine.”
Etcetera smiled. “Deal.”
Cassandra grinned. “Let’s go eat.”
Together the two friends walked back into the lunchroom, determined not to let Tugger ruin their lives.


Plato and Victor lay comfortably on Plato’s bed, buried under a mound of covers. Plato’s nose was buried in Victor’s shoulder, his arm around Victor’s waist. Victor snuggled against the taller tom’s body, purring softly. They had just finished a frantic love-making session. Both were now sweaty but very content, curled up in each other’s arms. Victor sighed softly, not wanting to move from his position in Plato’s arms.
Plato leaned over and kissed Victor’s nose playfully. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine… Just… tired…”
“Yeah, me too.” Plato let go of him and stretched lazily, kicking the sheets away as they slithered around his legs. He got to his feet and stretched lazily.
Victor gingerly fingered a love nip Plato had left on his shoulder. “Aah,” he groaned softly.
“Sorry,” Plato mumbled.
“It’s okay,” Victor said, grinning softly. “Probably not any worse than anything I did to you.”
Plato grinned and touched the side of his neck lightly with two fingers. “Probably not.”
Victor smiled at him, sitting up and hugging the sheets to his chest. “What time is it?”
“Late. My parents are probably asleep.”
“If we didn’t wake them up,” Victor teased. Plato grinned. “I’m so glad they don’t mind me coming over.”
Plato nodded. “Me too.”
Unlike Victor’s homophobic father and sympathetic mother, Plato’s parents were very open to his homosexuality and did their best to allow him to see Victor whenever possible, although they were not around a lot of the time. They never treated him any differently than they ever did. They always smiled at him and invited him to stay as long as he wanted.
Victor curled his knees to his chest, watching his naked boyfriend stretch at the foot of the bed. Plato scooped up his jeans and slipped them on, then turned to Victor on his bed. “Want anything?”
Victor shook his head. “Just you over here.”
Plato grinned and leaped onto his bed, tackling Victor and pinning him to the mattress through the sheets, his hips pressing to Victor’s. He pressed his mouth to Victor’s in a burning kiss. Victor groaned and snaked his arms around his lover’s back, pulling him closer. After a few moments he broke away for breath and clung tightly to Plato, all of a sudden starting to cry.
“Vic, what’s wrong?” Plato asked, sitting up a bit, gazing down at the crying teen.
Victor shook his head and held out his arms to Plato. Plato slid into his arms and hugged him, pressing Victor’s dark head to his shoulder. “Vic, tell me. Please…”
Victor sniffed and looked up at Plato with large, scared, green eyes. “I… I’m just… remembering… them… and… and I don’t… don’t want…”
Plato hugged Victor softly to him, Victor’s hands splayed out on his back as he cried. “Shh. Shh, darling. It’s okay… They’re gone… They’re not going to hurt you… I promise…” He hated seeing Victor like this. Scared, helpless. He sat up and hugged Victor to his chest, rocking him back and forth to calm him. “It’s all right. I have you. Nothing’s going to hurt you while I’m around. I promise.”
Victor nodded slowly and sniffed, swiping at tears on his face. “I… I’m just so scared… I mean… They never caught the three of them…”
“I know. I know… Vic, I don’t honestly think they’ll come back here after almost ten years. And, even if they did, do you honestly think they’d look for you?”
“I… I don’t know… I just… just don’t want to… to have to face them again…”
“Shh… You won’t, Vic. You won’t.” Plato rubbed two fingers down Victor’s ear in the way he found comforting. After a few minutes, he could feel Victor starting to go limp and gently laid him down against the bed. “You sleep.” He gently pressed his lover’s cheek onto a pillow.
Victor nodded slowly, too drowsy to protest. He snuggled into the blankets, blinking sleepily up at Plato. “Stay with me?”
“It’s my house, love. Of course I’ll stay with you.” Plato gave his sleepy boyfriend a light kiss on the cheek. But Victor was already asleep. Plato smiled to himself and crawled under the covers, his arms going around Victor’s waist and hugging him close as he clicked off the light and closed his eyes to sleep.


