The Midnight Train Crossing


The Entrance of Talck

Two weeks later Rusty was pulling the freight train down the tracks at a pretty good pace.
Flat Top yawned with boredom, he hated being on runs, especially with Rusty
Rusty urged the train on a bit faster, wanting to get home.
CB, coupled behind Dustin held his breath, no, he told himself, I can't. But it was so tempting.
Suddenly Dustin looked back over his shoulder at CB, "Hi."
CB held back a sigh, "Hi Dustin..."
Flat Top turned to look back as well, Dustin being the only one he could really talk to in the freight train. He rolled his eyes at Rusty's increase in speed, "Oi swea he wants ta exhaust us," he said
Dustin shrugged, "It's more work for him ta go faster..."
Flat Top nodded and sighed.
Rusty whistled as he approached the crossing. CB, once again held his breath, it would be so easy...

Talck whistled back as he approached it at a slower speed, letting Rusty go by first
Rusty shot down the tracks in a blurr, enjoying the speed.
Talck raised his eyebrows at how fast Rusty was going, he saw the red caboose at the end of the train, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
CB looked up as he rushed past Talck's train and smiled at Rossi.
Rossi waved at him, giving a slight giggle.
Talck sighed, praying everything would be ok and that the caboose wouldn't be too much of an influence on Rossi
Rusty and his train quickly vanished from sight.

Dinni's eyes were wide, he leaned forward to Xanni, "Have you ever seen a steamer go *that* fast pulling a freight train?"
Xanni let out a breath, "never," she said, amazed.
Talck was staring after the steamer.
Imbrri looked at him, "you ok?" she asked.
Talck nodded, "the last time I saw a steamer go that fast was when the old steamer Samuel won the races."
"He wasn't that old when he won..." Dinni said absently.
Talck nodded. Xanni shook her head, "you don't think..."
Talck shook his head as well, "Not with diesel and electric," he said with a sigh
"But if he can go that fast pulling an entire freight train..." Dinni started, "and when they race the engines choose light cars or coaches..."
Talck nodded, "but the......I was told that he was held back by something," he said, not wanting to hurt Rossi's feelings by naming the red caboose
"oh... he raced?"
Talck nodded, "I was surprised by that as well but he did."
Xanni and Imbrri looked shocked, "they actually let him?" Xanni was amazed.
Talck nodded, "pretty much what I thought," he said, starting to head down the tracks again
Dinni was thoughtful, "Well...if he was... sabotaged then...wouldn't that mean that he must have been pretty fast for the others to want to do that to him?"
Talck looked thoughtful, "maybe," he said, then shrugged, "who knows,"
Dinni sighed softly and then smiled, "But still... he's fast."
Talck nodded again and smiled, "maybe next year he'll be able to be in it again,"
"if they let steamers race..." Dinni started softly.
Xanni grinned, "maybe you could be in it!" she said, "You're fast!"
Talck laughed softly, "not that fast," he said.
Imbrri looked at him, "you never know,"
"Imagine..." Dinni started, doing just that, his mind whirling away on what it would be like to be in the train of the champion engine.
Talck laughed again, "snap out of it Dinni, it most likely won't happen,"
Dinni blinked and came back down to earth, "Wha?"
Xanni and Imbrri chuckled as well, "you're such a air head," Xanni teased him.
He blushed and hung his head in mock shame.
Rossi giggled behind him.
Xanni laughed and reached over to ruffle his hair, "it's ok, we still love you"
"Argh." he commented.

The rest of the train laughed as they continued down the tracks.

Rusty thundered down the tracks, slowing a bit as they crossed a low bridge.
Flat Top rolled his eyes, "he's gonna tip, oi'm sure of it, one more turn and we'll be off the rails," he grumbled
Rusty's eyes narrowed at that comment and he tensed a bit.
"Rusty..." Rocky One said a bit nervously as he felt a change in how Rusty was pulling them, "Don't you dare do anything stupid!"
Flat Top sighed again.
Rusty closed his eyes and *pulled*
CB gasped a bit, "I'm putting the brakes on."
Flat Top's eyes widened, "don't you dare, with him going this fast it'll definitely crash us"
"No... it won't. It'll just...slow us."
Flat Top shook his head again, "this is very not good!!"
CB eased on his brakes, and as promised, the train slowed but stayed very much on the rails.
Flat Top tensed a bit, but sighed as they merely slowed down.... he hated it when Rusty had a power trip, especially with CB brining up the rear.
"Take the brakes off!" Rusty snapped.
Flat Top bit his lip, looking back behind him, not liking this one bit
CB shook his head, "you're going too fast!"
Rusty growled softly and gave an almighty yank.
CB yelped as he was dragged along, skidding on the rails.
Flat Top lurched, "Ey!!!!! Watch it!!! you're gonna throw us off!"
Dustin held Flat Top's couplings tightly. The hopper was heavier and not as easily derailed.
CB surrendered and took off the brakes.
Flat top let out a gasp, he turned back to Dustin, "thanks," he said, before turning back and concentrating on staying on the rails

Rusty whistled as they shot into a tunnel.
Flat Top Shuddered, it wasn't natural to go this fast
"Rusty!" all three Rockies protested.
Rusty didn't answer.
"Rusty! Slow Down!!" Flat Top yelled at him

No one knew exactly what happened next it was all a blur of clanging metal in the darkness.
Flat Top yelled as he fell head over wheels.
The Rockies were vainly trying to detangle themselves from where they had been flung into the sidings.
"Flat Top?" Dustin's voice asked.
Flat Top groaned as he slowly tried to sit up.
"Are you alright?"
Flat Top coughed and nodded, "yeah... what happened?"
"what do you think happened?" Rocky Two said with a bit of a groan.
Flat Top growled, "who was it, which one, CB or Rusty, I swear... I'll knock em both senseless!:
"Where is CB anyway?" Dustin asked.
"Mphfth!" something sounding like CB answered.
Flat Top looked around, even though he couldn't see anything, "CB!!! Where are ya??" he called out annoyed
CB groaned, "Git off me!" his voice was rather muffled.
Dustin looked puzzled and then he gasped and rolled aside, "Sorry CB!"
"Ouch..." CB groaned.
Flat Top couldn't help but let out a laugh
"It would be Dustin... it just would be..." CB mumbled, having gotten in a rather bad mood, as he had just been squished by a gravel hopper.
Flat Top looked around, "now where's the bloody steamer?"
"This was *not* my fault..." CB started.
Flat Top snorted, "sure it wasn't"
"It was not. If I had done it do you think that I would have let Dustin land on me?"
Flat top snorted again, "good way to say you didn't do it... " Flat top said softly
"Uh... guys..." Rocky Three started.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"Flat Top, about what you said about Rusty..." the Rocky started.
Flat Top rolled his eyes, "What??" he asked annoyed
"You weren't too far off..." the Rocky said.
"Whaddaya mean?"
Rocky Three silently pointed over to Rusty.
Flat Top looked over, "oh great," he muttered

Rusty was completely still, one of his arms twisted in a way that they were sure was not the way he was supposed to bend. His eyes were closed and even in the darkness he looked pale.
"Rusty... hey.. steamer!" Flat top said, moving over to Rusty and giving him a nudge
"Don't." Dustin said, catching Flat Top's arm.
Rusty groaned and mumbled something to the effect of "Go 'way"
Flat Top looked around, "oh this is just great, how're we s'posed ta get home?"
"Flat Top, I think we've got bigger problems then that," Rocky said.
Flat top sighed and sat down
"Do you think we should move him?" Rocky two asked One.
"No," Rusty protested, opening his eyes, "I can...myself."
Flat Top watched him silently
Rusty started to get up and then cried out and grabbed his arm.

The Rockies gathered around and helped him up.
Dustin bit his lip nervously. The caboose started backing away.
Flat Top sighed heavily, obviously annoyed by the inconvenience of it all
"Come on..." Dustin said, taking Flat Top's couplings and starting around Rusty and the Rockies.
Flat Top groaned, "all right all right," he muttered
"Well you wanted to get home..." Dustin said.
Flat Top sighed, "whatever,"
Dustin pushed Flat Top down the tracks.

