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English Name: Dumbo

Japanese Name: ダンボ * Danbo

Video Sample:Disney Classics Trailer

Compare the Soundtrack

Kanji TitleRomaji TitleEnglish TranslationOriginal English Title
ルック・アウト・フォー・ミスター・ストークRUKU AUTO FO MISUTA SUTOOKULook Out For Mister StorkSame
ケイシー・ジュニアKEISHII JYUNIACasey Jr.Same
テント張りの歌Tento Hari no UtaRaise the Tent SongSong of the Rustabouts
私の赤ちゃんWatashi no Bouya-chanMy Little BabyBaby Mine
道化の歌Douke no UtaThe Clown Song?
ピンク・エレファンツ・オン・パレードPINKU EREFUANSU AN PAREDOPink Elephants on ParadeSame
もしぞうが空を飛べたらMoshi Zou ga Sora wo Tobe TaraSameWhen I See an Elephant Fly

Overall Rating:

I liked this edition. It had been so long since I had seen Dumbo that I had forgotten how much I liked it. The voice actors were really good, especially the voice of the mouse(bad at names), which is the most commonly heard one throughout the movie. I have to admit I was a bit disturbed by the elephant hallucination music, but I don't know if it was because it was in Japanese, or if it's because it's just a bizarre scene to begin with. I kept laughing when the Japanese speaking elephants sang "Heepeety Hoopeety". The crow song was a challenge to translate because in Japanese they don't have the same plays on words as we do in English. So to make a song about seeing a "horsefly", "housefly", or a "dragonfly" just wouldn't make much sense in Japan. It was necessary to create another song that had the same message but not the same appeal to English speakers. I liked what they did with it. Check out the Song sample!

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