Finally Halloween came, and with it came the Halloween dance. Most students had their costumes all planned out. It was sure to be a fun dance… for most.
Jemima giggled softly as her mom set a delicate diamond tiara on her head between her silky ears. Her wine-red dress was framed at the bust by tiny, red rosebuds. Her puffed sleeves ended in a diamond shape on the back of her hands. The skirt reached the floor where soft, red slippers rested on her feet. She looked as if she had just stepped out of an Elizabethan portrait. Her mom kissed her cheek gently. “You look lovely, dear.”
“Do you think Alonzo will like it?” Jemima asked anxiously, peering at herself in the mirror.
“I’m sure he will. You two will be so adorable. I have to get pictures before you go.”
“Mom!” Jemima protested just as the doorbell rang. She gasped. “He’s here!”
“Calm down, Jemi dear. You finish getting ready. I’ll let him in.” Jemima nodded as he mom vanished down the stairs. She readjusted the bodice that covered her small bust. She took a deep breath and headed down the stairs. She heard Alonzo’s voice in the living room and followed it there. She stopped in the doorway and stared.
Alonzo’s medieval costume consisted of a long-sleeved top, a pair of puffed leggings, a pair of shiny, black boots, a black felt hat with a long feather in it, and a fake sword hanging on his left side. He turned around and saw her, his mouth dropping slightly as she stood in the doorway, blushing. He crossed to her in a few steps and stared at her. Jemima smiled shyly up at him. “Well, what do you think?”
Alonzo smiled widely. “You look… I mean… Wow… I mean, the dress… it was… was pretty in the store, but… but it looks even better… on you…”
Jemima smiled and cuddled into his arms. He held her close, his chin resting on her head, stooping a little to do so. “You look really handsome too,” Jemima said softly.
“Thanks. I like the sword.”
Jemima giggled and broke the hug between them. “We should go.”
“Not so fast, you two. We need pictures first.” Her mom brandished the camera.
Jemima groaned. “Do we gotta?”
“Yes, you gotta,” her mom teased. Alonzo pulled her to his side with a movie-star smile.
“Come on, Jem. I need a picture of you in this dress for my wall.”
Jemima smiled brightly. “Okay, okay.” She smiled happily at her mom as her mom took a few pictures.
“All right, torture’s over. Have fun, you two.”
Alonzo grinned and nodded. “I’ll have her home by midnight,” he said to her parents.
“Or else I turn into a pumpkin,” Jemima teased.
“Aw, that wouldn’t be fun. That would look really silly, me taking a pumpkin out to a restaurant,” Alonzo teased. Jemima giggled.
“Have fun, you two,” her dad said, nudging them towards the door. They left, laughing.


Alonzo and Jemima found Munkustrap and Demeter almost immediately. They were dressed as vampires, with long, flowing, black capes and fake vampire teeth. Upon closer examination, they discovered they both had put contacts in their eyes that made them red. “Cool!” Alonzo exclaimed, clapping Munkustrap on the back.
Munkustrap spat his fake teeth into his palm to talk. “Thanks. It was Demeter’s idea. You two look great.”
Jemima blushed as Demeter smiled at her around her fake vampire teeth. “Who you guysh shupposhed to be?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” Jemima said, smoothing her puffed sleeves.
“Aww, how cutesh!” Demeter exclaimed, almost losing her teeth.
Cassandra watched the pairs from her perch on the edge of the stage, her skimpy, white outfit gripped tightly in her fists in anger. The devil’s horns on her head made her look demented as she glared at them. The angel wings on her back looked out of place. She growled softly, just as her date swept up to her, bedecked as a devil, complete with a fake pitchfork. “Come on, beautiful. Ain’tcha gonna dance with me?” he asked. She sighed softly and slid down to join her date, keeping one eye on Munkustrap the whole time.


Mistoffelees was standing at the back of the auditorium, dressed (predictably) as a magician. Pouncival was next to him, dressed as a pirate, on the lookout for trouble. Misto wasn’t even sure it was a good idea to come, but he knew Victoria was coming, probably with Rumpus, but she was coming. He sighed softly, but it wasn’t even audible over the music.
Suddenly two figures appeared in the auditorium doorway. One was a tall figure with a long, black robe. None of its face was visible except for two glowing, red eyes that were unmistakeably Rumpus’. The shorter figure next to him was dressed in a long, black dress and a long-haired, black wig. A stark white face with pretty, pale green eyes was below it. Misto stared at Victoria with wide eyes. She looked so different, but still as beautiful as ever. Next to him, Pouncival nudged him. “What are they supposed to be?”
“Who knows?” Misto said back, having to shout to be heard over the music that was blaring out of the speakers.
Pouncival tugged on Misto’s cape. “Misto, are you sure we should be here?”
Misto nodded, watching as Rumpus led Victoria over to a group of senior toms, none of whom he knew, and he felt a hot surge of anger in his chest. Victoria didn’t deserve to be treated that way, being dragged around to all these older guys who probably saw nothing of her other than her slender legs and her soft breasts. He growled softly, his ears flattening against his black head. He clenched his fists tightly. That Rumpus Cat…


Demeter and Munkustrap and Alonzo and Jemima were leaning against the wall, watching the dancing that was going on. None of them really cared for the raunchy music or the suggestive dancing, so they were content to stay put and just talk, if that was possible over the music.
“Was Bombalurina going to come?” Munkustrap inquired after a few minutes, unable to spot his girlfriend’s best friend in the crowd.
Demeter shook her head and took out her vampire teeth to respond. “No. She called me. She… she said she wasn’t feeling well, but…”
“But?” Alonzo and Munkustrap prodded together.
Demeter bit her lip. “I… I think it was more something to do with Macavity.”
“Why do you say that?” Munkustrap asked, getting an unpleasant sinking feeling in his stomach.
“Just the way she said it… She… she sounded almost… scared, for lack of a better word.”
“Do you think we need to check on her?” Alonzo asked, his face a mask of concern.
Demeter bit her lip. “Well…”
“We can after the dance, on our way home,” Munkustrap offered. Demeter nodded slowly.
“Hey, has anyone seen Tugger?” Alonzo suddenly interjected, scanning the dance floor. “I’ve never known him to miss a dance before, but I don’t see him.”
“I saw him earlier,” Demeter said slowly. “He was talking to Rumpus. I haven’t seen him since.”