The Rockies lifted the protesting Rusty up to his wheels and helped him along. CB had long since vanished.
Flat Top eventually shrugged Dustin off, "oi can manage," he muttered a bit angrily
"Fine..." Dustin said, a bit hurt.
Flat Top sighed, "oi didn't mean it like that," he said softly

Talck pulled into the Roundhouse. He looked around, "strange, at the speed Rusty was going, he shoulda been here by now,"
Dinni nodded, "well maybe he got distracted..."
Talck shrugged, "who knows."
Imbrri smiled, "I'm sure he'll be along soon"
Dinni looked out over the tracks, "Hey Talck?" he asked a bit uncertainly.
Talck turned, "yeah?" he asked.
"What d'you suppose that is?" Dinni pointed at a rather odd looking thing coming down the tracks.
Talck tried to look closer. Xanni gasped, "is that Rusty?" she asked.
Rusty had gone limp again in the hands of the boxcars.
Talck nodded, "I think it is," he said, looking at Imbrri, "go get Poppa and Belle."
Imbrri nodded and skated off, as Talck headed toward the Rockies
The Rockies stopped as Talck approached.
"What happened, is he ok?" Talck asked, wanting to help
"We crashed..." Rocky said, "Get Poppa..."
Talck nodded, "Imbrri's already off to find him," he said, "can I help at all?"
"Thanks... if you could help us get him inside..."
"But I can do it..." Rusty protested feebly.
"No you can't," Rocky said firmly, "So stop arguing."
Talck went over beside Rusty and gently put a hand on his shoulder, "You're not as bad as Rossi was, but you're close," he said softly, "Just let them help, or you'll hurt yourself more,"
Rusty made a bit of a face.
"Trust me, it'll be better in the long run"
"Yeah...yeah..." Rusty mumbled.

Imbrri was racing through the house, looking for Poppa or Belle.
At just that moment Belle stepped out of a room and nearly got run over.
Imbrri gasped and stopped just in time, "Oh.. Belle.... sorry.." she said out of breath, "Rusty.... crashed...."
Imbrri got enough breath to talk, "Rusty crashed, he looks hurt."
Belle gasped and took Imbrri's hand, "Come on."
Imbrri followed along quickly, knowing the feelings that must've been going through Belle at this time.

Dinni took Rossi's hand, "Come on... lets go see if we can find someone to bother in the kitchen."
Rossi's eyes were wide as she looked from him to where Rusty was being brought over.
Xanni knelt down, "yeah I'm sure the nice coaches can find you some more cookies," she said, trying not to sound worried.
Rossi bit her lip and nodded slightly.
Dinni reached down and scooped her up in his arms.
Rossi hid her face in his shoulder, not liking this one bit.
Xanni looked at him worried, "C'mon," she said softly, leading the way in
Dinni sighed and followed his sister as Belle and Imbrri skated in.
Imbrri looked at them and nodded, seeing they were taking care of Rossi.

With Talck's help the Rockies got Rusty settled on the couch.
Talck stayed close to him to make sure he didn't move too much
Rusty looked up as Belle skated over and then closed his eyes, starting to blush.
Imbrri stood slightly behind Belle, looking very worried.
Talck got up and put his arm around her shoulders, "it's ok," he whispered to her, knowing it wasn't going to help as the memories of Rossi were running through her head.
Belle sank down next to Rusty. "I'm sorry..." Rusty whispered.
Talck and Imbrri watched silently, not sure what to do.
Belle looked back at the two hovering behind her, "go find Poppa..."
Rusty shrank a bit.

Talck nodded, turning so that Imbrri could hitch up, and taking her along with him as he went to search for the head engine.
Rusty flinched a bit as Belle looked him over.

Talck looked around, hoping to find Poppa soon
"Hi Talck'n' Imbrri," Pearl greeted them.
Talck nodded, "Hey pearl, d'you know where Poppa is? it's urgent"
"Yeah..." she pointed behind her towards a door.
Talck nodded his thanks, then stopped giving Imbrri a look, Imbrri nodded and unhitched, moving to stand beside Pearl.
"What's up?" Pearl asked.
Imbrri put her hand on Pearl's shoulder, "Right now you don't wanna know, just stay over here for a bit ok?"
"um... okay..." Pearl said.

Talck went to the door and knocked lightly on it
"Come in..." Poppa called.
Talck went in, "Poppa, Belle needs you right away," he said, closing the door so that Pearl wouldn't hear as easily
Poppa stood up, "Alright...what's wrong?"
"Rusty got in a crash, and he's pretty bad off," he said bluntly, "I've seen worse, but it looks like it was pretty bad."
Poppa stood up quickly, "Where is he?"
"With Belle in the common area"
Poppa nodded and strode off down the hallway.

Talck followed him out, sighing. He gave Pearl a small smile, "it's ok," he said.
"okay..." Pearl said, totally lost.
Talck bit his lip, "um.. well, do you need a lift anywhere?" he asked
"No..." Pearl said, "What I do need is for you to tell me what's going on..."
Imbrri sighed, "ok," she said
Talck put his hand on her shoulder, "Everything's all right," he started off, "but Rusty got into a crash and is pretty dinged up,"
Pearl's eyes widened, "...what?"
Talck nodded, "I'm not sure what happened, but Belle and Poppa are with him now."
She nodded, barely seeming to hear him.
Imbrri looked at her worried, "are you ok?" she asked
She nodded and shook her head.
Talck sighed, not sure what to do.

Later that evening Belle closed the door as she left Rusty's room, balancing an empty tray on her hand.
Rossi was down the hall a bit, after sneaking away from her train, she watched Belle come out.
"Hi Rossi," Belle said with a smile
Rossi looked up, biting her lip.
"What's wrong?"
"Did he get fixed?"
"what? Oh... you mean Rusty..."
Rossi nodded, "Did he get fixed?"
"Yeah... more or less..." She leaned down and smiled, "He'll be fine."
Rossi's eyes filled with tears, "he got fixed right after his crash," she said softly, "why wouldn't they fix me?"
Belle gasped and reached down and gathered Rossi into a hug.
Rossi's tears fell down her cheeks, "was I bad?" she asked, her voice muffled against Belle's chest plate
Belle shook her head, "No if it *ever* happens again I promise that you'll be fixed *right* away."
Rossi sniffed, "then why didn't they fix me before?"
"I don't know... but I'll tell you what..."
"I don't like them."
"Don't like what?"
Belle smiled and hugged Rossi tightly, "Don't worry about it. We all like you."
Rossi sniffed again, but hugged Belle back, smiling a bit.
"I like you all too," she said
"Good," Belle said with a smile.
Rossi wiped her nose slightly, taking a big breath
"There now," Belle said with a smile.
Rossi smiled back.
"He's gonna be ok right?"
"Oh yeah."
Rossi smiled and nodded, "that's good,"
Belle smiled, "I'd better get this back to the kitchen,"
Rossi nodded.
She smiled and skated away

Rossi watched her go, before slowly going over to the door and knocking on it softly

"Who's there?" Rusty called.
"S'me!!" Rossi said.
"Oh. Come in then."
Rossi opened the door slowly and peeked in.
Rusty was sitting in a chair, looking a little dented. One of his arms was done up in a sling.
Rossi looked at him, then slowly skated over, "do you hurt bad?" she asked
He shook his head, "I'll heal..."
Rossi nodded, "that's good," she said, "after my crash I hurt real bad,"
He nodded, "Yes but..."
Rossi looked a little saddened, "ok," she said, coming closer to look at his arm
Rusty obediently held up his arm, wrapped in bandages for Rossi to see.
Rossi bit her lip, "how'd you crash?" she asked
"I was..." he sighed, "I was going too fast."
Rossi bit her lip, "oh,"
He reached out with his other hand to take one of hers, "But I'll be fine..."
Rossi nodded, "Were you going down a hill?" She asked, "cuz sometime if I don't put on the breaks when going down a hill, Talck goes too fast too,"
He shook his head, "No... I was going into a tunnel..."
"oh," she said softly
"And I went too fast... and I dunno... I guess I just...lost control..."
Rossi nodded, not sure what to say.
His eyes narrowed for a second, and then he smiled, "But you know what?"
Rossi looked up at him, "what?"
"I feel much better now that you came to visit."
Rossi smiled, "that's good!" she said
He nodded, "Yes. You're pretty good at cheering trains up..."
Rossi giggled.
He grinned at her.
"I like cheering up!" she said.
"That's good, cuz you're good at it."
Rossi grinned, "you said that already"
He laughed, "Well you're *so* good at it..."
Rossi giggled, "thanks"
He smiled.


