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Jellicle High: Chapter 2

The bell rang for lunch, and the students scampered down to lunch, eager to meet up with old friends and meet new ones, and to eat after having all their brain cells sucked out by evil chemistry and literature.
Alonzo settled down at his usual table with Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, Rumpus Cat, Victor, and, ironically, Macavity. He set down his bag lunch and sorted through it, selecting his ham sandwich and sinking his teeth into it.
Munkustrap entered with his lunch, his eyes scanning nervously from side to side like a windshield wiper.
Suddenly Rumpus bounded up behind Munkustrap and slapped him on the back. “Hey, Munku!” he said, just a little too loudly.
Alonzo cringed as Munkustrap nearly leaped 3 feet in the air, nearly knocking over his tray, but somehow by some Heavyside miracle, kept it upright. “Don’t do that!” he gasped to his friend as he sat down at the table, shaking like a leaf.
“Sheesh, yer jumpy,” Rumpus said, sitting down and shaking his head. “Expectin’ someone?”
“No,” Munkustrap said, then flinched when someone touched his shoulders and began to massage them.
“Hey Tiger,” Cassandra purred in Munkustrap’s ear. Munkustrap’s ear flicked, but he didn’t dare turn around.
“Hello, Cassandra,” he said softly, giving Alonzo a pretty good get-me-out-of-this look.
Alonzo read the look surprisingly well. “Hey, Cassandra, can I talk to you?”
“Sure, Patch. About what?”
Alonzo blushed at Cassandra’s nickname for him and stood up. “Come on. Let’s go over here.” His voice clearly indicated to the distraught Munkustrap that he should ‘go and ask her NOW’. Munkustrap watched them go, then quickly got up and headed for Demeter’s table.
Demeter was hunched over her chemistry book and a strawberry tart, surrounded by Bombalurina, Exotica, and a few other queens. She looked very busy, and Munkustrap almost didn’t want to disturb her, but it was now or never. He cleared his throat and touched Demeter’s shoulder.
Demeter jumped in her chair and whirled around, then turned bright red. “H… hi, Munkustrap.”
“Hi,” Munkustrap said back, his face red beneath his tiger fur.
Demeter stared expectantly at him, waiting. Munkustrap froze. Now what? He glanced over at Alonzo and Cassandra in a corner. She was obviously telling him about cheerleading by her radical hand movements. She looked thoroughly entertained. Munkustrap licked his lips, then suddenly thrust the note he had found at Demeter. “Here. You lost this,” he said, a little too quickly, a little too loudly.
Demeter took the paper quickly and stuffed it into her folder. “Thanks.” Munkustrap knew that she knew what it was. And Demeter could tell by the guilty look on his face that he had read it.
Silence took over again. All the queens at the table seemed interested in their lunches, but both could tell they were listening, waiting. This was going on too long. He couldn’t take it. “Demeter, will you go with me to Homecoming?” Munkustrap blurted out.
Every single queen jerked up to look at him. Demeter stared. Okay, bad idea… Munkustrap started to back away.
“I… I’d love to, Munkustrap,” Demeter said shyly.
“Y… you… you would?” Munkustrap asked in surprise.
“Yes, I would.” Demeter’s green eyes shone as bright as emeralds.
Munkustrap smiled brightly. “Great!” He took her paw in his.
“But… but, Munkustrap, what… what about Cassandra?”
Munkustrap smiled uneasily. “I… I was gonna end it with her.”
“Really?” Demeter asked a little too brightly. Her eyes shown like buttons.
Munkustrap nodded. “Yeah. So, I’ll… I’ll call you, okay?”
Demeter nodded. “Do you have my number?”
He was too embarrassed to admit he had memorized her phone number several months ago. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Okay,” Demeter said. She blushed a bit and pointed to the empty chair next to her. “Wanna sit down?”
“No thanks,” Munkustrap said, squeezing her paw. “I need to get back. But… maybe tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” Demeter said. She smiled to herself as Munkustrap turned and walked away with a spring in his step.