Victoria was getting a drink at the water fountain. Misto had followed her out, Pouncival trailing him, not wanting to be left alone in the sea of vampires, monsters, and dead things. Misto approached Victoria, watching for Rumpus Cat, who was nowhere in sight. He stopped by her. “H… Hi, Victoria.”
She looked up at him and glared. “Why are you stalking me, geek?”
Ouch. Misto cringed. “I… I’m not trying to…”
“Coulda fooled me.” She straightened up and swished past the two kittoms, her long, black wig catching Pouncival right in the face. Pouncival coughed and hissed, swiping claws at the retreating wig.
Misto sighed in agrivation. Why was she so unwilling to even talk to him? Pouncival leaned down to get a drink. Misto leaned against the wall by the stairwell. Suddenly-
“Miiiiiiistooooo…” came a long, drawn-out whisper that seemed to be coming from the floor above them. Misto looked up in confusion.
“Did… did you hear that?” he asked Pounce without looking away from the stairs.
Pouncival looked over at him and turned off the water. “Hear what?”
Misto glanced over at him. “You… you didn’t hear my name?”
Pouncival’s dark green eyes crinkled in confusion. “No…”
Misto shook his head to clear it. He must have been daydreaming… All of a sudden- “Miiiiiiistoooooo.”
Pouncival paled slightly. “I heard that one…”
Misto swallowed. “C… Come on,” he said, painfully aware his voice was quivering.
“We’re not going up there…”
“Yeah, we are. Come on.” Misto grabbed Pouncival’s shoulder and pulled him along with him. He just wanted someone else with him as he made his way up the dark stairwell to the second floor.
Pouncival mewed and struggled. “Hey, I don’t wanna go up there! Let me go!”
“Shh!” Misto hissed, giving him a soft tug. Pouncival fell silent and slowly followed Mistoffelees on shaky legs.
The second floor was dark. Lockers lined the hallway, casting weird shadows in the darkness. The only light came from several windows and the little bit of light from downstairs where the dance raged on. Misto swallowed, looking around the darkness, his pretty, blue eyes expanding so the blue nearly vanished in a puddle of black from his pupils as he strained to see anything. Next to him, Pouncival whimpered. “Misto…” he whined.
“Shh!” Misto hissed again. He took a step down the hallway. “Come on.”
“There’s nothing here! Let’s go back downstairs, where it’s safe!” Pouncival gave Misto’s black cape a tug.
Misto pulled away. “Come on.”
“But-.” Pouncival chased after Misto down the dimly lit hallway.
“Shh!” Misto said suddenly, glancing down another hallway that branched off the main one. He peered deep into the darkness. He could have sworn he saw something moving… He took a step forward, then winced as Pouncival’s claws dug into his arm. “Ow. Pounce, what the-.”
“I saw something!” Pouncival hissed in his ear. “Over there!” He pointed to an empty space between the lockers.
Misto peered into the darkness, but he couldn’t see anything. “Are you sure?” All of a sudden, something dark shifted in the shadows and suddenly stepped from the dark space between two lockers. A long, black robe swirled around its tall form.
Misto swallowed hard. “R… Rumpus?”
The form shook its head slowly and seemed to glide towards them. Misto gasped and grabbed Pouncival’s arm, turning to run, when, out of nowhere, another black-robed figure materialized behind them, and they ran right into it. Both of them let out a terrified scream. The figure advanced on them, long arms extended so a black cape flowed out behind it as it built up speed, running at them.
Misto and Pouncival turned and bolted down the hallway, away from the figure. All of a sudden, the other figure appeared at the other end of the hallway, blocking their escape downstairs. It slowly paced towards them. They turned around again, but the other figure was now right behind them. It grabbed Misto by the scruff of the neck. Misto gasped in pain, tears stinging his eyes. Pouncival moved to help him, but the second figure grabbed his scruff. Pouncival yelped.
“Wh… what are you doing? Let us go!” Misto whimpered.
The two figures shook their heads as one and began to push the two kittoms down the hallway. They were forced to walk where they were pushed by the painful grips on their neck. “Where are we going?” Pouncival mewed.
The figure that held Misto suddenly opened a door. It was the boys’ bathroom. Then the two figures shoved the two frightened freshmen inside. They tumbled forward as the door slammed shut, and, a moment later, they heard the lock click. Pouncival gasped and leaped up, yanking the handle. “We’re locked in!”
“What?!” Misto tried the handle, but Pouncival was right. It was locked. He heard two bursts of laughter, one of whom he recognized as Rumpus’. He growled softly. “That Rumpus Cat…”


Out in the hallway, Rumpus and Tugger exchanged high fives. “That’ll keep that freshman geek away from my girl for a few weeks.”
Tugger nodded, brandishing the janitor’s bathroom key they had swiped earlier. “Let’s see how long it takes for someone to find them.”
Rumpus nodded. “As long as Vicci doesn’t rat us out.”
“Aww, don’t let that little b*tch control you, Rumpus,” Tugger scolded. “She’s only a girl, you know.”
Rumpus nodded. “I know. The little slut has been getting a little sympathetic towards magic geek boy. I gotta try to keep her attention.”
“Just keep her pinned to her mattress,” Tugger advised. “That’s what she wants.”
Rumpus nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
“We better get downstairs before we’re missed too much.”
“Yeah. See you later, geek!” Rumpus said, smacking the door heavily. “Oh, and geek?” He grinned a bit. “You better not tell anyone it was us, or your little white b*tch may find herself without you around at all.” He turned and strutted down the stairs, Tugger following him, both laughing loudly.