He knew that no one would believe him, and now with that steamer having gone and broken his arm his chances had decreased quite a bit. Well, good thing he had several places to hide.

Rossi had left Rusty with a hug to go find CB, knowing he was in that train and that he might be hurt as well. She didn't want him to hurt as long as she had.
CB leaned back against the wall of the high platform, wondering how long he could/would have to hide out.
Rossi headed back to the bridge, the first place she'd ever met CB. It seemed a good place to start looking.
CB closed his eyes, his brake pads hurt.
Rossi looked around quickly, since the platform where she and CB had looked at the clouds was still their secret. Not seeing anyone around, she quickly ducked in the hole and started to crawl up to the platform. Little did she know that she was being closely watched.
CB dozed, he didn't ache too badly, but getting his brakes burned out from under him and then being landed on by a very large freight car were enough to make anyone hurt.
Rossi peeked out of the hole, looking around. She spotted the caboose, he looked really sore, his eyes closed and everything. She went over and sat down beside him.
He didn't notice her approach.

Rossi looked at him, not sure if he was ok or not. She leaned her head on his chest to give him comfort, but not wake him if he was asleep.
CB let out a yelp and sat up, eyes flying open.
Rossi jumped back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!!"
"You didn't..." he said automatically, "You just... startled me."
Rossi looked at him, not sure if she could believe him, "you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure..."
Rossi nodded and moved back closer to him.

"So..." CB started, feeling a bit uncomfortable, but hiding it well, "What're you up to today?"
Rossi looked up at the sky, "making sure that you're ok," she said, "I heard about the crash"
"Oh. What did you hear about the crash?"
"I heard that Rusty went through a tunnel too fast and you crashed,"
"Ah... yeah..."
Rossi looked up at him, "you didn't get too hurt did you?? Rusty got really banged up"
"Yeah I heard he broke his arm..." CB said with a bit of a sigh, "No, I didn't get too hurt." He winced, "Although I think that my brakes are shot..."
Rossi looked at him, "they can be fixed right?"
He nodded, "Yes."
"then why don't you get them fixed...then it wouldn't be a problem."
"Yeah..." he said softly, "I thought that I would just..." he hesitated, "Well I thought that I would stay out of the way for awhile."
"Because...with that crash and such I thought that everyone would have other things to take care of, and I'm not that hurt..."
"oh," she said.
He smiled at her warmly, "But thank you for coming to check on me..."
"you're welcome," she said, she was just about to say something else, when a familiar voice was heard, "Rossi, what are you doing here?" She turned with a start, to see a quite upset Talck looking down at them.

CB looked up at Talck and scrambled up to his wheels.
Rossi looked at CB worried he was going to hurt himself.
Talck just stared coolly at CB
CB smiled at Rossi and then returned Talck's gaze. "This is my hang out," he said softly, "There are plenty of hiding places in this trainyard that aren't taken so if you want to find somewhere for yourself..."
Talck's eyes narrowed, "It maybe a place for you to hide... but Rossi doesn't need such places," he said softly.
Rossi was looking between the two, not understanding at all as she stood up quickly.
CB shrugged, "I never said that it was a hiding place for her..."
"Neither did I.. I just said she had no need of knowing about it," he reached out and took Rossi's hand, "C'mon Rossi, Imbrri's looking for you." he said, pulling her toward the tunnel.
Rossi looked back at CB, "But.. but"

Talck gave her a look she'd only ever seen once before, and she stopped arguing with a small sniff.
"Don't hurt her..." CB protested.
Talck gave him a look of disgust, "if you think I ever would, you obviously don't understand steamers," he said
"I understand as much as I care to know."
Talck turned his back on CB, directing Rossi toward the tunnel opening. She gave CB one last look, her eyes tear filled, before going down it, with Talck close behind.
CB sighed and sank back to the ground, head in his hands.

When they came out under the bridge, Talck knelt down to look Rossi straight in the eyes, "you're not to play with CB anymore."
Rossi's eyes grew wide, "Why?" she asked, the tears in her eyes threatening to over flow.
Talck sighed, "for now.. because I said so," he said.
CB, almost leaning over the guard rails heard everything. *And he said that he wouldn't hurt her...*
Talck stood up and Rossi hitched on, as he took her back to the round house she looked up to where she knew the platform and CB would be.
CB looked down and waved.
Rossi gave him a big smile and waved back.


Rusty was sitting on the porch, looking a bit listless.
Talck came down the tracks, he gave Rusty a small smile, "you're looking a bit better," he said, "at least they let you get out of the house,"
"Yeah... not like there's much chance of me going anywhere with this..." he indicated his arm.
Talck sighed and nodded.
Rossi peeked around Talck, "does it feel any better?" she asked
Rusty nodded, "yeah... thanks Rossi."
Talck smiled, "and don't worry.. I'll take your runs till you get better," he said
"Thanks..." Rusty said softly, "I'll...make it up..."
"you don't have to,"
Rusty lowered his eyes, and then looked up as Pearl skated out of the roundhouse with two glasses.

Talck gave Pearl a smile.
Rossi was getting bored, and was still a bit worried about CB, she wished she could go back and talk to him some more, but she knew Talck wouldn't let her out of his sight right now.
"Hi Talck..." Pearl said softly, sitting down next to her engine.
Talck nodded in greeting, "hello... I see you're taking good care of Rusty," he said
She nodded slowly, "yeah... while he's stuck here..."
Talck smiled, "he'll get better in no time,"
"I hope so."

Rossi unhitched from Talck and went over to sit near Rusty and Pearl. She could tell Rusty was bored and upset. She looked at the sky, while trying to think of a way to make him feel better
The sky was a bright blue filled with white puffy clouds.
Rossi watched the clouds as they moved across the sky. She leaned back a bit further, so that she could see Rusty, upside down, but she could see his face. "do you see things in the clouds?" she asked.
Talck gave a small chuckle.
"Things in the clouds?" Rusty asked.
Rossi nodded and grinned, "like...." she pointed to one cloud, "that looks a bit like Ashley's hair"
Rusty looked up at the clouds and then laughed softly, "You're right."
Talck grinned and sat down next to Rossi, "so you can actually see things in the clouds now can you?" he asked.
Rossi nodded "C.... I figured out how," she said, stopping herself from mentioning CB just in time
Rusty smiled softly and leaned against Pearl.

Electra came down the tracks with his components. He'd heard of Rusty's crash and wanted to see how banged up the engine was for himself
Wrench, Krupp and Joule hung on. Electra wanted to go out. So they were going out.
Electra neared the porch where Rusty was sitting with the others, seeing Rusty's arm in a sling, a smile grew on his face, turning into a sneer.
Rusty looked up and then down, "Great..." he mumbled.
"What is it?" Pearl asked, she looked up at saw Electra and glared.
Electra gave Pearl a wink.
Rossi looked at the electric engine with caution, remembering what he'd done to Dinni
"What do you want?" Pearl said.
Electra grinned, "just checking up on a fellow engine," he said
"Greaseball isn't here." She retorted.
Electra shrugged, "then I'll have to make do with him," he said pointing at Rusty
Pearl rolled her eyes and looked like she wanted to say something.
"Pearl..." Rusty said softly, "Don't..."
Electra sneered again, "oh... Rust Bucket can still talk... I thought the crash had wrecked your vocal cords"
"No, and unfortunately my ears still work as well....."
Electra grinned, "oh that's too bad," he said with mock pity
"Yes, so I must endure a very unpleasant sound."
Electra narrowed his eyes.
Purse popped his head out from behind Electra, "and what might that be?"
Rusty shrugged and winced as that hurt his arm.
Electra gave a small grin again, seeing the engine in pain would lift his spirit any day.