“Is he still staring at me?” Victoria moaned as she sat down in her chair and dropping her books with a satisfying bang.
“Yeah,” Jemima said, her big eyes wandering the lunchroom. “Why?”
“Cause he’s been watching me all morning!” Victoria nearly yelled, grabbing her sandwich and sinking sharp teeth into it angrily.
Jemima giggled and sat down lightly on her chair. “Aw, you poor thing. Why’s he watching you?”
“Cause he’s a geek,” Victoria muttered around a mouthful of tuna sandwich.
Jemima smiled, then looked around again. Where was he? Then she saw him. He was in a corner with a brown queen who was… quite attractive. Jemima’s face fell. He was taken. She should have known.
“What’re ya lookin’ at?” Victoria asked, looking over Jemima’s shoulder. She followed her gaze to the hot senior tom, Alonzo, in the corner. “Wow, holy Heavyside, I’ve died and gone to tom Heaven.”
Jemima tried to smile, but her face felt frozen. Why had she let herself get attached so quickly to him? Why did he make her feel the way she did?


Alonzo waited patiently while Cassandra talked on and on how she was going to make head cheerleader this year and how she was going to take first place at the National Cheerleading Competition, on and on and on. She was so excited that Alonzo almost didn’t have the heart to stop her when Munkustrap went bounding back to their table, his face glowing. But somehow he dismissed Cassandra and headed back to his friends. “So, how’d it go?”
Munkustrap turned to his friend with a beaming smile. “It went great! She said yes! I can’t believe it!”
Alonzo sank down into his seat. “That’s great. Now how are you going to break up with Cassandra?”
Munkustrap’s face turned pale. “Say what?”
“Cassandra. Tall, brown, sexy. Don’t tell me you forgot her already?”
“Oh no,” Munkustrap moaned. Something in his voice told Alonzo that he had totally forgotten his current girlfriend in the excitement. “Oh no. Alonzo, what do I do?”
“You’re asking me?”
“Gee, you sound really confident.”
“I’m sorry, but I dunno how to help you break up.”
“Just tell her,” Tugger said, looking up from his burger. “That’s what I do.”
“Yeah, but I’m not like you, Tugger,” Munkustrap said, hoping he wouldn’t take that the wrong way. “I can’t just say, hey, baby, it’s over.”
“Sure you can. Go tell her now.” Tugger’s eyes shifted to where Cassandra sat.
Munkustrap sighed. “No, I’ll call her tonight. That sounds better.”
“Yeah. Then she can’t claw you,” Rumpus Cat teased.
Munkustrap’s face hit the table sharply. “Oh, Heavyside, help,” he moaned.


Mungojerrie scanned the lunchroom, looking for his sister in their usual spot, but she did not seem to be there yet. He slunk over to their usual table and collapsed into his seat. He was so tired. All he wanted to do was sleep. He closed his eyes, his face pillowed in his arms.
“Jer? Are you okay?” came a soft voice in his ear.
Jerrie turned to see Rumpleteazer by his side, her books clasped to her chest as she watched him with worried eyes.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” Jerrie motioned for her to sit down in the seat next to him. She did. “How was class?”
“As good as can be expected,” Teazer said, lightly perching on the chair, setting down her books with a half-hearted sigh.
Jerrie’s stomach growled, and he pressed his paw to his empty middle. “I am SO hungry,” he moaned.
“Me too,” Teazer whispered, nuzzling him gently. “But we don’t have any money.”
“I know, I know.” Jerrie squeezed her paw gently. “But you need food more than I do.”
“No, I don’t,” Teazer said, gazing sadly into his eyes. “You need to keep up your strength.”
A soft purr of happiness welled in Jerrie’s throat. “Oh, Tea, how can you be so good to me?”
Teazer laid her head on his shoulder. “We need each other, Jer. There’s no other reason.”
Jerrie smiled and held her close. “What would I do without you?”
Teazer was silent a moment, then began to purr softly. “Go on, despite everything.”
Jerrie swallowed. “Maybe.” He rubbed his cheek on her head. “Just maybe.”


Etcetera’s orange-tinted eyes searched the lunchroom as she followed Electra over to the table where Victoria and Jemima sat. She set down her books when she almost ran into her chair. “What are you looking for?” Jemima asked, her voice soft.
“Tugger,” Etcetera said simply, pulling out her chair and almost missing the edge of it. She caught herself, her face turning bright red.
The three quittens exchanged worried glances. “Etcy, why are you looking for him? You heard what that one queen said to us.” Electra’s bright green eyes were as worried as any mother’s.
Etcetera didn’t answer. Her eyes were focused on Tugger sitting across the room, laughing and chatting as he ate his lunch. She felt a pang of guilt in her stomach at the lusty thoughts that suddenly assaulted her mind.
“Etcy? Etcy? Etcetera?” Electra waved a paw in front of Etcetera’s face.
Etcetera blinked quickly. “Huh?”
“Etcy, listen. I don’t want you going near him, understand? He’s dangerous. Promise me, okay?”
“O… Okay,” Etcetera promised. “I won’t, Lec. I promise.” But even as she sat down to her lunch, she couldn’t help feeling the warm feeling trickle over her again, and she knew one day she’d have to respond to it.


