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Welcome to the Ultimate Jellicle High!

Welcome to the ultimate Jellicle High website! Anything Jellicle High is here, including the Jellicle High fanfic that everyone has waited so patiently for by me, Taline. Please read it. And join the RPG on my other page if you wish. Welcome to Jellicle High!

MARCH 1, 2005: I received a request to add the printable version of chapter 11, so I did. It's up in the Print Section.
I apologize to everyone who has been waiting so patiently for me to update, and I haven't in a year and a half or something. I try to continue working on Jellicle High, but I have other interests and not much time nowdays, so I don't know when the next update will b. Please check back occassionally, but I don't make any promises at this point. But thank you to the support from around the world for this story. I will try to continue when I can.
Oh, if you have sent me anything (emails, awards, pictures, requests) in the last 6 months to and did not receive a reply, please resend it to me. I forgot to check that account regularily, and Hotmail deleted it, but it is back and running again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Also, if you are a member of my Jellicle High message board on Yahoo, please keep all posts on-topic or your membership will be deleted. I posted a message on there that explains in greater detail. Thank you.
Once again, I'm sorry I've been so absent from this story. I will try to update again, but I don't know when, so, I'm very sorry to anyone who is upset by this. You all have been wonderful, and I will try to make you happy again with more, but I have to see how time permits. Peace, all! ~Taline

Take the Jellicle High Quiz! How much do you really know?

Take the Easy Jellicle High Quiz! This one is pretty simple.

Take the Hard Jellicle High Quiz! This one is difficult.

*Note* Just to clear up any confusion, you don't have to subscribe to the Yahoo club if you don't want to. You still will be able to read the story on this website. I will not ever post a chapter on the Yahoo club. It will only be on this website. So only subscribe if you want to. It's just the easiest way to find out when it's been updated, or to ask me questions.

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Read the Jellicle High Fanfic!

Jellicle High ~ The Printable Version!

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Jellicle High Art Work

Jellicle High "Stuff" Requests


Awards I've Won

Jellicle High RPG

Disclaimer: I am not making any money off of this site. All characters are copyrighted by RUG. The ideas and descriptions are my own. This story is not meant to infringe on any copyrights.