Talck watched the electric, and slowly pulled Rossi a bit closer to him.
At the rear of the train Joule peeked out and gave Rossi a wink.
Volta grinned back at her fellow component and then gave Rossi a small wave.
Rossi watched them with big eyes, they'd never done anything mean to her. She gave them a small smile, then bit her lip.

Pearl glared.
Electra crossed his arms, and gave Pearl an equally fierce glare
"Pearl..." Rusty said softly setting his free hand on her arm.
Electra rolled his eyes, "you worried I'm gonna steal your coach again steamer?"
"No," Rusty said darkly, "I'm worried that you'll hurt her."
Electra gave a sly grin, "if I did, she'd like it,"

Rusty glared and started to get up.
Talck turned, and got up, putting a hand on his shoulder, "don't let him make you hurt yourself more," He said.
Electra chuckled, "heaven forbid he get hurt,"
Rusty growled softly.
Talck gave Rusty's shoulder a gentle squeeze, and held him in the chair.
Rusty finally relaxed, "not worth the effort..." he mumbled.
Electra snorted, "meaning you're too weak and afraid to do anything about it,"
Talck growled and glared at the larger electric engine.
"No, I just don't think that you're worth my time."

Electra glared at Rusty, his electricity level rising with his anger
Krupp unhitched and stepped in front of Electra protectively.
Electra gave a slight smile, but put an hand on Krupp's shoulder, "I'm fine against him," he said.
Krupp looked like he wanted to protest.
Electra gave him a look.
The armaments truck backed away, returning to his place.
Volta gave him a smile.
Purse looked around Electra again at all the engines and cars. He was sure if it came down to a fight, they'd win, though he'd hate to risk scratching his paint

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Pearl asked civilly.
Electra stretched lazily, "finished my run already," he said, "and I got the afternoon off..."
"Then I suggest that you go enjoy it somewhere."
"I am.. right here..."
"I meant somewhere else." Pearl said.
Electra gave a bored yawn, "I like it much better here."
"Well you look bored..." Pearl pointed out.
Electra grinned, "only cuz that's what I want you to think"
Rusty sighed and stood up a bit awkwardly, "Come on Pearl..."
Talck reached over and helped Rusty up, giving Rossi a look.
Rossi got up and hitched on behind him, looking back at the components, not minding them, but not liking their engine
Pearl skated over to the door and held it open for her engine.
Talck helped Rusty into the Round House.

Electra rolled his eyes and followed with a grin.
Joule let out a bit of a yelp, she hadn't been prepared for that movement.
Volta nearly lost her balance and rolled her eyes slightly.
"Master..." Krupp started
Electra turned and looked at Krupp, "yes............."
"I don't think...I mean... I..." He took a breath, "I don't think that this is a good idea."
Electra rolled his eyes, "and why not?"
"Because well... you, err, we'd probably get into trouble."
Electra stopped and looked thoughtful for a minute.
Krupp waited nervously.
Electra nodded, "maybe you're right," he said, looking back at purse with a slight smile, "besides... I believe there were other things we needed to do"
Krupp nodded.
Electra headed back to his area of the trainyard.

Talck saw them leave and let out a sigh of relief, "is he always like that?" he asked Rusty
"Yes." Rusty said heavily, sinking down onto the couch.
Talck shook his head. "That's crazy," he said
Rusty nodded "Yeah...electrics are..."
"And you weren't helping by goading him on like that..." Pearl scolded.
Rossi watched them, moving away from Talck to give him more room.
Talck nodded, "and going to challenge him would have just got you into more harm"
Rusty closed his eyes under the scolding, "I can't help it..."
Talck sighed and nodded, "I know what that's like" he said

"Rusty," Pearl said with a sigh, "You know how mad he was to lose the races, it won't help if you keep rubbing it in like that..."
Talck looked at Pearl, "the electric was in the races and lost?"
She nodded.
"that's surprising," he said
"Yeah." she said shortly, as if she didn't want to talk about it anymore.
Talck could tell that this was shaky ground, and so remained quiet.

Rossi, realizing that Talck wasn't watching her at all, slowly started edging toward the door, biting her lip nervously
"And... he wasn't happy... electrics are...well..." Pearl continued softly.
Talck nodded, "he's very temperamental..."
Rossi was right by the door, watching Talck closely.
Talck sighed, looking at Rusty, "maybe you should sit down," he said,
Rusty nodded and sank down onto the couch, "thanks..." he said softly, "If he'd gotten much madder well... I don't know that he would have stopped with me."
"What do you mean?" Talck asked.
Rossi quickly slipped out the door.
"Well... he has a hard time some times keeping his electricity in check..." Rusty started.
"He does not," Pearl snorted, "he has a hard time keeping his temper in check."

Rossi was quickly moving down the tracks, she wanted to talk to CB some more. She hoped Talck wouldn't realize she'd gone for a while.
CB was blankly staring out into space.
Rossi looked up at the platform as she neared it, unable to see CB from her position on the tracks, she ducked under the bridge and clamored up the tunnel
CB looked up, as Rossi wasn't exactly quiet. He scooted back away from the tunnel.
Rossi peeked out with a small smile before crawling all the way out.

"Oh, it's you," he sounded relieved, "Hi there."
Rossi grinned, "hi," she said, "I wanted to talk to you more, and Talck's busy with Rusty..."
"Ah," he said, "I see..." he stood up and skated over to Rossi.
Rossi looked up at him, " you sure you're ok?" she asked.
"Yeah," he said absently, "You probably shouldn't be here... I don't want to get you into trouble..."
Rossi shrugged, "I won't," she said, "Talck never gets mad at me,"
"Oh..." he said, "Oh, well then." He smiled.
Rossi nodded and smiled.

He leaned over to her as if he wanted to share a secret, "Do you think that I can trust you to help me with something?"
Rossi smiled and nodded, "I'm good at keeping secrets!" she said
"I thought so," he said, "Can you... that is... will you... not tell anyone that I'm up here?"
Rossi nodded, "it's our Caboose spot! I won't tell"
He smiled, "That's right."
Rossi looked around, "but won't you get hungry up here?" she asked
"Eventually I suppose..." he said.
"I can bring you some food if you want," she said, "the coaches always give me extra, they like me!"
"You don't have to..." CB started, but suddenly he felt rather hungry, "Oh, alright."
Rossi nodded, smiling
"welcome!" she said. She looked around again, "do you think you need anything else?" she asked
"No I don't think so..." he started.

Rossi nodded, sitting down with a small sigh. "It's nice up here," she said
"Yeah it is..." he said with a smile.
Rossi smiled back. "you don't mind if I stay here for a bit before supper do you?"
"No, not at all," he winked, "In fact, I'll enjoy the company."
Rossi giggled
He grinned back.