Lunch went by quickly for all the students. Too quickly, according to some. But, after their much-needed break time, the bell rang, and the students dispersed to class. The rest of the day passed with a flurry of textbooks and papers. When the bell rang at 3:00, the students raced out the door, eager to be home again. And so ended the first day of school.


Bombalurina slammed her locker shut and found Macavity standing right next to her. “Don’t do that!” she gasped, glaring at the gingery feline.
Macavity smiled and slid his arm around Bombalurina’s shoulder. “Ready to go?”
Bom checked her watch. 3:04. “You’re an hour early,” she said softly.
“Didn’t want to wait. So, are you ready to go?”
“Yes, Macavity.”
“Great.” Macavity led Bom out to his car.
Bom slid inside with a groan. Why was she doing this? She didn’t like him. And she knew he just wanted to get her home on his couch or his bed or wherever he played the rest of his girls. But she couldn’t really say no. He wouldn’t take that from her.
Macavity revved the engine and sped out of the parking lot with the squealing of tires. Bom instinctively reached for her seatbelt and fastened it tightly. “I thought we’d go out for dinner, then head for my place. Agreeable?” Macavity prodded.
“Yes, Macavity.”
“Is that all you’re ever gonna respond to me?”
With a cutesie-wootsie smile, Bom purred, “Yes, Macavity.”
Macavity grinned just a bit and stopped at a red light. “You think you’re so cute, don’t you?” Bom opened her mouth to answer, but Macavity shook his head. “Wait, don’t respond to that.” He drove on.
Silence reigned for several minutes until Macavity parked in front of his house. “What about dinner?” Bom asked, fear creeping into her voice just a bit.
“We can eat here instead. Come on.” Macavity opened her door and pulled her out roughly by her arm. Bom resisted a moment, then relented and let him lead her. He unlocked the door and led her inside.
It was quite clean inside, cleaner than Bom would have expected from Macavity. Macavity locked the door with a click and took her paw. “Well, what shall we do first?” His voice itself indicated what he wanted.
“Where are your parents?” Bom asked, looking around, half-hoping they’d be there and give her a reason not to stay.
“Working. They won’t be home til late, if at all,” Macavity said, kissing Bom on the cheek.
“If at all?” Bom questioned.
“Sometimes they get home really late. Tonight they will be gone til at least midnight. Probably longer.”
Bom sighed. Might as well get it over with. There was no use in prolonging the inevitable. “Well, why don’t we go up to your room and find something to do up there,” Bom purred seductively, slipping her arm around his waist.
Macavity smiled, fangs glinting. “You must have read my mind.” Together they went up the stairs to Macavity’s room.
Posters of queens and rock groups adorned the walls, and a thick, warm carpet covered the floor. Macavity’s bed, unmade, was against one wall, as if beckoning to them. Macavity nudged her towards it, using his paw on her butt to move her. Bom went and sat down on it, running a paw over the sheets. She stared up at Macavity as he stood over her, nearly engulfing her in his shadow. “Ready, sweetie?”
“Sure,” Bom said, her voice surprisingly soft. In honesty, she would rather be facing a whole team of Pollicle guys right now than facing the Jellicle troublemaker, but she knew better than to try to get away. She shivered just a bit as he placed his paws on her shoulders and pushed her back onto the mattress. The soft blankets enveloped her in a warm embrace. Macavity’s arms went around her, and Bom bit her lip. Her mind traveled back to her little book she kept at home, where she counted off her cycle to make sure everything went all right when she went home with a new tom after school or on weekends or at a party. But she could not keep the numbers straight in her mind as Macavity’s lips touched hers.
“Macavity,” Bom said softly as she broke the kiss. “I don’t know if this is such a good idea…”
Macavity ignored her, kissing her again, trailing a tiny row of kisses down from her temple along her jaw line. She could feel his heartbeat against hers and feel him pressing against her, his hips resting against hers. She swallowed and tried to sit up. “Macavity, wait-.”
She tried to twist away, but suddenly he began to do something that captivated her mind and bid her stay. He began to purr in her ear.