Misto was crying inside the chilly bathroom. “How can they talk about her like that? She’s not a slut!”
Pouncival was a little more concerned with the locked door to worry about Victoria. “Misto, do you know any door opening tricks or something?”
Misto was slumped on the floor, his head in his hands. “Why doesn’t she see him for what he is?”
“Mistooooooo,” Pouncival whined.
Mistoffelees sighed, wiping tears from his pretty, blue eyes. “I just… just want her… to be with a guy that loves her…”
“Um, we can worry about that later, when we’re not locked in a bathroom,” Pouncival prodded.


It was ten thirty, and the costume contest had just ended. Jemima had refused to go onstage in front of the whole school until Alonzo had taken out his fake sword and had prodded her up the stairs with it. But it had paid off. With Alonzo’s popularity and their detailed costumes, they won first, receiving a $25 gift certificate for one of the most beautiful restaurants in the city, Chez Purr. Alonzo promised Jemima afterwards that they would go for her birthday in February, to which she had eagerly agreed.
Munkustrap congratulated his best friend before leaning over to shout over the music into his ear. “We’re gonna get out of here, go check on Bomby before it gets too late out.”
Alonzo nodded. “See you two on Monday.” He gave Demeter a quick hug. Demeter grinned at him, then at Jemima.
“Bye, you two. You look great!” She gave Munkustrap’s hand a squeeze, and the two vanished out the door.
“Do you know Bombalurina’s new address?” Munkustrap asked once they were outside in the quiet parking lot. “Since she moved in with Macavity, I don’t know where she is anymore.”
Demeter nodded. “Yeah, I have it.” She reached into her purse and dug out a tiny note pad. “168 West Kensington Street.”
Munkustrap nodded and slid into his car. Demeter got in on the other side. Munkustrap turned on the engine, and the car purred to life. “Okay, let’s go.”
Demeter was silent all the way to Macavity’s house, and Munkustrap wisely chose not to comment. He knew she was very nervous for her best friend with a new baby on the way, and, since she had never had a good relationship with Macavity… He made a mental note to ask her about that one day.
He pulled to a stop in front of house 168. He and Demeter got out of the car. Munkustrap stopped and stared. It wasn’t a mansion or anything, but hot damn! It was nice. Two stories, white, with a well-kept lawn and large, bright windows. He whistled softly. “Are you sure this is right?”
Demeter nodded. “Macavity’s parents have money. This was their second home they bought a few months ago.”
“Why buy a second house in London when you already have one?”
“For Macavity when he graduated. He wanted his own place, so they got it for him. I guess they gave it to him early, with the baby and all…” Demeter’s voice trailed off.
Munkustrap squeezed her paw. “Come on. Let’s go check on Bomby.”
Demeter nodded and followed him up the steps to the front door. Munkustrap rang the bell and waited, shifting nervously from side to side. As much as he was somewhat friend with Macavity, he knew of his reputation, and Macavity wasn’t exactly the easiest person to get along with.
The door suddenly opened just the tiniest bit, and Demeter could see Bombalurina’s hazel eyes peering out at them. “Hey, Bomby.”
The door opened wide, revealing Bombalurina in a pink bathrobe. She smiled at them. “Hi, guys.”
Demeter quickly scanned over her friend, searching for any signs of abuse, any bruises or welts, but there didn’t seem to be anything wrong. She smiled at her best friend. “Hey. We missed you at the dance. We came by to make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet.” Bom smiled brightly. “But really, I’m fine. I really am.”
All of a sudden, Macavity appeared behind her, gazing at Demeter and Munkustrap with suspicious, green eyes. “Hi. Why are you two here?”
“Just came by to see your new place,” Munkustrap said quickly. There was no reason to tell Macavity they were afraid he was hurting Bombalurina.
“Well, come in if you want,” Macavity offered.
Demeter glanced up at Munkustrap and nodded slowly. Macavity wouldn’t hurt her in front of Munkustrap, and she wanted to spend a little more time making sure Bomby was all right. They slid inside, and Macavity closed the door.
Munkustrap gazed around in surprise. “Wow. This is… really, really nice.” He turned to Macavity. “Can you show me around?”
“Sure.” Macavity seemed all to eager to show off his house. He led Munkustrap out of the room, leaving Demeter alone with Bombalurina.
Demeter turned to her best friend. “Bom, are you sure you’re all right?”
Bombalurina nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure, Demi. I am. Really.”
Demeter nodded slowly. “I just… was concerned, is all. For you… and the baby…” She paused. “I mean… I know what he can do, what he’s like…”
Bombalurina quickly glanced around, then lowered her voice. “Dem… Does Macavity have memory problems?”
Demeter shook her head. “Not that I know of… Why?”
“He… he’s done a few… things, and I… just wanted to know. And I figured you would know.”
Demeter shook her head. “Sorry. But, Bomby, if you feel scared, you come to me or Munk, okay?”
“Of course.” Bombalurina nodded again. “But… I’m fine. He’s just… rough sometimes.”
“Does he hurt you?”
“No,” Bombalurina said softly. Demeter could almost feel the lie in her voice, but if Bom wouldn’t tell her, she couldn’t do anything, and there seemed to be no physical signs of abuse.
“Okay, if you say so.”
Just then, Munkustrap and Macavity returned from their tour. Munkustrap glanced between her and Bombalurina. “Ready to go, Dem?”
Demeter nodded and skirted past Macavity to Munkustrap’s side. “Yes, I’m ready. Let’s go.” She smiled at the two. “Bye, Macavity. Bye, Bomby.”
“Bye, Demi. See you on Monday.”
Demeter nodded, and the two vanished out the door.
Macavity watched them go, then turned to Bom. “What was that all about?”
“They… they were just checking on me. To make sure I was okay.”
“And you are, aren’t you?” Macavity asked concernedly, giving her a soft hug, purring softly into her ear.
Bombalurina nodded and cuddled into his arms. “Yes. I am.”