Dinah was getting supper ready in the kitchen.
Ashley sighed, "I must say I'm glad it wasn't our train the crashed, but poor Rusty,"
"yeah," Buffy agreed, "According to Belle he's gonna be out of it for a day or two at least."
Ashley nodded. "So who's gonna pull your train for that time?" Dinah asked.
Ashley looked at Buffy, "I'm actually not sure,"
Buffy winked at Dinah, "Maybe it'll be Talck... and maybe he'll bring the rest of his train along..."
Dinah laughed. Ashley blushed, "and so what if he does?" She asked.
Dinah giggled, "I'm sure you'll make sure you're right by Dinni."
Ashley's eyes widened, "SH!" she said, rushing to close the door in case he was out in the dining room.
Buffy laughed, "Oh come on girl, what would be so bad about him finding out?"
Ashley blushed again.
Dinah grinned, "who woulda thought that Ashley could turn out to be shy."
Ashley groaned, "I need a smoke."
"Not in MY kitchen!!"
Buffy laughed and skated over to the backdoor where she made a great show of looking around, "The cost is clear." she announced.
Ashley sighed and shook her head.
Dinah grinned, "it'll be ok Ashley.. trust me,"

Buffy smiled when there was a hesitant knocking on the door.
Ashley looked up startled, turning beat red again.
Dinah laughed, "breathe Ash.. breathe."
Buffy skated over to the door, "Oh, hey Rusty, what're you doing here?"
Ashley let out a sigh of relief
"Can I do something or something?" Rusty asked.
Dinah looked at him, "you can go rest," she said.
Ashley nodded, "you're exempted from kitchen duty today."
"But-" Rusty started to protest, "But I wanna do something..."
Dinah crossed her arms. "you go rest now.. or you'll get double duty when you're better"
"But I've been resting all day..." the bored steamer answered.
Ashley looked at him, "you really don't wanna bug Dinah Rusty.... trust me..."
"But I want to *do* something..." Rusty started when the door opened and Belle skated in, "There you are..."

Dinah smiled, "he's trying to do work," she said.
"Oh no you don't," Belle scolded Rusty gently, "You are to rest."
"But I've been resting all day¡K" Rusty whined.
"No," Belle said firmly, "You are to rest and that's your job for today."
Rusty started to protest again and skate away from Belle.
"Oh no you don't," Belle repeated, grabbing his couplings and pulling him back.
"Belle!" Rusty exclaimed.
She let go and he tried to bolt. With a sigh the sleeper caught him again, holding him firmly by one of his ears.
"No! Ah! Belle!" he protested, "Don't! This isn't fair! I'm not a trainlet! You can't *do* this to me!"
"I seem to be." she commented, gently pulling the whining steamer out of the kitchen.
"Belle, you're hurting!" Rusty protested, putting his free hand on her wrist, "I'll come along peacefully, I promise."

Buffy held her tongue, watching Rusty and Belle.
Dinah raised her eyebrows. Ashley bit her lip to keep from laughing
Belle released her hold on Rusty's ear and he put a hand up, rubbing it.
Ashley giggled, "aww Rusty, you shoulda listened to us"
Rusty glared at her. "Come along Rusty..." Belle said sweetly.
Dinah smiled, "rest Rusty.. you'll be well soon enough"
Rusty meekly followed the sleeper out of the kitchen.

Rossi came in and scooted around the steamer and sleeper, "'scuse me" she said, giving Rusty a smile as she headed to the kitchen
Belle smiled back, giving Rossi room to get to the kitchen.
Buffy looked up, "Hey, we've got a visitor..."
Ashley and Dinah looked up, "hey sweet pea," Dinah said with a smile.
"Hullo!" Rossi said.
Buffy smiled and scooped up Rossi, setting her on a stool, "So how's it goin' sugar?"
Rossi grinned, "good!" she said, looking around.
Ashley laughed, "i know what you're looking for," she said, getting the cookie jar
Buffy laughed, "I swear, I've never seen such a little train eat so much..."
Dinah nodded, "but her train did warn us,"
Buffy smiled, "Ah well, at least somebody around here appreciates our cooking."
Ashley laughed, "yeah.. even though no one really noticed that the food was instant the other day."
Dinah glared at her.
"Hey now," Buffy protested. She turned back to Rossi, "So what can we do for ya today sugar?"

Rossi gave a bit of a shrug, "I'm just hungry," she said with a smile, " and was wondering if I could have a snack for a picnic."
Dinah gave a soft smile.
"Sure," Buffy said, "give us a second and we'll have you all set."
Ashley smiled, "how many people are going to be there?"
Rossi thought for a minute, "Well.. its just me.. but I'm REALLY hungry," she said.
Buffy giggled as she started gathering things together.
Dinah packed up some cookies as well.
Ashley smiled and leaned on the counter, not wanting to get in the way.

After a few minutes Buffy and Dinah had a small basket gathered together for Rossi.
Rossi smiled, "thank you!" she said.
Ashley smiled, "you sure you can carry that hun?"
Rossi nodded, "uh huh! I'll be ok!" she said.
"Alright then," Buffy said.
Rossi picked up the basket, "Thank you bunches!" she said as she headed off.
Dinah laughed slightly, "I'll be surprised if she doesn't bring back half of that basket," she said, "that's enough food to feed her entire train,"
"Yeah... well, maybe it is for her whole train..." Buffy said, "Or she's playing a game or something..."
Dinah nodded, "true," she said, looking at Ashley who was still leaning on the counter, "when you're ready, you could help you know."
Ashley smiled, "but you two were doing such a good job!"
Buffy laughed.

Rossi skated down to the bridge. She looked at the tunnel, trying to figure out how to get the basket up.
CB looked up at a sound and then leaned over the side, seeing Rossi
Rossi smiled up at him, "I got some lunch" she said.
CB smiled, and crawled down the tunnel to help her.
Rossi smiled at him, "they gave lotsa food," she said, showing him the basket
"Good..." he said, taking the basket and hauling it up the tunnel, "Thank you."
"welcome" she said, following him up the tunnel

Once they were up on platform CB dug in.
Rossi smiled, watching him, "you're even hungrier than me" she said smiling
He nodded, not stopping.
Rossi smiled and looked up at the clouds again.
"Thank you..." he said softly.
Rossi looked at him and grinned, "it's ok," she said

"I don't..." he started.
Rossi looked at him curiously
"I don't want you to get in trouble," CB said.
Rossi smiled, "oh I won't" she said.
"Good," he said with a smile, "You'd probably get back before they notice that you're gone..."
Rossi looked a little upset, "ok," she said, getting up slowly
"It's not that I'm trying to get rid of you..."
Rossi nodded, "it's ok," she said.
He smiled and gave her a hug.
Rossi grinned and hugged him back, "you gonna be ok?"
"Yeah," he said, he grinned, "With a friend like you? Of course I will be."
Rossi grinned again and headed down the tunnel


Later on, in the dining room Poppa was sitting at his usual table with Belle talking softly.
Talck came in and smiled at them as he headed down to his usual seat
Poppa smiled and then returned back to his conversation. They were discussing the crash this morning. "No," Belle was saying, "I haven't seen him."
Talck couldn't help but listen in, "Seen who?" he asked politely
"CB," Poppa answered.
Talck frowned slightly, "I saw him recently," he said softly
"Hmm..." Poppa said softly, "I would like to talk to him, I hope he turns up..."
Talck thought for a minute, "actually, I think I know where he is," he said
"Yeah, hiding," Poppa said. Belle made a face at him.
Talck sighed, "but... I'm pretty sure I know where he's hiding,"
"Oh?" Poppa asked.
Talck nodded, "I found him and Rossi on a platform above the bridge... he seemed like he was planning to stay there for a while."
"Of course," Belle muttered.
"Over the bridge?" Poppa looked puzzled.
Talck nodded, "there's a tunnel you can climb up to the platform, it's hard to see the platform from the ground though..."
"I see..." Poppa said softly.
Talck nodded, feeling like a schmuck for tattling.
Poppa sighed, "Well I wish he would come down..."
Talck nodded, not knowing what else to do. He sighed, then looked up at Poppa, "I could go get him if you like."
"I'd prefer if he came down on his own but..."
Talck nodded, "well whatever you like sir," he said
Poppa sighed, "I would like to talk to him though."
Talck nodded and got up, "I'll be right back," he said, and was out the door before anyone could say anything, almost bumping into Rossi as she headed back into the dining room.
Belle looked up puzzled.