Munkustrap delayed calling Cassandra as long as he thought he could avoid it. He did his homework with care, ate with unusual slowness, cleared the table, and did the dishes. Finally, at 7:33, he knew it couldn’t be postponed any longer. He picked up the cordless phone from its cradle and vanished into the dark hallway to talk while his parents watched television. With slow, deliberate movements he dialed Cassandra’s number.
The phone rang twice before Cassandra answered. “Hello?”
Munkustrap froze. Everything he had wanted to say suddenly went dead in his mind. His throat went dry. His heart began to pound. He quickly snatched the phone away from his ear and hit the “End” button. The phone went dead, cutting off the call.
Why did I do that? Munkustrap chided himself in his head. Why? It’s just Cassandra. He swallowed to wet his whistle and dialed her number again.
She answered on the first ring this time. “Hello?”
Munkustrap nearly hung up again, but he held himself back and tried to speak. “H… H…i…” he croaked out.
“Hi Tiger! How are you? I missed you today! Why didn’t you talk to me at lunch?” Cassandra’s merry tone sliced into Munkustrap’s heart.
“Uh, Cassandra, can I… can I… uh…”
“Can you what, Tiger?”
Munkustrap cleared his throat nervously. “Uh, I wanted to… to tell you… that… uh… we… uh… we…”
“We what?”
“We’re… we’re through.” There. He’d said it.
“What? We’re through? Why?”
“Uh, I… I just don’t… don’t love you anymore,” Munkustrap said, his silver-navy eyes focused on his lap.
There was silence on Cassandra’s end of the phone for a few moments, and Munkustrap wondered if she had hung up, but then he heard her breathe, very slowly and deliberately.
“It’s because of Demeter, isn’t it?” Cassandra said, her voice low and spiteful.
“Well… uh…”
“It is. I hope you’re happy, Munkustrap! If you feel that way, I’m glad we’re not together anymore! Goodbye!” Cassandra slammed down the phone.
The sound caused a ringing in Munkustrap’s ear. He still held the phone, listening to the dial tone buzzing angrily. As he slowly pressed the button, a small smile curved on his lips. He was happy. Very happy. He felt better than he had in a long time. With a sigh of relief and a cheery smile, he headed for his room.


As he did his homework that night, Mistoffelees dreamed. He dreamed about the glorious girl he had seen today. An angel dressed all in white, with gorgeous pale green eyes and a cocky smile. He sighed softly to himself as he wrote out his math equations. Victoria. Even her name sounded heavenly. It was almost too much for him to bear. She had ignored him all day, and when he had tried to sit next to her, she had moved seats to sit next to another quitten, giving him a triumphant little smirk.
“Misto, dear, are you almost done with your homework?” came a voice through his door, snapping him back into reality.
“Yes, mom,” he called back, trying to force the textbook back into view. But the black ink faded before his blue eyes, and he was back in “Victoria Land”. He picked up his pencil and began to do his math, missing every other number and ending up drawing a heart in the place where he should have written 72.