The dance ended at eleven thirty, and most students were ready to leave by then. Rumpus and Tugger, however, slipped unnoticed upstairs to the boys’ bathroom.
Misto and Pouncival were sitting by the door on the cold linoleum when they heard the lock click, and, a moment later, the door opened. They scrambled up and dashed out, not caring who had let them out as long as they were free.
Rumpus and Tugger stared coldly at them as Rumpus pocketed the key. “I suggest you remember we could have left you in there all weekend,” he growled.
“Well, why didn’t you?” Pouncival demanded. He was not in a good mood after Misto’s crying and being unable to unlock the door.
Rumpus raised a brow. “You wanna go back in there?” he asked, taking a threatening step towards him. Pouncival ducked behind Misto and shook his head meekly. “Good. Now get!”
They got, Tugger and Rumpus’ laughter ringing in their ears.


“Hey, Etcy? It’s Lec…”
“Hi,” Etcetera said softly.
“Etcy, can I come over? I wanna talk to you…”
“You… you’re still talking to me?”
“Of course.”
Etcetera smiled gratefully. “Thanks… Sure, come on over.”

Electra settled onto Etcetera’s bed silently, her eyes on her lap. Etcetera sat down next to her, pulling her legs to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. They both were quiet for several minutes before Electra finally broke the silence. “Etcy, I… I don’t know what… what to say…”
Etcetera sniffed softly. “Lec, I… I’m sorry…”
Electra nodded slowly. “I… I just… just didn’t want to… to see you get hurt.”
Etcetera laughed bitterly. “Little late for that…”
“I know. Etcy… I hope… we’re still friends.”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“I dunno… but, Et,… I’m kinda concerned about you… What if… Did he… use protection?”
“N… No. Why?”
“Etcy, what if you’re sick? Or… or pregnant?”
Etcetera’s orange eyes went wide. “I… I didn’t think of that! Oh… what if… Lec, what if I am? Or… or I’m sick or something? I… I gotta take a pregnancy test!”
“I don’t know how much it can tell you after only a few days, Et.”
Etcetera began to cry. “I… My parents… they’ll kill me! They don’t know…”
“Etcetera, calm down! You don’t know anything yet! I’m just giving you a what if.”
Etcetera grasped Electra’s dark paws in her own. “Electra, don’t… don’t leave me alone until I know, okay?”
Electra nodded quickly. “I won’t, Etcy. I promise.” She squeezed Etcetera’s paw tightly. They both went silent for a while until Electra spoke again.
“Et, can… can I ask you a question?”
“It… it’s gonna sound stupid, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want…”
“Go on…”
Electra looked up through nervous, green eyes. “What was it like?”
Etcetera blinked. “What was what like?”
Electra blushed crimson under her red fur. “Um… sex…”
“Oh… it was… it’s… um…” Etcetera blushed. “Well… it’s kinda hard to describe it, really… I… It kinda hurts at first… but… it… it feels… kinda good…” She bit her lip. “I can’t describe it…”
Electra sighed softly. “Guys are jerks.”
Etcetera nodded. “I don’t ever want to see another guy again.”
“Yeah… but…” Electra’s voice grew softer. “I… I wish there was a way I could… could…”
“Could what?” Etcetera prompted, rocking back and forth slowly.
Electra looked up at her shyly. “Could… feel sex without… without a guy.”
Etcetera nodded slowly. “Yeah… I mean… It was fun, but… I just… guys are mean and immature and… and…” She sighed and looked over at Electra. “I guess…” She suddenly blinked and gazed at Electra in a mixture of thought and confusion. “Actually… we… we could…”
“We could?” Electra asked in surprise.
Etcetera nodded. “I mean, we’ve been friends for a long time…”
“What are you saying, Et?”
“Well, we could… I could… show you… what it’s like…”
“You could?”
Etcetera nodded slowly. “Yeah. I mean, we’d have to keep it a secret, but…”
Electra’s green eyes grew just a bit wider. “You… you wouldn’t tell anyone?”
“Of course not! You haven’t told anyone about Tugger…”