Talck was headed to the bridge, he moved quickly so that CB didn't have much warning when he reached it.
As it was, CB wasn't paying attention.
Talck quietly crept up the tunnel and looked out.
CB was dozing.
Talck narrowed his eyes, it would be really easy to get CB down with him asleep, but he wasn't sure how deep of a sleeper he was.
CB suddenly woke himself up, thinking that he'd heard something.
Talck ducked back into the tunnel, hoping he hadn't been seen, he needed some time to figure out what to do

"Rossi?" CB called softly.
Talck nearly growled at CB calling out the little caboose's name, but stayed silent.
He turned around and looked around the small platform, and then started towards the tunnel.
Talck closed his eyes in a silent curse and tried to slide down the tunnel a bit.
CB settled down again, listening carefully.
Talck breathed a sigh of relief and slowly crawled back up the tunnel, trying to figure out what to do.
CB half-closed his eyes, but completely alert now.
Talck had finally had enough, he stepped out of the tunnel and looked at CB.
CB's eyes flew open and he stood up.

Talck looked straight at CB with a serious look on his face, "Poppa would like to speak with you," he said softly.
"I'm sure he does."
"I'm supposed to take you to him," he said in a tone that was supposed to leave no room for argument.
"Is that so?"
Talck nodded and crossed his arms on his chest
CB lounged back against the wall, "That's some interesting news..."
Talck looked at him, "You can come on your own," he said, "or I'll help you"
"Talck, listen to me," CB started, "why don't you just turn around and go back down to the dining room..."
"Because you're wanted there as well,"
"I usually am," CB said, "But I'm afraid that I won't be going, and I wouldn't want you to miss dinner."
Talck just blinked and stared at him.

"Yes, so you may go then."
"I'm going...."
CB nodded, "Have a nice dinner."
"but you're coming with me"
"Oh, I'm afraid not."
"I'm afraid so, and if it comes to it, I will make you"
CB shrugged.
Talck stood aside, "you can go ahead of me, " he said, motioning to the tunnel entrance
"Now why would I do that? I'm not coming with you..."
"yes you are, whether you like it or not,"
CB laughed, "You certainly haven't been around here for very long. I do as I please."
"you certainly don't know me.. because that's going to change,"
CB smiled, "Talck, I'm trying to save you some trouble here."
Talck smiled, "it's not going to work," he said
"what's not going to work?"
"you're not getting out of it this way this time,"
"Oh I wouldn't be too sure about that..."
Talck just looked at him.
CB smiled.

Talck moved quickly and lifted the smaller caboose over his shoulder before anything could be done.
"HEY!" CB protested, kicking fiercely.
Talck sighed, "I told you you could do it on your own."
Talck practically shoved CB down the tunnel, keeping a grip on him at all times, when they got out he lifted the caboose over his shoulder again and headed down the tracks.
CB suddenly went limp.
Talck adjusted his grip, "It's not going to work," he said softly.
CB didn't answer, and he didn't move.
Talck sighed. He reached up and pinched CB in the stomach rather hard.
CB yelped "What was THAT for?"
"my own satisfaction in making sure you were still alive up there"
"So I can't fight, and I can't not fight?"
"you can do what you like.. just don't try any tricks to get me to let you down, it's not going to happen until we're at the round house"
CB hissed softly, and went limp again.
Talck rolled his eyes, "I gave you the option of going by yourself."
CB didn't answer.
Talck shook his head, "fine then, be silent,"

CB shifted a bit, letting his arms dangle down Talck's back.
Talck shifted CB to keep a good hold on him, "we're almost there," he told the Caboose.
CB didn't answer, busily playing with a conveniently located screw that he could just reach in Talck's back.
Talck felt CB doing something, it felt weird and he didn't like it, he jostled the caboose a bit, "whatever you're doing quit it!"
"Okay then put me down," CB answered, "seeing how what I'm doing at the moment is riding on your shoulder..."
"you know that's not going to happen, " he said.
CB shrugged and went back to unscrewing.

Talck growled and roughly put CB on the tracks in front of him, taking hold of his couplings and forcibly pushing him down the tracks.
CB yelped, "Too hard!"
Talck shrugged, "that was your decision," he said, "you could have just stayed on my shoulder"
"I'd rather be on the tracks..."
"then don't complain"
"Not complaining."
Talck rolled his eyes and didn't respond
CB waited.
Talck continued down the track in silence
CB tested the grip that the steam engine had on his couplings.
Talck pulled him back, "that's not going to work," he said as they grew closer to the round house
"What's not going to work?" CB asked, easing on his brakes, and forgetting that they weren't working.
"Trying to get away," he said, "I have a very good grip,"

CB looked up as the roundhouse loomed into view.
He sighed and made one more half-hearted tug.
Talck shook his head.
"Well it was worth one last try..."
Talck couldn't help but chuckle.. "in some ways you're worse than Rossi"
CB smiled.
Talck pushed CB into the roundhouse, "you're wanted in the dining room, or do you need me to escort you there personally?"
CB looked up at Talck and smiled.
Talck gave him a look that was close to a glare
CB just smiled.
Talck continued to push him to the dining room, "you are worse than Rossi," he muttered, "it must be a caboose thing"
"That's what I've told you before."
Talck remained silent the rest of the way to the dining room.
CB was quiet as well, he knew when he was beaten.

Talck pushed him into the dining room.
Rossi saw them and got up with a gasp, not knowing what to say or do.
CB looked at Rossi with a bit of a smile.
Rossi looked at him worried, knowing he was gonna get in to trouble
CB's smile faded.
Poppa stood up upon seeing the caboose.
Talck let CB go and went over to Rossi, motioning her toward the kitchen
CB didn't bother running as Poppa skated over to him.
Talck sat down at his seat, trying not to pay too much attention to them as he waited for his cars to arrive.
Poppa looked around the dining room and then took CB's wrist, "We'll go talk about this in private." It was not a suggestion or a question. CB followed along behind Poppa.
Talck sighed,

Sometime later, CB was in his room. His brakes ached, but it was the freshly repaired sort of hurt.
Rossi had got away from Talck again, she went up to the door, not quite sure how to work it since it was magic after all.
CB closed his eyes and sighed.
Rossi went up to the door and gave a light knock on it, "I want to see CB please," she said softly again like last time, hoping it would work as she bit her lip
CB looked up as he heard a knock. "Hello?"
Rossi gave a soft squeal "it workeded!" she said, then frowned, "CB are you trapped in the door?"
"Trapped in the...door?" he said puzzled.
"why won't you come out?"

CB, still puzzled, got up and limped over to the door, opening it.
Rossi looked up at him with a smile, "It worked again!" she said happily, then bit her lip, "are you ok?" she asked
He nodded, "Come in..."
Rossi smiled, "I brought you some cookies, " she said, reaching into a little pocket in her skirt.
He smiled and limped back over to the bed, "Thanks..."
"yer limping" she said with a frown
"I'm a little stiff..."
She frowned still, "why didn't they fix you?" she asked, getting upset
"They did," CB said, "And that's why I'm stiff."
Rossi finally figured it out, "oh," she said, "that's good!"
He nodded.

She took out the cookies, which were mostly uncrushed and handed them to him, "they always make me feel better," she said
"Thanks Rossi..." he said softly.
Rossi smiled again.
He wasn't very hungry, but he ate a cookie anyway.

Rossi sighed, "Talck still doesn't want me to play with you," she said sadly, "it's not fair!"
"Then... maybe you shouldn't be here..." he said softly.
Rossi shook her head, "I don't care what he says" she said a bit angry, "you're my friend and I don't want you to be alone."
CB smiled, "I appreciate that," he said, "but I don't want you to get into trouble."
Rossi pouted, "I won't" she said, "he never yells at me, at least not since the crash,"
"Okay then..."
Rossi nodded and went over to give him a hug, "I'm glad you're ok," she said
He nodded, "I wouldn't be without all your help."

Rossi gave him a small smile, "did you get into trouble for hiding?" she asked.
"A little," he admitted, "I got yelled at."
Rossi pouted, "I'm sorry I showed Talck where your hideout was," she said
"It's alright, it was an accident."
Rossi nodded and sighed.
CB smiled, "It's alright."
Rossi cuddled up to him, "I didn't want you to get in trouble," she said
CB smiled, "it's alright, I'm not in that much trouble."
Rossi grinned and giggled a bit.