Jerrie entered the house silently, trying not to let the door creak as he opened it. He slipped inside quickly, and he closed the door as softly as he possibly could. He breathed a silent sigh of relief and headed for his room. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it.
“Where have you been?” his father, Roth, snapped, stepping out of the kitchen. He had a half-drunk bottle of whiskey in his paw. His eyes were crazed, and his words slurred together. Jerrie swallowed hard and backed away. “I was at school,” he said softly.
“School ended an hour ago. Where were you? Why didn’t you come home with your sister?” Roth’s voice was dangerous.
“I… I just hung out there for a while,” Jerrie stammered, his voice frightened. “I had to finish some stuff.”
“You were talking to someone!” Roth accused, swinging his paw dangerously.
“I wasn’t!” Jerrie cried, avoiding the paw.
“I told you never to be home late!” Roth hissed. His paw shot out and struck Jerrie across the face.
Unprepared for the blow, Jerrie sprawled to the ground, his books scattering across the floor like discuses. His cheek throbbed from the painful blow. He gave a mew of pain.
Roth glared down at the kittom, his eyes full of hate. “I’ll teach you to disobey me!”
Jerrie’s eyes grew wide and scared. He had just enough time to cover his head with his paws before he felt the lash of a leather belt across his back. He gave a scream of pain as the tough leather connected with his body, leaving a red welt beneath his flannel shirt. His back throbbed painfully. But he didn’t have time to think about it before he was struck again. He began to scream. His dad hit him again. And again. Over and over, harder and harder. Jerrie screamed and cried, trying to protect his face and neck from the leather whip.
His dad showed no mercy. The belt fell again and again upon his son’s back, leaving red welts on his skin, beneath his shirt. His drunkenness did not help his anger. He struck Jerrie and screamed curses over and over. His words blurred together in a drunken stupor, but his lashes fell true on his son’s body.
Jerrie curled into a tight ball, trying to become as small as he could. He screamed and whimpered and cried, but his father did not listen. “Dad, please, stop!” he screamed, howling in pain as the belt struck his shoulder blades.
“You stupid b*stard! You’ll learn to never disrespect me again, you f---ing coward!”
The words stung his ears almost as much as the belt on his back. Jerrie began to cry harder. He could feel blood soaking his shirt from the welts. Then he felt the belt strike his chest. He cried out and tried to curl tighter, but he couldn’t. The whip struck his chest and stomach, coming dangerously close to his tender throat. He tried to protect his face and head from the blows. But he felt the harsh sting of leather against his cheek. He screamed and turned his back as best he could, screams and howls and tears tearing his throat raw. He felt his eyes closing, and he worried he was going to pass out. He had had that happen several times before, and he had only received a worse beating when he awoke. He felt his arms slipping from the spot over his face. He wished his father could not see his tears.
Roth tossed the belt down and began to punch his son across the face, kicking him in the stomach, scratching and clawing him with his sharp claws, screaming profanities at him. Jerrie couldn’t protect himself. All he could do was cry and scream and bear his father’s horrible torture. He felt blood on his face, on his chest, his back, soaking his clothes, drying in sticky streaks on his face. He could feel his tears mixing with the blood.
Finally, with a final heavy blow from the belt across his torso, Jerrie was released. His father took a deep breath and wiped sweat from his face. “Get out of here!” he snarled. “Get out, or I’ll kill you.”
Jerrie tried to get up, but he hurt so much. He couldn’t move at all, just cry and whimper and try not to scream. “Get up, d*mn you! Get up!”
Jerrie somehow managed to get to his feet, supporting himself on a nearby chair. He turned and limped as fast as he could to his room, where he slammed the door. He wished to Heavyside he had a lock on it. He wanted to lock himself away from the rest of the world forever. He threw himself across his bed, which turned out to be a bad idea, because his wounds throbbed painfully, pulsing heavily beneath his shirt and pants.
Jerrie buried his face in his pillow and cried. His salty tears stung the cuts and bruises on his face. He sobbed hysterically, not thinking, just crying.
After a few minutes, the door slowly opened. “Jer?” came a soft voice.
Jerrie’s tear-streaked face shot up. “H… Hi, Tea,” he croaked softly.
Rumpleteazer softly entered the room and closed the door. “Jerrie, are you okay?”
Jerrie shook his head painfully. “No! I’m not! I won’t ever be okay again!” Teazer came to stand by his side. “Did dad hurt you at all, Teaze? Cause if he did…”
Teazer shook her head. “No, Jer, he didn’t. I’m fine.” She slowly reached out and touched Jerrie’s shoulder. Jerrie winced and gave a moan of pain.
Teazer slowly, carefully, unbuttoned Jerrie’s flannel shirt and pulled it off. Jerrie gave a gasp of pain as it rubbed his beaten skin. Teazer gasped too, seeing the many welts forming on Jerrie’s soft back. Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Jerrie…”
“I’m okay,” Jerrie said, but his voice was frightened.
“Wait here,” Teazer said softly, stroking his head softly for a moment. She knew what she had to do. She exited the room and returned a few minutes later with a cold, wet washcloth, a bowl of water, and a roll of bandages. She sat down on the bed next to her brother. Jerrie looked up and gazed sadly at her.
“Stay still now,” Teazer told him gently. She dipped the cloth in the water and began to swab his back with soft strokes. Jerrie winced and drew in his breath sharply, but the cool water on his hot, beaten back felt good. He closed his eyes weakly and let his sister wash his stinging wounds.
“I’m really sorry, Jerrie,” Teazer said softly as she washed his back. “I wish I could have stopped him.”
“You would have just gotten hurt too,” Jerrie said, opening his eyes to look at her.
“I don’t care. I love you, Jerrie. I don’t want you hurt.”
Jerrie sighed. “Tea, I’d rather be hit a zillion times than let dad lay a paw on you.”
Teazer gave him a gentle nuzzle before swabbing at his back again. “You got hurt really bad.”
“Yeah,” Jerrie croaked. “But I love you too much to let you get hurt, Teaze.”
“Even if it means you are?” Teazer asked softly, pausing just a moment to gaze into his eyes.
They were silent a moment before Teazer began to wash him again. “Thanks, Teaze. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Teazer pressed her finger to his lips. “Shh. Don’t say that. I’ll always be here for you.”
Jerrie began to cry again. He kissed her fingertips, grateful for her kind words. “Th… thank you, Teaze. Without you… I just… I just couldn’t go on.”
Teazer kissed his cheek gently before wrapping bandages around Jerrie’s wounds. “Roll over so I can get your chest.”
Jerrie rolled over, wincing in pain. But the cool water felt good on his burning chest and stomach. He closed his eyes again.
After a little while, Teazer finished and wrapped his wounds in more bandages. “Did he hurt you anywhere else, Jerrie?” she asked softly.
Jerrie shook his head. “Just my heart.”
Teazer hugged him gently. “Come on. You need to sleep.” She pulled the blankets over her older brother.
Jerrie nodded and curled up. But he kept one eye slightly open to watch his beautiful sister. She stood at the foot of his bed and pulled off her white tummy shirt, which she discarded on a chair. She was now just in her bra and jeans. She crossed to his side and lay down on the bed next to him. “I’m gonna stay with you tonight. Is that okay?” she asked hopefully.
Jerrie smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I’d… I’d like that.” She did that quite often, or he did. They’d sleep in the same bed. It was comforting to have another cat next to you who cared about you and didn’t want you hurt. Jerrie was grateful whenever Teazer stayed with him.
Teazer gave him a quick kiss, rolled over, pulled the blankets up, and closed her eyes. Jerrie gave her a quick kiss back, rubbed a paw down her side, and closed his eyes too.
After a few minutes, Teazer rolled over so her face was gently brushing against Jerrie’s and her chest touched his. She sighed in her sleep. Jerrie put his arms around her, purring softly, before drifting off into a troubled sleep.