Electra nodded and rubbed her hand nervously over the collar of her shirt. “Are… are you going to hurt me?”
“Would I hurt you, Lec?”
She had a point. Electra swallowed hard. “Won’t your parents hear?”
“They’re gone to my aunt’s house to help her move. It’ll be just us til late tonight.”
Electra nodded slowly and laid back against Etcetera’s pillow. “Can we… start slow? In case I change my mind?”
Etcetera nodded. “Yeah. Just tell me… if you want to stop…”
Electra nodded and closed her eyes a moment, then opened them again and nodded at her best friend. “I… I’m ready.”
Etcetera nodded and knelt down over her friend, gently reaching down to massage Electra’s chest the way that Tugger used to do to her. Electra gasped and shifted a bit. Etcetera smiled and did it again, momentarily enjoying watching Electra squirm under her touch. She slowly reached down to pull up Electra’s shirt. Electra put her paw on Etcetera’s. “Et,… I mean… Are we… ready for… I mean…”
“I’ll show you mine,” Etcetera promised, like a little girl offering to show off a new toy.
Electra nodded. “Can… Can you first?”
Etcetera nodded and slipped her shirt off, dropping it onto the floor. She let Electra look a moment before she pulled off the straps of her bra and undid it, letting it fall next to her shirt.
Electra stared at Etcetera’s soft breasts in fascination. She slowly reached up a hand to shyly touch them. Etcetera leaned closer encouragingly. “Are you ready?”
Electra nodded slowly, her eyes on Etcetera’s chest, so she barely noticed it when her shirt and bra tumbled to the floor, until Etcetera’s paws landed on her bare skin, and she let out a soft shriek, half of surprise, half of pleasure.
Etcetera tried to remember what Tugger did to her and did the same for a while before she reached for Electra’s jeans. Electra didn’t seem to mind until Etcetera’s hand landed on her underwear. “Et…” she whimpered.
“What?” Etcetera asked huskily.
“Are… are you sure… I mean…”
“I know what you mean, Lec. Yes.”
Electra slowly nodded and closed her eyes until Etcetera had pulled off her underwear. Her legs pressed tightly together as she forced her eyes to open. Etcetera smiled gently down at her, like a wise older woman to a younger girl. “Just relax, hun. You’re too tense. It’ll hurt if you tense up.”
Electra whimpered, then gasped as Etcetera’s paws found their way to her thighs and stroked them gently, relaxing them ever so slowly until Etcetera was able to push them apart with no problem. Electra whimpered and gazed up at Etcetera with nervous eyes. “What are you going to do?”
“Well, since I’m not a guy, I’ll have to improvise.” Etcetera grinned at Electra. Electra smiled back weakly, then gasped and arched her back in both pain and pleasure as Etcetera’s finger found its way deep inside her virgin body…
After it had ended quite a long time later, and Electra had gotten over her fear, she lay naked on the bed in a panting, shivering, mewing heap as Etcetera sat smugly on the end of the bed, still half naked in just her jeans. She had offered to take them off about halfway through, but Electra wasn’t sure she was quite that ready yet, so the jeans had stayed on.
Electra looked up at Etcetera and smiled faintly. Etcetera smiled back. “You like that?” Electra nodded. “It doesn’t have to stop, you know.”
“It… it doesn’t?”
“No… Not if you don’t want it to.”
Electra touched her bare stomach lightly with a shaking paw. “We… we’d both get more used to it…”
Etcetera nodded. “No guys…”
Electra nodded and sighed softly, her legs falling unconsciously apart. “I… I don’t want it to stop…”
Etcetera nodded. “Me either. Our secret, okay?”
“Okay,” Electra agreed.
Later the next morning when Electra went home, she picked up her diary to write. Last night… she penned slowly, thinking back to the pleasure, pain, and emotions that had skyrocketed through her body. She bit her lip and slowly finished her sentance. Last night, I think I became a lesbian…