Talck was just passing CB's door, when he heard a very familiar giggled coming out of it. He stopped and looked at the door, she wouldn't have, he thought, she'd never disobeyed him like this before. He moved closer to the door.
"There now," CB said with a smile, "That my Rossi..."
Rossi bounced around a bit.
Talck reached out and slowly opened the door, hoping he was wrong
CB laughed softly, watching the little caboose, it was odd, he really liked her.
Talck spotted the little pink caboose. He grited his teeth together, then opened the door all the way stepping in, "Rossi!" he said in a tone he hardly ever used.
Rossi stopped and stared at him, he'd never used that tone to her.
"Go to your room," he said softly.
Rossi gave a slight gasp at the look on his face. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at CB.
Talck pointed out the door silently, glaring at CB.
Rossi looked at him with wide eyes, the tears spilling down her cheeks, she slowly skirted around Talck and headed out the door.

"hey wait a minute," CB protested softly, standing up.
Talck stared straight at CB, not budging an inch as he crossed his arms over his chest plate.
Rossi stopped and turned around slightly, peeking a bit around the door jam.
"Rossi, go," Talck said quietly, his gaze still on CB.
CB returned Talck's gaze evenly, he wasn't afraid of engines.
Rossi looked between the two, not knowing what to do.
Talck continued to stare at CB, obviously not pleased.
CB crossed his arms, "What?"
Talck took a deep breath, then turned and left the room, taking Rossi by the arm and pulling her down the hall to her room.
CB shook his head sadly and sat back down.

Talck took Rossi down the hall, she was fairly silent, except for a sniff here and there. He didn't like having to punish her, but she'd disobeyed him.
Buffy, sitting in the common room, looked up, "Hi there."
Rossi looked down at the floor.
Talck's face was a thundercloud, but he nodded at Buffy, giving Rossi a little bit of a nudge in the direction of her room.
Rossi slowly rolled off towards her room, letting out a couple of audible sniffs.

Buffy looked at Talck's expression, "Ooookaay..." she said, going back to her book.
Talck sighed, as Rossi went down the hall. He sat down in one of the chairs with a huff.
Buffy looked up cautiously.
Talck was looking down at his skates, brooding.
"It's none of my business, so I won't ask," Buffy said, dying of curiously.
Talck looked up at her, and couldn't help but give her a small smile, "you're a coach, so you have to ask," he said softly, sighing. "I gave Rossi specific instructions and she disobeyed, I sent her to her room," he said shortly
"Oh?" Buffy was wondering what on earth the little caboose could do that would rate punishing.
Talck shook his head, "it was for her own good, with what he does, who knows what trouble she could get into."
Buffy stood up, "Sugar, I'm still a bit clueless..."
Talck looked up at her, "I told her to stay away from CB," he said.
"Oh," Buffy smiled, "Honey, everybody *tries* to stay away from CB."
Talck sighed, "I'm pretty sure she didn't"
"That's what I mean, it's really hard to do that."
Talck sighed again, "I just don't know what to do anymore," he said
Buffy skated over to Talck, "I dunno what to tell ya honey, but this thing will blow over, it always does.
"I hope so," he said, "I also hope, Rossi's not too upset"
Buffy nodded.


Rossi rolled towards her bedroom, not even bothering to wipe the tears from her cheeks. Now CB was going to be in even more trouble because of her.
Poppa was in his room, which is down the hall from Talck's.
Rossi didn't even notice as she passed by the door, she let out a loud sniff as she scuffed her skates.
Poppa looked up, thinking he heard someone crying. He skated over to his door and opened it, looking out.
Rossi didn't notice him, and reached up to rub a couple tears from her cheek

"Rossi?" Poppa asked, skating out, "What happened?"
Rossi looked up startled, "nuthin," she said softly
Poppa skated over to her, "Then why are you so upset?"
"cuz I've been sent to my room," she muttered looking at her skates
"Oh? how come?"
"Cuz I was bad"
"You were bad? How could you be bad?"
"Talck told me not to play with CB and I did.... " she said sniffing, "and now CB's gonna get in more trouble because of me,"
"What? why? What did CB do?"
Rossi shrugged, " I dunno..." she said
"then why will he be in trouble?"
"Cuz Talck's mad at him,"
"Oh, and that's why he sent you to your room?"
Rossi nodded, scuffing her skate a bit, "I guess"

Poppa leaned down and gathered Rossi into his arms.
Rossi sniffed again, giving Poppa a hug back.
He lifted her up, "Should we go see Talck and sort this out?"
Rossi looked at Poppa, then buried her head in his shoulder, "I dunno," she said softly
"Oh, I see..." he said, "Well why don't you figure out what you want to do."
Rossi was silent for a minute, then looked at Poppa, "what would you do?" she asked
"Well I would like to know exactly why I was in trouble, and if I had a friend that was willing to help me, I would go."
Rossi nodded, "ok," she said, "then we can do that,"
Poppa nodded, shifted Rossi a bit and skated down the hallway.

Talck was still sitting in the chair, talking with Buffy.
Rossi'd wrapped her arms round Poppa's neck and had her head on his shoulder
"Hi Talck," Poppa said.
Talck looked up, his face grew a bit worried as he saw Rossi with Poppa, "hello," he said, getting up
"Look what I found," Poppa said.
Talck nodded silently.
"I heard that she was on her way to her room..."
Talck nodded, "yeah, she was," he said softly
"but she wasn't quite sure why..."
Talck sighed, "I told her not to play with CB, and she did," he said.
"Oh I see," Poppa said, "And since she did..."
"Since she did, I sent her to her room, not for long, just to think about it, and know it was wrong," he said, hoping he didn't sound as foolish as he felt
"Ah I see," Poppa looked at Rossi, "Did you know that when he sent you?"
Rossi sighed, "I knew I shouldn't be playing with CB, but i just wanted to make sure he was ok," she said
"Ah, what do you say to that Talck?" Poppa asked.
Talck looked down, his ears turning red, he felt so foolish, like he was the one in the wrong. "I just wish she'd asked me first."
"Ah, Rossi?"
"What do you think about that?"
Rossi sniffed, and wiped her nose, "I dunno,"
"Well, could you have asked Talck?"
Rossi nodded.
Poppa nodded as well.
Talck sighed, "I shouldn't have got so angry either," he said, looking at his skates.
Poppa shifted and looked at Rossi, "Alright?"
Rossi nodded, "ok," she said.
Poppa smiled, "There now."
Rossi gave Poppa a small smile, and Talck sighed.

"Now that that's settled, shall we go back to your room?" Poppa asked Rossi.
Rossi nodded, "ok," she said, a slight pout on her lips.
"I haven't seen it since you moved in y'know..."
Rossi's face lit up, "really?" she asked.
Talck couldn't help but smile.
Poppa nodded seriously.
Rossi giggled, "it's really pretty now, Imbrri and Xanni helped me,"
"Would you like to show me?"
Rossi nodded, "sure!" she said.
Poppa smiled and started down the hallway.
Rossi giggled slightly.

Talck watched him go, "now I know why he's head engine around here," he said softly
Buffy looked up from her book and smiled with a nod.
Talck sighed again.

Poppa came to a stop in front of Talck's door and set Rossi down.
Rossi giggled and opened the door, "My room's through here," she said leading him through another door. The room wasn't changed much as there hadn't been much time, but it was quite pink, to say the least.
Poppa followed her and looked around.
"what do you think?" she asked, spinning around.
"It's beautiful," he said seriously.
Rossi grinned, "really? thanks!"
He nodded, "I think that you've got a future in designing rooms..."
Rossi giggled again, "you're being silly now." she said
"really?" he asked seriously.
Rossi bit her lip, not so sure, "well maybe," she said
He skated over to her and scooped her up in his arms, swinging her around.
Rossi squealed and laughed.
"I am silly," he said with a grin.
Rossi grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a big hug, "I like you being silly," she said
"good," he said.