The kissing had gone on long enough. Macavity had his shirt off, and his bare chest pressed against the shimmery cloth of Bom’s silver shirt. His purr had risen to the sound of a motor. Bom’s ears flicked in delight as she listened to the soft sound that filled her mind, blocking out all other thoughts. She felt Macavity slide his paws under her shirt, but she made no move to resist. The tight confines of her shirt slid over her head, and she leaned forward to let him take it off.
Now their red fur mingled together. She hadn’t worn a bra, like usual, because it would show around her silver shirt, so their bare chests pressed against each other, and they could feel each other’s heartbeat against their own. Macavity’s paws ran down over her stomach, and Bom purred softly. His touch was surprisingly gentle and sensual, not rough or demanding like she had imagined it would be.
Macavity’s mouth touched her shoulders, and Bom shivered in delight at the soft feeling. Her purr grew louder as she slid her paws up his well-muscled arms to his broad shoulders. He smiled at her, his lime green eyes soft and caring. He slid his arms around her slender waist, surprised at how little of it there was. Bom smiled and slid her paws to his chest, tracing little circles on his fur and twirling little bits between her fingers. Macavity’s eyes rolled back in delight, his ears pressing themselves flat against his skull. He purred just a bit softer, more intimate.
Bom closed her eyes, sliding her arms around him. “Now,” she whispered.
He got her message, pulling off her skirt and his jeans. A moment later and they were locked in a passionate entanglement. Macavity’s lips trailed down her arms to her paws, kissing her fingertips and running his tongue delicately around them. Bom inhaled sharply and closed her eyes again, pulling his head down onto her chest, licking the tips of his ears just enough to let him feel it. He arched his back and moaned with delight.
As he continued to make love to her, Bom nestled into his grip and stroked his head gently, content to let him do whatever he wanted, all other thoughts slipping away as he filled her with his heat and his purr filled the air.


All over London, cats were curling into their beds to prepare for the next day of school at Jellicle High. What would tomorrow bring?


On to Chapter 3!
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