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Picture Gallery!



Link to Me


Cats Cast Facts


Macavity's Asylum

Courtesy of Velvedere's Jellicle Cats Theatre

Muahahahaha, I've finally gotten around to making this site. Ooo, I can't believe Yvelle actually let me have my own site! I--- Anything for you, Macky. ...Uh...yeah. Well, let's see one be surprised if I suddenly start acting all wacko. I'm a little too excited about this. A LITTLE?! Shut up, Yevie. I have a veeeeery nice collection of pictures and if you have any I can add you can e-mail me...or rather you can e-mail Yvelle's alter-ego but address the title to me. I think I'm confused. You're always confused. You're mean. *grins evilly* Stop smiling at me like that. *grins at her some more and leans closer and closer to her* *leans back and suddenly falls off her chair* OOF! *lole*

There may be a little confusion with all the fonts on this site. No kidding Sherlock! *WHACK* So, here's a little code in case you don't get TOO confused.
Macavity's fonts: Red or White.
Yvelle's font: Yellow.
Rumpuscat's font: Gray.
Actions. Actions are between these * thingies. I know what they're called but I don't want to have to attempt to spell it.

Yes! I've finally updated! Don't you mean we've finally updated. Oh shut up, you had nothing to do with it. My brother helped! Uh, that's correct, Yvelle's brother did help. For no reason I just decided it was time for frames. *shudders at the thought of having a newbie page* Most of the changes are in the gallery pages, but it'll take a few weeks, since I can't upload everything back on Yvelle's computer or else it'll crash on me because she's got so much junk on it--- I do not! I'm the one spending the most time taking stuff OFF of it, so SOMEONE can up his stupid pictures on it! Ooo, look who's talking, Miss Lookie I Have More Than 200 Things In This Folder Which Is Taking Up The REAL Space On My Computer. For your information, the REAL stuff that's taking up space is your dorky fanfics!! Half of them are yours, ya know! ...Uh...move along, folks, nothing to see here! Just a...uh...friendly little cat chat! ...Eh.... Excuse me, mister, but I don't think I'm through with you yet....


7-27-02: New format up.
7-28-02: New format actually working!
7-30-02: Yvelle faints. Cause: hard labor. (P.S. Three new gallery pages now up.)
8-22-02: 2 more gallery pages up. Only 4 more to go!
8-25-02: 1 more gallery page up! And sadly, Yvelle has to go back to school in 2 days. GET WORKIN' GURL!
8-28-02: We're almost done!
9-20-02: Some nice pictures (see at top of page) and something like a new gallery. More like an explaination why there ISN'T a new gallery! *grrr*
3-21-03: The first fanfic ever is up! Also, four pages have been edited by a new layout. I'll eventually get this up on all the gallery pages. Surf for yourself. The main one is Macavity.
3-28-03: Three more new gallery pages updated to the new layout. I'm too lazy to list them.
8-31-03: Added a Polls page, and separated my links from my link banners. Other minor updates.
9-29-03: Added one poll.
10-12-03: Corrected some things on some gallery pages, added a Cast Facts dealie, and got rid of the frames. I have yet to have the menu stay in place when this text scrolls down. (Is that possible? Tell me how!)
6-23-04: Basic editing. Thanks, everyone, for voting on my polls! I hope I remember to put more up.
10-27-04: Edited polls, added a polls, and answered some very strange (therefore rather sad) e-mails.
3-11-06: New announcement on the Picture Gallery page. Also, Yvelle will begin slave labor again soon. It's taking a bit long because she keeps eating the contract. Why we need a contract for slavery is a long story.
1-19-08: We added a new silly poll. A very, very silly poll. So silly. *sigh*

Disclaimer: These pictures and stuff is property of blah blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. In other words: you've probably seen enough disclaimers to know them by heart so I'm not gonna waste your time. ...Um, you just did waste their time. ...Oh!...Uh...well-it's-my-site-and-if-you-don't-like-it-you-can-make-your-own! So ha! I already have my own. See? See the banner up there? *sigh* Oy.