Dinni was out alone in the trainyard, having gotten rather lost, much to his annoyance.
Ashley was out by herself, she still felt really bad for what happened with Greaseball. She looked up to see Dinni a bit down the tracks, he looked fairly lost. She bit her lip and looked around. No one else seemed to be anywhere near. She figured she'd have to go help him, she only hoped she didn't look like a fool doing it. She got up and headed toward him, "Hey Dinni," she said softly, her cheeks slightly pink
"Oh, hi Ashley," he said, after jumping slightly, being rather surprised at how the pretty coach had just appeared out of nowhere.

Ashley looked around, "what're you doing out here," she asked, "I mean.. not too many people come out here cuz it's so far away from the Roundhouse."
"I..." he looked down shamefully, "I got lost."
Ashley smiled slightly, "Oh, I see, you found this place the same way I did,"
He looked up puzzled.
"When I first got here, I was looking around and ended up out here by mistake, I'm not very good with directions, I leave that up to engines,"
"Oh, I see..." Dinni said, "Yeah, well I'm not good at that either, directions I mean."
Ashley nodded, "I do know my way back to the roundhouse now, if you'd like me to show you that is," she said.
"I...I would like that," Dinni said, "I mean um, if you don't mind showing me back."
Ashley grinned, "it's no problem at all!" she said
"Thanks..." he said softly, "I don't usually like to admit that I'm lost but since it's you... err. I mean, since you know your way around and all..."
Ashley blushed slightly, "yeah, it's ok," she said. She couldn't believe how out of it she was, she usually could work her way around any coach or engine, but she kept losing her train of thought as she spoke to Dinni, making her feel like a bubble headed twit.
"Thanks," he said again.

Ashley realized she was just standing there staring at him, she shook her head slightly and blushed a deeper pink, "um.. well... it's.. that way," she stammered nervously.
"Okay..." he said slowly.
Ashley wasn't sure if she should hitch to him or what. she bit her lip and slowly started to head down the tracks
Dinni hesitated and then followed her.
Ashley bit her lip, she felt like such a dolt. "Um... " she started, before pausing, trying to think of something to say

"So..." Dinni said, "You said...that you usually leave directions to engines?"
Ashley turned to look at him, "yeah.. well... I don't worry about it because they always seem to know where they're going,"
"I see...."
Ashley continued to look at him, biting her lip, "yeah?" she asked
"I suppose that engines usually do..." he said, "Right?"
Ashley nodded slowly, "well... I don't really know many engines all THAT well, but.. they've never had any problems when I've gone on runs with them."
"Yeah... do you...go on runs with...any engine in particular?"
Ashley blushed, and smiled slightly, "no..." she said softly, "I never have really," she said
"Oh," he said with a smile of his own.
Ashley nodded and blushed, "how bout you?" she asked, "any coach you hang around with a lot?"
"Me? No... I've always been with Talck and my sisters my old yard...coaches went with...engines."
Ashley nodded, "yeah, Dinah and Pearl have engines, but.. well.. Buffy and I don't really,"
"Oh," he said.
Ashley nodded silently, still feeling uncomfortable, like she'd never done anything like this before

"That's kinda..." he started softly, "odd..."
Ashley looked up at him with a bit of a frown, "why is it odd?"
"Well I mean... a pretty coach doesn't have an engine," suddenly he realized what he was saying and he blushed, "I mean, uh..."
Ashley blushed as well, "well it's not like there weren't opportunities, at the races there was Bobo, but after Greaseball stole me from him, well.. he just left." She shrugged and sighed
"Oh...well I'm sure he'll be back...I mean how could anybody..."
Ashley shrugged, " he was from France, and that was the only time he ever came up here. Besides.. he wasn't that special," she said
"Oh," Dinni said again, wishing that he could think of something else to say, but Ashley left him speechless.
Ashley bit her lip, "I'm surprised you didn't have anyone from your old yard or anything," she said
"Like I said... coaches went for engines, and since I was in Talck's train... we didn't get out all that much."
"oh...." she said, "I'm sorry,"
"it's alright..." he said absorbed in watching her.

Ashley sighed, then realized that they'd stopped, "oh.. um..." she stuttered for a minute, "I was supposed to be taking you back to the round house,"
"Oh," he blushed, "That's alright, I don't mind just standing here talking to you."
Ashley grinned, "me either"
Ashley nodded
"Oh," he smiled, "Good. I like... talking to you."
Ashley smiled, "you just said that," she said softly
"Oh," he said, "I guess I really like...talking to you."
Ashley bit her lip, "I know what you mean," she said
"Yeah..." he took a step closer to her.
Ashley swallowed nervously, but gave him a small smile, not moving.
Ashley looked up into his eyes, "yeah?"
He blinked nervously, what was he doing? He had no idea what he was supposed to do now.

Ashley swallowed again, then reached her hand out and took his, her eyes not leaving his face.
Dinni smiled, feeling a blush rise up through his face.
Ashley smiled back, glad he hadn't pulled away
"I never..." he started, "I never had anyone that I...that I liked... talking to as much as I"
Ashley felt like her smile was going to come off her face, "me neither," she said
"oh," he said softly.
Ashley nodded.
"I...don't know..." he started.
Ashley looked at him curious, "what?" she asked
"I..." Dinni moved closer to her.
Ashley's eyes grew a little wider in expectation, not knowing what to do exactly.

Suddenly, as if convincing himself to do this and before the logical side of him could stop himself, Dinni leaned forward and kissed Ashley.
Ashley gave a small gasp before wrapping her arms around Dinni and kissing him back
Dinni felt like he was flying.
Ashley didn't know how long they kissed but it felt like forever. She opened her eyes slowly as they parted slightly.

Dinni shyly looked up at her.
Ashley smiled up at him, her heart going a million miles a second
"Was..." he started softly.
"Was that alright?" he whispered, wondering if he had done the right thing.
Ashley's smile grew, "that was better than all right," she said
"Really?" he asked shyly.
Ashley nodded, licking her lips
"I..." he said softly, moving closer to her again.
Ashley's eyes grew a bit wider as she looked up at him
"I..." he leaned in and kissed her again.
Ashley raised up onto her toes and held him close as she kissed him back.

Dinni finally pulled away and blinked into the setting sun.
Ashley bit her lip and smiled, looking at the sun set, "wow, it's getting late," she said
"Yeah..." he said softly, still holding her.
Ashley lay her head on his shoulder, still looking across the train yard, not wanting to go back, not yet.
He closed his eyes, holding her close.
Ashley smiled slightly, not wanting to move. She sighed deeply, "I've.... I've never felt like this," she said softly
"Never," he agreed, pulling her backwards slowly.
Ashley looked up at him, smiling.
"I don't think I want to go back yet," he said softly.
Ashley nodded, "me either"
"Where else can we go though? It's getting dark..."

Ashley bit her lip and thought, "well, there's a place I know of out here, it's not far," she said.
"Okay," he said with a smile, "Lead on..."
Ashley smiled, taking his hand and leading him down the tracks, to her special little haven
Dinni followed along, willing to follow her anywhere.

Ashley took him to a small over hang of metal, it looked like a comfortable place to sit and rest, there were plenty of cushions and blankets to make it homey. She smiled, "this is where I come to be alone," she said softly
He looked around, "Nice," he said automatically, "a...alone?"
"well... away from the other coaches," she said.
"Oh," he said softly.
Ashley nodded, "no one else knows it's here.. like I said, this area is very rarely used"
"Oh," he said with a smile, sitting down.
Ashley sat down beside him, cuddling close, "even I get tired of all their gossip every once in a while," she said
He smiled, "yeah sometimes I get a bit tired of my sisters. I love them, but sometimes I need a break."
Ashley smiled, "I'll bet,"
He nodded and cautiously leaned closer to her.
Ashley looked up at him with a smile

He smiled back, "I... I'm glad that you showed me your secret place..."
Ashley laughed, "well... it just seemed right," she said
"I'm glad."
Ashley nodded, shifting a little and putting her arm around his waist
He rested his head on hers.

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