Ah, good old Jellicle High. Just the way he remembered it from last year. He would never admit how much he missed this place. Tumblebrutus’ hazel eyes searched the grounds he had grown so familiar with last year. It was great to be back. Plus it was a beautiful Monday morning, rather warm for the beginning of November, just a slight breeze whisking over him, ruffling the material of his dark windbreaker. He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of nature. He turned and waved at his mom in the car. She waved back and headed out of the parking lot. He shouldered his backpack over his slender shoulder and headed inside.
The first place he went was the office to check in. He smiled at dingy Miss Grizabella, looking just as he had remembered her. “Morning, Miss Griz,” he said with a bright, cheerful smile.
She looked up at him and broke into a wide smile. “Tumblebrutus! You’ve finally come back! Oh, we’ve missed you!” She got up from behind her massive desk to hug him tightly, squashing his face into her shoulder.
“Missed you too,” Tumble said, his voice muffled against her fur coat, the ratty fibers tickling his nose. Grizabella pulled back and smiled at him, tears glistening in her gray eyes. “Well, it’s almost lunch time, so I’ll get your schedule for you, then you can just head for the cafeteria, all right?”
“Okay,” Tumble said agreeably.
By the time he had his schedule, lunch had begun. Tumblebrutus headed for the lunchroom, praying he could find his friends. He paused in the doorway of the cafeteria and looked around the noisy area, taking in every sight and sound.
There, he spotted them. At the same table as last year, even. He stepped into the lunchroom and maneuvered his way through the crowd to the table where his friends sat.
He was unprepared for the heap of black and white fur that landed in his arms before he even had the chance to speak. “Tumble!” crowed the kittom in his arms. Mismatched eyes blinked happily at him. Tumble grinned widely and hugged his best friend.
“Quaxo! I missed you!”
“We missed you too!” Quaxo gestured back to the table where four other teens grinned broadly at him. “Come sit with us!” He pulled out a chair for his friend, and Tumble gratefully sat down. Quaxo landed in the seat next to him and studied him up and down.
He was thinner and paler than he remembered him. Despite the bulky windbreaker and jeans, there was hardly any body filling them. Tumble’s skin was pale under his patched fur, though his hazel eyes sparkled with their usual energy and glow.
Tumble glanced around the table, smiling at the rest of the toms: George, Bill Bailey, Admetus, and one younger one he didn’t recognize.
Bill Bailey seemed to notice his uncertainty. “Tumble, this is my little brother, Carbucketty. He’s a freshman.”
“Nice to meet you,” Tumble said, smiling at the shy, nervous-looking tom.
“You too,” the tiny tom squeaked, smiling brightly, pushing his black rimmed glasses up on his nose.
“So, Tumble, tell us what happened,” Admetus said softly.
Tumble turned to him and shrugged. “I went into the hospital in late July. I’ve been there ever since. I just got out last Wednesday, but the doctor told me I couldn’t come back to school until today. I wanted to go to the Halloween dance on Friday, but my mom wouldn’t let me. She almost didn’t let me come today cause I slept in, and she was worried I wouldn’t make it through the day. But I insisted on coming, cause I missed you all.”
“We missed you too,” Quaxo said again softly. He had been the only one allowed to go see his friend in the hospital over the last few months, but it hurt him to see his carefree, energetic friend looking so small and weak in that hospital bed, so he had limited his visits to spare himself the emotional trauma.
Tumble smiled at all his friends as he fished his lunch out of his backpack. “So, what have I missed? What’s the buzz around the school?”
Quaxo grinned. There was the Tumble he knew. He was definitely back. But, even as he talked with his best friend, in the back of his head he wondered how long this would last…


It had been almost three weeks since Teazer had been raped by her father, and, since then, life had not been as bad as they would have thought. But, even though he knew it wouldn’t happen again, Jerrie had been plotting. It had haunted his dreams at night and taken over his thoughts during the day, and he now had devised a plan on what he needed to do.
“Are you sure you’ll be all right?” Teazer asked softly, her brown eyes wide with worry.
Jerrie nodded. “Yeah. You stay and get your work done. I’ll… I’ll be all right.” He leaned down and gave her a tight hug, but, when he pulled away, Teazer saw he had tears in his dark brown eyes.
“Jer… Are you all right?”
“Yeah.” Jerrie blinked quickly, and the tears were gone. “Yeah, I’m fine, Tea.”
Teazer studied him carefully. He had been rather absent the last few days, and it scared her. But his smile was reassuring. “Really. Do what you need to, okay?”
Teazer nodded slowly. “Okay… I’ll be home as fast as I can, Jer. I promise.”
Jerrie nodded. “All right. I’ll see you there.” He gave her paw a light squeeze, feeling his heart twinge painfully in his chest. “Bye, Tea.”
Teazer didn’t like how final his words sounded, but she nodded and wrapped her thumb around his a moment before letting go and starting up the stairs to the science room. Jerrie watched her go, then hurried out the door towards home.
All the way home, he was morose, his thoughts churning madly in his head. He could do it now… Now was the chance he needed. He just needed the note…
Jerrie slipped inside the house silently and headed for his room. His dad intercepted him at the stairs. “Where’s your sister?” he growled.
“At school. She needed some help in science. She’ll be home soon,” Jerrie said hastily.
Roth raised a brow and gave Jerrie a hard push against the wall. “You better not be lying.”
“I’m not,” Jerrie said, trying to sound as meek as possible. He winced as his father’s fingers entwined into his head fur and tightened, twisting his head to make him look right into his eyes.
“I swear if she’s not home in an hour, I’ll slit your throat.” He traced one finger over Jerrie’s exposed throat to emphasize his point. Jerrie whimpered softly. His dad released him and gave him a sharp shove that pushed him face-first into the stairs, cracking his right temple and his jaw against the hard step. Jerrie yelped in pain, touching his lip delicately and feeling a cut forming on it. He winced and looked up at his dad in hate. He immediately knew that was a bad idea when his dad snatched him up by the throat and tossed him into the center of the living room. Jerrie landed hard on all fours, his back to his dad. He quickly whipped around to face him, just as a harsh blow caught his right eye. He yelled in pain and landed on the ground, curling into a tight ball on his stomach, his arms over his face. He felt a sharp kick to the center of his back that sent him rolling into the couch. He whimpered and struggled to sit up. His dad caught his shoulder and placed one large hand over Jerrie’s skull, his fingers digging into Jerrie’s temples, as if trying to crush his head. Jerrie squeezed his eyes shut and whined like a puppy caught in a trap. A moment later, his dad released him and shoved him towards the stairs. “Get in your room! I don’t want to see you down here again!”
Jerrie gratefully scrambled to his feet and raced up the stairs, slamming the door to his room. He slumped against it and moaned softly. He rubbed the back of one hand against his lip. It came away streaked with scarlet blood. He winced and touched his eye lightly with his fingertips. He could feel the blood pulsing underneath his touch and knew he was going to have a black eye. Oh well. Definitely not the first, but it was going to be the last! If he had any doubts now about going through with his plans, they were gone now. He snatched a piece of paper off his desk and sat down to write…


“Jerrie?” Teazer asked softly, tapping on his bedroom door. She received no answer. Was he asleep? Or worse? She bit her lip. When she had gotten home, her dad had said he was upstairs and told her to go up there too and not to come down til tomorrow, which all suited her fine. She tapped on his door again. “Jerrie?”
When she did not get a reply, Teazer pushed open the door, as it had no lock on it, and moved inside. The first thing she noticed was his window was open, and cold air was rushing into the room. She hurried to it to close it. “Jer, why do you have the win-.” She turned to the bed and stopped short. He was not there. A folded piece of paper was on his pillow. She crossed to it and snatched it up, sitting down on the bed to read. A ten dollar bill fluttered into her lap as she unfolded it and read:

My dearest sister Rumpleteazer,
I guess by now you’ve discovered I’ve run away. I just couldn’t take it anymore. My life was getting too hurt and messed up for me to stay here any longer. Believe me, I didn’t want to leave you here with dad, especially after what happened to you, but it was the only way I’d be able to try to get us out. But I promise you I will be back to get you. I know you’ll be strong until I return.
My life’s pretty bad, Tea. You already know a lot about it, but there is some stuff you don’t know. You know about me and dad, but one thing you probably didn’t know was that I was doing catnip a lot behind your back. I tried to hide it so you wouldn’t find out. I didn’t want you to get into it too. I knew it was wrong, but I just needed some way to forget my crummy life. I had to earn the money to buy it, and that was tough, so I stole a lot from dad. I was able to get a few of the guys to loan me money, which I paid back by running errands for them, but the catnip just messed me up a lot. I couldn’t focus in school, which didn’t help too much, since I didn’t understand a lot anyway. I got dizzy a lot, and a couple times I got sick. I wanted to sleep all the time, but I couldn’t, so I had to tough out every day. I thought I was gonna die. Finally I quit. I didn’t want you to get into it. Believe me, it just messes you up. Don’t ever, EVER try it, sis. Ever. I never want that to happen to you. It’s awful.
Since I’m revealing secrets, I should probably also tell you… I tried to kill myself several times. You may or may not know about it, but you probably remember the days, and I should still tell you anyway.
The first time was back during my eighth grade year. I tried to swallow a lot of aspirin. But I couldn’t go all the way through with it. Because of you. I couldn’t face the fact I’d leave you all alone with dad. So I stopped. That was the day I passed out on the bathroom floor. Remember my lie? I misread the label? I just didn’t want to scare you with the fact I was trying to kill myself.
The second time was my freshman year, right after school started. I tried to swallow bleach. But, again, I couldn’t do it and leave you alone. I kinda gave up on the swallowing idea after that.
The third time was during the summer before you came to school. I tried to cut my throat with one of those big kitchen knives we have. But I chickened out. I just got scared. Sometimes I wish I had done it, but then I think of you, and I’m glad I didn’t.
The fourth time, second trimester of my sophomore year, I tried to drown myself. Kinda hard to do. I tried to just breathe in water. But I couldn’t do it. It was too hard.
The fifth time was during my sophomore year, third trimester, not so long ago. I had failed three tests in two days, and dad had beat the living Heavyside out of me. I went to my room. I had found dad’s handgun under his bed, and I tried to shoot myself. But, again, I lost it. That was the closest I ever got to actually killing myself. I had the gun to my head, my finger tensing the trigger, but then I saw the picture of us on my dresser, and I lost my grip on the gun. I’m sure you remember that day. That was the day I wouldn’t stop crying, no matter what. I just cried and cried and wouldn’t leave my room.
That was the last time I tried to kill myself. I’m crying as I write this, Tea. You’re the only thing that’s kept me alive all these years, and I thank you for that. You must be my guardian angel, Teazer. I’m sure you are.
By now you must be thinking, “My brother, the suicidal maniac.” But I promise you, Tea, I will never, ever do anything that stupid ever again. You’re too important to me. I love you, Tea, with all my heart. I know you’ll be strong until I come back for you. Don’t do anything foolish, and just avoid dad as much as possible. I’ll be back on Friday. I promise. Meet me before school at your locker, and we’ll run away and never come back. I love you very much. Stay out of trouble. I know you will. You’re not like other queens. Always remember that. I love you.
Forever your loving brother, Mungojerrie

Teazer was crying by the time she finished. She leaped up and raced to the window. She flung it open and leaned out of it, searching for any sign of her brother, but it was no use. He was gone.


On to Chapter 11!

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